Saiona answered Ye Feng's doubts.

She personally came to thank Ye Feng for her feat just now. For Ye Feng, a new face she had never met, saiona poured almost all her praise words to him.

Of course, this is when saiona doesn't know that Ye Feng is actually a pure man.

"Ye Zi, you are still the first person who has become the virgin without attending the initiation ceremony since the establishment of black rose." saiona said with a smile, "but don't worry, no one will question it. After all, you saved all the sisters in the venue. Everyone has only gratitude to you."

"You really flatter me." Ye Feng nodded in fear. He was full of respect for a dignified old lady like saiona. This is a living history book. You can learn a lot of invaluable experience from her. "Virgin saiona, can you answer one of my questions?" Ye Feng told saiona her doubts.

After hearing this, saiona lowered her head in shame. She said, "Hey, including me, those who claim to be wise virgin have become mentally retarded. Before the thunder proposed conditions. Well, it should be said that we were all fooled by them under the temptation of the smelly spider."

Ye Feng knows that the smelly spider in her mouth is spider woman man.

"What conditions did they put forward?"

"Cosmetics," saiona said awkwardly.

"Er... What did you just say?" Ye Feng looked at the noble woman in front of her in surprise. Was she just saying "cosmetics"?

"It's not ordinary cosmetics. The smelly spider claimed that it was the high-grade goods they brought back to earth from aliens during their captivity, which can greatly delay the aging of skin and even achieve the effect of rejuvenation." when saiona said these words, Ye Feng was moved by the eager eyes in her eyes. He secretly glanced at Rihanna beside him. Sure enough, she also had a yearning expression.

Just for cosmetics? No life? Ye Feng shook his head helplessly. He really couldn't what was thinking in the minds of these women.

Of course, becoming a woman still makes Ye Feng's thinking change subtly. He was vaguely aware that perhaps for women, getting older was a more terrible torture than death. As long as there is a little chance to slow down the aging imposed on their faces and skin, and let them pay anything in exchange, they will not hesitate at all.

This kind of psychology is particularly obvious in these beautiful women. As a relatively older dozen of them, this desire becomes uncontrollable.

"We were dazzled by their sweet words, and I was addicted to fantasy. But in the end, I knew my way back and didn't make a big mistake." saiona smiled mockingly, "of course, you are the one who finally turned the tide, Ye Zi. I express my heartfelt thanks to you again."

"Don't be so polite. I'm also a member of the black rose now. We are sisters." when he said the word "sister", Ye Feng was reluctant. "Don't say any more words of thanks. Virgin saiona, the black rose must continue to move forward under your leadership."

"Listen to what you mean, you don't seem to want to interfere in the internal affairs of the black rose?" saiona sharply felt the alienation in Ye Feng's words. She frowned slightly and looked at Ye Feng's expression.

"I am a freedom loving person, and freedom is the life I pursue." Ye Feng sincerely said, "I don't want to be bound in the same place, so I'm sorry I can't promise you to be the virgin of the black rose. I'm not suitable at all, and I don't have this plan." when the title of holy father appears in the black rose, I may come back. Ye Feng thought in his heart.

"Do you want to refuse to be the virgin of the black rose?" saiona stared at Ye Feng in surprise. "Well, you'd better think again."

"Virgin saona, I must leave here tomorrow. I can only see fate next time I meet you. People like me are not suitable for such an important position as virgin." Ye Feng said.

I'm kidding. I don't want to be a woman often. If I let others know about it, where should I put Ye Feng's face? Ye Feng thought in his heart. Being a virgin certainly means that all kinds of bad things come one after another. I'm not interested at all. Don't be dragged down by these big sisters.

"Are you taking on the responsibilities that follow?" saiona asked.

"That's right." Ye Feng nodded frankly.

"You don't have to worry about this. As you can see, the black rose won't hold such a party where almost all members come for a long time, so there are not many things that need to be handled by the virgin at all," saiona said, "This is a relatively loose organization. Everyone is sisters, and there is no real relationship between superiors and subordinates, so you don't need to worry that you will be bound."

"But --"

"I want to assure you that the black rose will not force you to do anything," saiona said seriously. "You can believe me."


At this point, saiona has blocked all the words Ye Feng wants to say. An old man put down such a figure. If Ye Feng doesn't appreciate it again, some will be shameless.

