"Are you a fake? Are you manipulating you?" asked Ye Feng.

This is definitely beyond Ye Feng's understanding. For him, he never expected such a situation to happen. A robot almost identical to ordinary people? damn! Such a thing is simply the best tool for conspiracy. Let a resourceful person design countless tricks according to such a robot, and it will be very efficient!

Damn it, thunder, why do they master this technology? Was it developed by the giant Huang? Shit! If he could design such a robot, he would still be a fart hero. He would directly apply for a patent and sit at home counting money every day?!

"Sorry, I can't answer your question." the thunder robot smiled, as if amused by Ye Feng's question.

"Damn it..."

"Ye Feng, what shall we do?" Rihanna went to Ye Feng and looked at him anxiously. "We can't let Lei people succeed. These people are my sisters, and we must help them!"

"Sisters? You can't even call their names." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"It's not important. What's important is that we can't watch these people die here." Rihanna said with firm eyes. "I know we can stay out of here. When the explosion occurs, we can leave here." she lowered her voice for fear that others might hear her conversation with Ye Feng, "But we can't do that. If these people die here today, the whole world will be in chaos. And don't forget, everyone knows that the shield bearer alliance is the one who wants to make a shocking accident!"

"But Adeline, she -- damn it..."

Ye Feng suddenly realized that Rihanna was right. If Lei Ren died here - no one would know that it was just a robot - all the members of the Black Rose died in this conference hall, as long as someone let out the wind that the shield bearer alliance secretly implemented the action against Lei Ren himself. Edlin must be unable to argue. Some people are willing to believe that those were concocted A more dirty conspiracy theory.

Only if someone deliberately guides this voice, it will do great harm to Edlin and the shield bearer alliance. A lie will become a reality after being told a thousand times.

Similar examples are numerous.

Ye Feng realized that he had to save these big sisters who had nothing to do with him for Edlin.

"Damn it..."

Looking at the members of the black rose who are in panic and chaos in the venue, Ye Feng feels a headache. How can he protect these big sisters from dying here.

There is not much time left for him. This shocking robot may detonate the bomb in his body at any time. Damn, what should I do?

Ye Feng turns his attention to Lei Ren. The virgin named saiona is constantly spraying him. Most of the swearing words that come out of her mouth are those Huang Liang has never heard of. It also shows him the breadth and depth of the language. In fact, in Ye Feng's opinion, maybe only Dick can stably beat the old lady. She can't do it When saying a dirty word, insult a person's personality as much as possible. Ye Feng falls into her eloquence. In contrast, his words are still too low.

If only these swearing words could stop him from exploding. Ye Feng thought unrealistically.

But Ye Feng still has to face the reality.

It's absolutely impossible to transfer everyone safely with the belt. Damn it, I should - Ye Feng was suddenly stunned. He slapped himself in the face. Idiot! You're an idiot! You don't need to transfer all the people here, and it's absolutely impossible to complete this thing. You can only bet!

"Rihanna, hold me tight!" Ye Feng shouted to Rihanna.

"Why? Ye Feng, what are you --"

Although surprised by Ye Feng's sudden move, Rihanna subconsciously hugged Ye Feng's waist and stuck it on him.

"No matter what happens, don't give up. Do you hear me clearly?" Ye Feng told Rihanna, who was running with him, as he ran.

"OK, I will never let go."

For Ye Feng, Rihanna has only unlimited trust. He said that if she doesn't let go, she will never let go. No one can take her away from Ye Feng. Even the God of death with a sickle can't!

Ye Feng and Rihanna quickly ran to Lei Ren. Everyone present was watching him. Ye Feng waved loudly as he ran, causing everyone around Lei Ren to push away. Some people subconsciously obeyed Ye Feng's words, and several members were stunned. Ye Feng was rude when he ran past these people, punching and kicking all of them The big sisters who were in place were driven away.

But these actions delayed Ye Feng's action and gave Lei Ren enough reaction time. Although he didn't know why Ye Feng ran towards him with Rihanna, the spider woman man who remotely operated the Lei Ren robot didn't hesitate. She gave instructions to explode. The whole body of the Lei Ren robot began to expand violently, and dazzling lights burst from his body Everyone in the venue realized what would happen next. Everyone in the venue was blown to pieces and never returned.

"Damn it!!!"

