"What you said is reasonable." in fact, adlin has always had doubts about the attitude of the steel commander. People at her level will not easily believe a person who has little contact with herself, and so should the iron commander. He and adlin hardly have any intersection, and in fact, the steel commander should have a grudge against adlin.

After all, adlin was once under captain victory, and the enemy of the iron commander who drove him out of the shield bearer alliance was captain victory.

In love and reason, when the steel commander treats Edlin, even if there is no hostility, he should not be so firm on Edlin's side from the beginning.

"We must catch this bastard," said Ye Feng. "I've informed Kobi and Jane to find the boy of the steel commander. Whether he has been replaced or whether he is a 25-year-old, we can see immediately."

"Are you going to bring him here?" asked Edlin.

"No, I won't let the enemy enter my living room. We'll meet the steel commander at the base before jenma." Ye Feng said, "let's go and use the transmission belt. In fact, we don't need to be so nervous. After all, for those enemies who want to hurt us, you're dead now."

"Yes," adlin sighed as she looked anxiously at the roof of the shield bearer alliance headquarters building, which was burning a big fire. "It will take some time to rearrange a suitable office."

"Well, I'm fine. I can do it whenever I want in the office. I just don't like that office. The bed used to rest in it is too small to use."

"Annoying." Adelin smiled charmingly and grabbed Ye Feng's hand. "Let's go. Kobi and Jane should be near the base by this time. They have always been very efficient."

"Well, let's go."

With a belt, Ye Feng teleports his Adeline to the base where Gemma used to hide. No one has come here to clean for a long time, so the places in the base are covered with a layer of dust. Kou Bi and Jane still don't appear. At the urging of Edlin, Ye Feng had to do the cleaning and simply collect the base before Kou Bi and Jane come back.

"Why did you come back so late?" Ye Feng asked Kou Bi and Jane. Two ladies are holding the bruised steel commander and walking into the living room of the base.

"The boy's body is not very good, but there are too many, smashed one by one, wasting some time," said CORBI, with a satisfied smile on her face. "It's a good exercise after dinner."

The steel commander looked very embarrassed. He sat decadent on the floor and didn't look at anyone.

"I knew you were not a good man," Ye Feng looked at him with a sneer. "Tell me, how did you steal Edlin's necklace?"

"What necklace? I don't understand what you're talking about." the steel commander looked up expressionless and stared at Ye Feng. "Ye Feng, can you explain why I was attacked?"

"You're okay to ask me why?" Ye Feng was angry and laughed by the iron commander. He grabbed the iron commander's neck collar and lifted him from the ground. In the oral pocket of the iron commander, Ye Feng took out the necklace he gave Edlin. "You don't understand what I'm talking about? Can you explain why it's in your pocket?"

"I, I don't know." the steel commander was even more surprised than Ye Feng himself. He did realize that there seemed to be a small metal thing in his pocket, but he didn't know it would be the necklace. He recognized at a glance that it was indeed the necklace that Ye Feng put on Edlin in front of him.

"Don't know? Let me tell you what just happened. Do you know that Edlin was attacked?" asked Ye Feng.

"Attacked, you were attacked?" the steel commander looked at Edlin in surprise. The latter nodded at him and looked at him expressionless.

"In an explosion against Adelin, her office has been completely destroyed. Fortunately, I made sufficient preparations in advance, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable." Ye Feng said, "just before the explosion, Adelin's necklace was stolen. I know that the paper necklace was given to her by me. Except for my family, you are the only one."

The steel commander immediately understood. He stared straight into Huang Liang's eyes: "are you testing me? See if I'm a traitor lurking in the shield bearer alliance."

"Yes, and it's a pity that you didn't pass the test," said Ye Feng.

"No, I didn't know anything about the attack!" said the iron commander. "I've never thought of going against adlin. I've always been loyal to the shield bearer Alliance --"

"It's because you don't have any idea that it's bad for adlin, so it's more suspicious." Ye Feng looked at the iron commander sadly. He had figured out the context of the matter. "You really didn't send the heart of adlin and the shield bearer alliance, but you were used as a gun."


Ignoring the confusion in the iron and steel commander's eyes, Ye Feng took out a dagger. Before everyone reacted, he directly raised the dagger and inserted the blade into the iron and steel commander's face.

