A rare group of people gathered together. In the spacious living room on the first floor, Ye Feng and Rihanna told their story these days. Even Gemma, who has heard it about once, is still amazed by Ye Feng and Rihanna's experience in black roses.

"- that is to say, the thunder side has made a thunder robot?" jenma said in surprise, "Although the technology in this field has become more and more mature, it still can't reach the point where you say it can confuse the false with the true. Robots still have great awareness with real people. It can keep you in the dark for a period of time. Well, the scientific and technological content of this robot must far exceed the scientific and technological level of the earth."

"It's very true. If the robot couldn't imitate Lei Ren's domineering character, I wouldn't have found him to be a robot. Who have you seen Lei Ren talking? His biggest feature is that he blows his beard and glares when he opens his mouth." Ye Feng said, "Fortunately, there are some unnatural places. Otherwise, Rihanna and I died in that meeting place. We absolutely don't understand why thunder people can go out so suddenly."

"This move is really clever." Adelin mused, "If Ye Feng didn't see that Lei Ren is a robot, the explosion really killed everyone in the venue, and the shield holder alliance will bear the black pot for this. After all, Lei Ren is still a member of the shield holder alliance in name -"

"And he is also an important one," Ye Feng added.

"- yes, everyone knows that he is the top level of the shield bearer alliance, and there is an irreconcilable contradiction with my new general manager. It is widely rumored that Lei Ren and I are competing for the actual control of the shield bearer alliance." she reluctantly shook her head, "Although this is not groundless to some extent, it is not as cruel as those tabloids preach. At least I have no dirty means."

Adlin was very angry that someone deliberately pulled her to the same level as Lei Ren. She was not such a cunning conspirator as Lei Ren. She just wanted to make the shield alliance and the world a better place through her own efforts. Adlin reiterated countless times that she didn't care about the position of the director general of the shield alliance, but the malicious speculation outside made her tired.

"We all know and know you." Ye Feng patted Edlin on the shoulder, "Don't worry, they're stealing chicken but not rice. The big sisters of black roses are very angry. They annoy their big sisters who are in menopause or about to enter menopause, but very terrible things will happen. You should go and see the scenes of those big sisters treating the thunder men in the hotel. I think back now Be careful, the liver is still plopping. "

"Is careful liver the word you can use?" jenma gave him a white look.

"Ye Feng, will thunder people jump over the wall?" Chu Qian said anxiously. She stretched out her hand to hold Avril in her arms, as if she was worried that the little girl would be hurt.

"We must guard against their possible extreme behavior," Ye Feng nodded, "This time, the thunder side must be scattered. Those allies who have been won by them will immediately wake up and realize what terrible people they are making friends with. I think they should be in a state of anxiety and fatigue in the short term, but once they are divided into parts and go underground, they will pose a greater threat to us."

"That's right." Audrey nodded approvingly. "Before, they may have some scruples. The pressure of public opinion makes them dare not take action rashly and can only plan secretly. But when their true face is exposed, they will hide in the shadow and wait for the opportunity. Such an enemy is the most terrible."

"You and I want to go together," said Ye Feng, "Yes, if the poisonous snake hides in the cave, it will be difficult for us to find the opportunity to take the initiative, but the shocking party can suddenly rush out from our unexpected corner and launch a fatal blow to us. Recently, if you don't have to go out, everyone should not go out of the house. As long as you stay here, you are absolutely safe. When you get out of the door, you can go out It's hard to say. "He looked at adlin." I'll give you the transmission belt. You're the most dangerous among us, so you take this life-saving thing. "Ye Feng took off the transmission belt he was wearing at his waist and stuffed it directly into adlin's hand.

"No, I can't. what do you do if you give me this?" Adelin shook his head firmly.

"Don't worry, they will be afraid that I will send the belt - I believe the damn robot has sent all the video data to the thunder Party's hand - so they won't easily do it to me. If I wear a fake belt, I can confuse the fake with the real. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm the God of death. I'm the only one who can kill others. Who Don't try to kill me! "Said Ye Feng confidently.

Facing Ye Feng's firm eyes, Adelin had to hold the transmission belt in her hand. Although she was not moved, she didn't let tears flow out of her eyes.

"As for others, don't go out if you can't go out. I can't get each of you a transmission to bring it." Ye Feng said with lingering fear.