Ye Feng speeds up fiercely and runs to the thunder robot about to detonate with Rihanna. He suddenly presses the transmission belt tied around his waist. In an instant, after a dazzling light, Ye Feng, Rihanna and the self exploding robot disappeared from the venue.

"What... Happened?" the virgin of saona stared at the empty podium.

I haven't waited for the people in the venue to react to what happened. Ye Feng and Rihanna appeared in the meeting again out of thin air. They looked a little embarrassed, but they were not seriously injured.

The virgin of saiona and others immediately surrounded them and carried them to the table. After stabilizing his mood a little, Ye Feng told the black rose members in the meeting about the dangerous scene just now.

Facts have proved that Ye Feng is right. He put all his chips in the whole venue, and there was only a bomb in the body of the thunder robot. Ye Feng could not confirm this at that time, but if there were other bombs hidden in the venue, it would only be their bad luck. It is absolutely impossible to react in a short time.

Therefore, Ye Feng bet that the thunder robot is the only source of explosion. As long as he is taken out of the venue, everyone present will be safe. Speaking of this, in fact, Ye Feng has a little idea he didn't mention, that is, he specially asked Rihanna to transmit it with him, so that even if there are other back moves in the venue, at least he and Rihanna can survive. Ye Feng did not mention it, and those who saw through it did not take the initiative to mention it. In the final analysis, Ye Feng is not a member of the black rose - even he is not a real woman - he has done his utmost to fight for the lives of all the people present. The members of the black rose are only grateful to him.

And the deep fear of Lei Ren and others.

After sending the detonating thunder robot to a deserted wasteland, Ye Feng and Rihanna immediately sent it to another safe location. They waited a few minutes before they sent it back to the venue. Fortunately, the venue was safe, which made Rihanna relieved.

After listening to Ye Feng's story, everyone has a sense of happiness for the rest of their lives. But soon, the deep confusion made them cast their eyes on the virgin who insisted on an alliance with Lei people. Under the auspices of saiona, the ten Notre dames who agreed to form an alliance with Lei people were deprived of the title of Notre Dame.

As for herself, she restored the title of the virgin. Meanwhile, Ye Feng and Rihanna were elected as the virgin.

The black rose became the situation of the three Notre dames.

The entrance and exit of the venue was finally opened with the concerted efforts of the people. At the same time, these big sisters who had been walking around the gate of death poured out their anger on these Twenty-five children because they heard that all the staff of the hotel were his people.

Ye Feng didn't care about the death of these people. After he left the meeting, he directly took Rihanna's hand and went to the room where Lei people lived, trying to find the traces left by him, although they knew it might be in vain. At first, saiona and Barbara wanted to control the situation, but when things developed here, they couldn't stop it.

Seeing the members of the black rose madly retaliate against Ray's men, saiona and Barbara had to deal with those who were deprived of their virgin status. These people inevitably complain. However, because they decided to form an alliance with Lei people for their own self-interest, they caused such a big mess. Even if they resent the deprivation of the virgin's identity, they can only accept the result. At least in the short term, they can't stir up too much waves.

Almost all the members are on the side of Ye Feng, Rihanna and saiona. If they have a little brain, they can only choose to be a man with their tails between their tails

"Thunder is crazy," Rihanna said. "Isn't he afraid of the failure of the plan? Will he be the object of everyone's condemnation?" Rihanna still felt a lingering fear when she returned to the guest room.

"Of course he doesn't need to be afraid. He has been killed." Ye Feng said expressionless.

"Damn, yes, he can use this event to complete the fake death," Rihanna said angrily. "I should ask if anyone recorded what just happened."

"It's no use." Ye Feng said, "only a few of us heard the truth from the thunder robot. Although others can prove that the thunder robot really wants everyone to bury him. But some people will question our statement. They will ask: is the thunder sick? In order to kill you, they even took themselves in."

"We can tell the truth. It's a fake thunder!" Rihanna said.

"What about the evidence?" Ye Feng said with a bitter smile. "They can use all kinds of words to deal with it. In fact, even if the public knows the truth, it won't hurt them much. At best, they can't get allies."

"But we black roses suffered such a big loss -"

"It's a great blessing that there are no dead people." Ye Feng said, "if the Notre dames had not been dazzled by interests and taken their tricks, there would not have been so many accidents. I'm really curious about what benefits Lei promised them, as for?"

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