"Ye Feng!!!", "what are you doing?!"

Ye Feng's sudden move aroused a burst of exclamation, but then everyone took a breath. Even the steel commander was shocked.

The sharp dagger was inserted into his left eye, but there was no blood. Under his skin, there was a piece of metal parts.

"I should have thought of it." Ye Feng said sadly, "from the beginning, you are a fake. As for why you agree with Edlin's point of view and fully support her, because those damn bastards program your consciousness in this way. You believe that Edlin is right from your heart. Only in this way can we not doubt your head." Ye Feng sighed, "You really didn't do anything sorry for adlin or betray the shield bearer alliance. But they can manipulate your body and make you do things that pose a great threat to us unconsciously."

"How could..." the fake steel commander has completely collapsed.

"Man, I'm sorry to tell you that you're dead." Ye Feng said, "we can't take any risk and leave you beside us. Although you don't do dangerous actions to us with your self-knowledge, man, your existence is putting everything in front of the enemy."

Ye Feng sighed, grabbed the fake steel commander's arm and took him to an active volcano with a transmission belt.

"Man, do you have any last words?" Ye Feng asked.

"If I can be a complete person in my next life, I still want to find you and we can continue to be friends," said the fake steel commander.

"OK, I'll wait for you. Bye."


At the moment Ye Feng turned around, the fake steel commander jumped into the tumbling magma. Ye Feng stood on the fire for a long time, with his back to the tumbling magma and didn't leave.


When Ye Feng returned to the base, he was in a bad mood.

"Leaf maple -"

"It's all right. It's all taken care of. He left peacefully," said Ye Feng.

"Who is our enemy in the end," said Coby in confusion. "Who are we facing from?"

"There's no doubt that it's the secondas," said Ye Feng. "Do you remember the alien planet where the four of them were captured?"

"Of course, the secandas are a rising race in the universe," said Cobi. "They are similar to humans in appearance, except that their skin is purple. Of course, a few of them also have special functions."

"It can only be them." Ye Feng said. "Humans can't master such seamless robot technology. Our scientific and technological level is far from being able to confuse the false with the true. Damn, we've been getting along with the fake steel commander day and night for a long time."

"Ye Feng, the iron and steel commander himself should have... Sacrificed now?" asked Edlin.

"If I were the person who planned all this, I would get rid of this hidden danger. Yes, I believe the real steel commander has died. Maybe he has been dead for a long time." Ye Feng said, "when we think about problems, we may have made a dislocation, a blind point in thinking."

"What blind spot?"

"Since the scientific and technological level of the sikondas people is so high," Ye Feng said, "it's shocking. Why can the four of them escape from heaven alone? You know, they just stole a civilian plane from a rich second generation's home, and they can break through many obstacles and escape back to the earth? Think about it carefully, it's impossible."

"It's true of you to say that," Edlin would think, "according to them, although it was very dangerous when they escaped from secondas, in fact, none of the four of them was injured."

"Yes, that's the key to the problem. Why did the secondas allow the four of them to escape under their own eyes?" Ye Feng said. "There is only one reasonable explanation. They need the four of them to escape to the earth."

"What's this... For?" adlin said movingly.

"Then I don't know," Ye Feng shrugged. "I'm not from secondas. I'll ask Dick about it. Ah, damn it, I really don't want to have any intersection with this old bastard. I'm afraid he will remember me." Ye Feng sighed, "Let's go home first, Edlin. You're still busy. You have to hold a press conference to show that you're not killed."

"Yes, there are too many mess I need to deal with." Adelin hugged Ye Feng. "Ye Feng, thank you for saving my life again."

"Honey, I think you'd better retire. I don't want to put up with such a fearful day." Ye Feng said half jokingly and half seriously, "shall we go to Paris and the iron tower?"

"I'm still young and it's too early to consider retiring." Adeline smiled and shook his head.

Ye Feng already knew Edlin's answer. He was only a little melancholy: "well, honey, no matter what you want to do, just let go and I will support you. I look at your back and no one can hurt you."

"Of course, I believe you," said Edlin. "If only we had met earlier, my life would have taken fewer detours."

"It is those detours that make you today, honey, I love you."

"Me too."

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