No one expected that giant Huang and spider woman man, who are being wanted all over the world, would show up so crazy. They even appeared in the headquarters building of the shield bearer alliance.

Of course, the two had done enough camouflage in advance. They disguised themselves as two members of the shield bearer alliance and sneaked into the headquarters building.

In fact, it is very difficult to do this. First of all, they must catch two people they are going to disguise for easy action.

Secondly, it is much more difficult to pretend to be a specific person than to pretend to be a non-existent person. There are too many unexpected factors that may lead to the failure of camouflage. However, spider woman man will not be troubled by this problem. Her secondas technology can perfectly solve this problem.

She read the two people's memories and entered them into the brain of the bionic man she controlled. Because giant Huang can't do this, he can only act according to the circumstances and try not to be seen. For him with outstanding acting skills, this is indeed a challenge, but it is not impossible.

After all the preparations, the two disguised themselves as others and sneaked into the headquarters of the shield bearer alliance. They haven't come to this building for some time. The biggest change is undoubtedly that all traces of Lei Ren and others in the whole building have been cleaned up. Huge portraits of Lei Ren and others were originally hung in the corridor of the building, but now they have completely disappeared.

Giant Huang also jokingly talked with several passing staff about the nomination's views on Lei Ren and giant Huang. As expected, almost all people regarded him and spider woman man as treacherous traitors, and even the dead Lei Ren was forgiven and forgiven to a certain extent.

"We're really a rat crossing the street now. Everyone is shouting," spiderwoman said teasingly.

"I'm the only one who is the worst," said giant Huang half jokingly and half seriously. "You're not here at all, but watching the farce in a safe place."

"Don't say that. No matter where I am, my heart is always with you," whispered spider woman.

"Hey! You two, come here and help me send this document to the director general's office for her to sign," a senior agent shouted to spider woman man.

"Yes, sir."

Spider woman man and giant Huang chose the identities of these two people for camouflage because they both liked them. They were low-level agents of the shield bearer alliance, but their status was very special. They could often contact the general manager Edlin. That's why they set their goal on these two people.

The plan went very smoothly. Holding the documents in their hands, giant Huang and spiderwoman swaggered to Edlin's office without anyone's doubt.

"It's really boring. Things are going too smoothly," giant Huang said in the elevator.

"You'd better always be vigilant," spiderwoman looked at him. "Any accident can happen before it's done."

"It's rare that you told me to be vigilant. Should I remind you of this?" giant Huang said with a smile.

He didn't care about adlin's death. It was like killing thunder people himself. A person and a life were too insignificant for giant Huang. Perhaps only his own life in the world can attract his enough attention. As for the lives of others, he doesn't care at all.

Although some people don't understand why they must kill adlin, giant Huang didn't object to this action. The cycondas man who manipulated the spiderwoman bionic man - he said his name was Atreus and he was a pure man - just made the decision and made the plan himself.

To the Yellow giant's surprise, Atreus really came up with a complete plan, especially the detailed internal structure diagram of the shield bearer alliance headquarters building, which made the Yellow giant unexpected. This set of maps took a lot of experience, but I didn't get it.

Sure enough, it is still the power of alien technology. The Yellow giant sighed. Atreus took out the drawing so easily. If thunder people know underground, I don't know if they will be angry.

The chief's office is located on the top floor of the headquarters building. The two got out of the elevator and went straight to Edlin's office. He knocked on the door, and Edlin's voice sounded from behind the door.

"The door is unlocked. Please come in."

Adlin was working at her desk. She looked up and saw the two familiar faces. She pointed to her desk and said, "put the documents on the desk."

"Yes, sir."

Giant Huang put the documents in his hand on the big office desk. At the same time, he secretly pasted a miniature nuclear bomb the size of a fingernail on the lower edge of the desk. Edlin was working wholeheartedly and didn't see this move at all.

After waiting patiently for Edlin to sign the documents, giant Huang and spider woman left the office. They were not dazzled by the joy of the success of the operation, but calmly carried out the last step of the operation: leaving the shield bearer alliance headquarters.

In order to prevent accidents when leaving, the two men walked through the inner secret road of the shield bearer alliance headquarters building. Almost only a few people know the location and start key of the secret elevator. Through this channel, they can quickly leave the building of the shield bearer alliance, which is very important for their action, because once the building explodes, all exits of the building will be blocked at the first time. In this case, they can't leave and can only be caught in a jar.