Ye Feng begged dick for a long time for this transmission belt. He was so annoyed that he threw this precious escape artifact to him. Dick hasn't appeared in front of Ye Feng for some time and pulled him to death all over the world. Ye Feng cherishes this down-to-earth life. For him, no matter how ferocious it is on earth The enemy, at least he is human.

When going out with Dick, I don't know what it is. Some aliens, Ye Feng, can't find their facial features and limbs at all, and this strange alien is usually very dangerous. Ye Feng's little heart can't stand the stimulation brought by it. He's old. It's not the time to be ignorant when he was young.

In a word, Ye Feng would be grateful if Dick, that old bastard, could completely forget his existence. Even if he was asked to kneel on the ground and knock a few at once, he would not hesitate.

Gemma and others knew Ye Feng's resistance to Dick, so they didn't say anything. Ye Feng's suggestion that they don't go out as much as possible is also ignored.

After all, no one has lived enough.

Even gave great expectations to the frightened big sisters of the black rose. But their excellent performance still surprised Ye Feng. He still underestimated the energy that these big sisters could burst out.

From all over the world, Lei Ren and four people are wanted. And the most wanted. Ye Feng never dreamed of this kind of influence. These angry big sisters let their husbands, boyfriends and even former men devote themselves to the encirclement and interception of Lei Ren and others.

The members of the black rose are certainly not all great beauties, but they are all outstanding women. Most of them are very good at some aspects. For example, some people have strong combat effectiveness, such as Rihanna. Some people have some abilities, some have outstanding brains, and some have money ability. Although these people are different, these big sisters still have one thing in common. Their men are elites from all walks of life.

Perhaps this situation is unexpected. Ye Feng thought that they had never considered that there would be an accident in the explosion. Unexpectedly, no one died in the operation. A shocking robot is not human.

In the face of almost all-round encirclement and suppression, the thunder side was unable to do what it wanted. Soon, within a few days, except thunder man, spider woman man and giant Huang, all the people who participated in and planned the action against the black rose organization, including white dog, were arrested and none of them ran away.

Although this can be regarded as a major victory, the mask of hard maintenance of the thunder side has been ruthlessly uncovered, and all public opinion is denouncing the thunder side. Even the media that once made unreserved satire on adlin and the shield Alliance under her administration, like suffering from amnesia, did not hesitate to praise adlin and the shield alliance.

But Ye Feng was very rational about the victory. Lei Ren, spider woman man and giant Huang didn't get caught one day, so he couldn't rest assured one day. As for the white dog, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to him at all. He was just a complete fool.

But the white dog has brought an explosive news to the world.

Thunder is dead.

At first no one understood what he meant. But after white dog repeatedly stressed that Lei Ren was indeed dead, he secretly saw the aviation giant bury Lei Ren's body. It was because of this that he insisted on not retreating with giant Huang and spider woman man. He would rather risk being caught than be with them.

This big news stunned everyone. No one can think that Lei Ren has died. If the white dog hadn't insisted that he didn't lie, and found the remains of the thunder man's bones at the place he said - fortunately, he found a lost hair - and identified that it was really thunder man's DNA, then everyone would finally believe what the white dog said: Thunder man is dead.

There is no doubt that people speculate that Lei Ren was killed by giant Huang and spider woman man.

It is true.

But everyone still has a problem that can't be figured out. Why do giant Huang and spider woman man want to kill Lei Ren? Is there a conflict between them? Or passion killing because of interest entanglement?

No one can explain clearly, but all organizations or individuals are trying their best to find the whereabouts of giant Huang and spider woman man.

For these two people, everyone's attitude is very clear: they must be brought to justice.

However, the whereabouts of giant Huang and spider woman man are very secret and almost never leave flaws. The arrest of the two of them cooled down a little. Although some people are still trying tirelessly to find their place. However, few people or organizations have this ability.

Ordinary people want to prepare for these two people, which is undoubtedly nonsense and impatient. And those who are able to pursue them can't go all out to hunt down two fugitives because they are still busy with their own affairs. And it's hard to please. It may have paid a huge price, but it's just blessed with a certain reputation. For those smart individuals and organizations, it's better not to get involved in such things.

In this way, although the momentum is huge, the pursuit of giant Huang and spider woman man has gradually ceased.

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