He had to nod: "well, I promise you, but you must keep your word."

"Of course." saiona nodded happily. Of course not. She added in her heart. For a mysterious figure like Ye Zi, saiona will win her into the black rose. Even if it is for her magical power that she can complete the transmission in an instant (Ye Feng didn't tell others about his transmission belt, he just said lightly that he can transmit), such talents must make good friends.

She turned to look at Rihanna. She saw that the relationship between Rihanna and Ye Zi was unusual, so she also treated Rihanna with courtesy and was ready to contact her and draw her over.

However, saiona's ideas can only be limited to ideas. Ye Feng and Rihanna didn't give her more time. After saiona left the guest room, they directly left the hotel with a transmission belt.

This made saiona, who knocked on the door with joy the next day, shut the door and depressed for a long time. Of course, Ye Feng doesn't know these things

"Ah, you're back?" jenma looked at the doorbell ringer through the cat's eye. She was glad to find that Rihanna and Ye Feng were "I thought you would come back tomorrow."

It's almost midnight at this time, but Gemma has the attribute of night owl. She usually goes to bed in the early morning, and you can't expect to see her awake the next morning.

"Something happened, I hurried back." Ye Feng said wearily. This night experienced ups and downs, which was really a torture to his spirit.

"Don't say yet. I'm used to seeing you look like a woman now." jenma looked at Ye Feng.

"Don't make fun of me, damn it, I'm going to lift this look." Ye Feng said as he walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

"No, I think it's very good, Ye Feng. If you don't think about it, you'll keep a woman's appearance in the future." jenma followed Ye Feng with a smile.

"I think so, Gemma, do you know? Ye Feng has become the virgin of black roses." Rihanna smiled from the corners of her eyes. She couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Really?" jenma was surprised and couldn't close her mouth. "Ye Feng, you see what I said is very reasonable. It's only a few days. You've become the virgin of black roses! Ha ha ha." she laughed at Ye Feng wantonly.

"What are you doing? It's so noisy..." Audrey pushed open the bedroom door and opened it to Gemma and Rihanna, who are joking with Ye Feng. "Who is this man? Gemma, your friend?" she asked, pointing to Ye Feng.

Because ye Feng and Rihanna left in a hurry, Audrey was not told that Ye Feng had become a woman. She thought the beauty she had never met was Gemma's friend.

"Sister Audrey, guess who he is," Jemma said with a smile.

"I'm Ye Feng, can I?" Ye Feng shook off the crowd and walked into his room.

"Ah..." Audrey was encircled. "That woman is Ye Feng? How can it be..."

Rihanna and Gemma told Audrey what had happened in a few words. The latter suddenly realized.

"So many things have happened in the past few days when you and he disappeared," said Audrey, who was sleepy at this time.

"Well, a lot has happened," Rihanna said with a bitter smile.

Early the next morning, Ye Feng was pulled out of his quilt and vaguely pulled to a living room. A group of people looked around him carefully.

Avril said regretfully, "Hey, it's a pity not to see Ye Feng's female appearance."

"You, hurry up and become a woman," Jemma ordered angrily.

"I owe you? Fuck off." Ye Feng said angrily.

"Don't be stingy."

"No, No." Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the curious women around, "forget it, or don't blame me --"

"Turn around and don't recognize people?"

"Are you going to get angry?"

"I'd like to see what you want to do."

"Come on, Ye Feng, let me see if you are different from before after you become a man."


Ye Feng wanted to cry and stared at these people without tears. They didn't take him seriously at all.

"Can't you respect me a little?" Ye Feng asked them.

"Don't joke, Ye Feng, haven't you grown up yet?" said Jemma contemptuously.

Ye Feng has made full psychological preparations for the scene that happened today. Just imagine that if this happened to Huangliang, he would be as excited as zhenma and others. He wants to get to the bottom of the matter and find out all the details of the occurrence. However, Ye Feng was helpless. He knew how attractive such a thing was to women, because he had just experienced the feeling of becoming a woman.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Ye Feng said it was good to be a woman.

Even Audrey, a person who doesn't laugh in her daily life, still looks at Ye Feng with interest, as if she wants to see whether he has changed from his face, which makes Ye Feng very helpless. Even though he has explained many times, he still can't eliminate their misunderstanding of himself, as if he had been completely different from himself before.

Of course, Ye Feng has to be different from before

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