If the Yellow giant had not strongly demanded to improve the escape part of the plan, perhaps Atreus would not have made the current plan. For him, he would have abandoned a bionic human body at most, but once the Yellow giant was caught, it would be an irrefutable trial waiting for him. At the strong request of giant Huang, the plan finally left through a secret escape route that would not be locked.

Ironically, this secret escape route was put to use for the first time since it was built. It was actually to enable giant Huang and Atreus to escape from the headquarters building of the shield bearer alliance.

As for how Atreus got the startup key, the Yellow giant didn't know, and he wasn't interested. It was enough to work anyway.

After successfully leaving the headquarters building, Atreus detonated the miniature nuclear bomb in Edlin's office without hesitation. A violent explosion sounded on their heads. Pedestrians on the road raised their heads and looked at the terrible scene.

Flames and smoke burst from the top of the building of the shield bearer alliance headquarters, and a large number of building fragments fell from the sky, injuring many passers-by.

"We did a good job. No one can survive such an attack," giant Huang said easily.

"Yes." Atreus was also very satisfied. "It's the first time I've done such a thing. It's very interesting."

"Don't tell me you're addicted," said giant Huang. "It's not a good hobby."

"Who knows, I had a good time anyway." Atreus shrugged. "I found that I like this backward planet more and more."


"Because you really have a lot of people for us to entertain." the bionic man controlled by Atreus showed a cruel smile, cooling the back of the Yellow giant.


At the first moment of the explosion, Ye Feng was warned. Looking at the panicked Edlin who suddenly appeared in the living room on the first floor, Ye Feng was glad that he gave her the transmission belt, otherwise Edlin would be killed.

"Honey, are you all right?" Ye Feng helped Edlin up, who was paralyzed on the ground.

"I'm not hurt. Thanks to the little iron ball you gave me before, it protected me and gave me precious time to start the belt transmission." at the moment of the explosion, Edlin thought she was dead, but the metal ball given to her by Ye Feng she had been wearing burst out a barrier to separate the violent explosion from her, Taking advantage of this opportunity, adlin decisively started the transmission belt.

Ye Feng located the location of the belt to his home in advance, so almost at the same moment when Ye Feng saw the explosion of the shield bearer alliance headquarters building through the window, Edlin returned home intact.

This made him very glad that he had provided enough protection for adlin.

"Adelin, where's the necklace I gave you?" Ye Feng suddenly found that Adelin's neck didn't wear the necklace he gave her that she never left her in the past.

"I don't know. I didn't notice that the ring was gone." Adeline realized that the necklace around his neck was gone.

"Damn it, I know who stole it..." Ye Feng whispered. He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Kou Bi and Jane respectively.

"Who stole it?" asked Edlin.

"The iron commander, or the man disguised as the iron commander. I put the necklace around your neck in front of him. The only person who will doubt the necklace is him!" said Ye Feng, "From the beginning, I thought something was wrong with the steel commander. Think about it. Adelin, he was a man who fought with Captain victory. He tore his face with Captain victory in order to become the commander-in-chief of the shield bearer alliance. When the outside world knew the news of Captain victory's death, the steel commander was willing to be your deputy after returning to the shield bearer alliance? Think about it, How incredible it is. "

"Yes, I've always been confused. I thought he didn't want to stand in the spotlight," Edlin said.

"Maybe it's not because of this, but because the iron and steel commander is making strict planning, and he was switched before he implemented the plan," Ye Feng said, "So the steel commander has been guiding us to conflict with Lei Ren. It seems unreasonable for him to stand on our side. After all, he and Lei Ren are old acquaintances, and they are all the same kind of people: ambitious."

Ye Feng once made a close and detailed investigation on the commander of iron and steel, and knew what kind of activities this man had done. It is no exaggeration to say that he was even worse than captain Shengli's human nature.

Of course, maybe he had a new feeling after the defeat of the struggle with Captain victory. But anyway, Adelin's necklace was stolen, and it happened just before an explosion attack against her. There is no doubt that the steel commander must be to blame. In Ye Feng's view, he may have been replaced with a robot, just like the thunder robot.

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