"Stop, what are you?" a strong man in a gold helmet and armor standing at the gate of the Palace - he was a whole head higher than thin Dick - pointed to the leaf maple landing in front of the palace and looked at them in surprise.

"Hey, man, we're foreigners," said Dick, who was familiar with himself.

"You must be foreigners. Our locals don't have anyone who can change into such a thing," said the strong man in gold armor. "My name is hadamur. Where are you from?"

"My name is Tom and this is Ye Feng," Dick explained. Ye Feng has changed back into a human being and is sitting there breathing heavily.

Ye Feng stared at Dick discontentedly. The old bastard used a pseudonym when introducing himself, but said his name without scruples. He's an asshole!

"-- we come from a distant world. We came to the precious land because of a little accident." Dick said politely. He knew that the world was strange. Even such a small dwarf could tear him by hand. In the face of such a big brother, he'd better pay attention to his tone. He has been beaten twice in a row. He doesn't want to be beaten a third time.

"You don't want to tell the truth to the brave hadamur?" the eyes of the golden helmet and armor of hadamur immediately stared, looking very dignified and terrible.

"Er... In fact, in fact, he is the leader of our group. You'd better ask him." Dick stretched out his finger to Ye Feng, and then took the prince's wife's hand to one side.

Hadamur stared at Ye Feng. He needed to bend down to be in line with Ye Feng on tiptoe.

"Are you in charge?" hadamur asked.

"..." Ye Feng forced Ji out a smile. He had scolded Dick several times in his heart, but now he had to say, "yes, you can say anything to me."

"Answer my question, where are you from?"


"Earth, I haven't heard of it." hadamur shook his head. "Aliens from earth, what's your purpose in alaston?"

"Alaston?" ye Fengmeng forced to stare at him, "what is alaston."

"Damn... We came to the divine world by mistake?" Dick murmured.

"Do you know?" Ye Feng looked back at him.

"Yes, I know where we are now." Dick lowered his voice and said to Ye Feng, "This is called the divine world. It is a very special area in the universe. We usually divide the universe into low magic world, such as your earth, which is completely dominated by science and technology. In the magic world, elves generally live on such a planet, and science and technology go hand in hand with magic power. The divine world is the high magic world, and magic here is science and technology!"

"That is to say?"

"In other words, everything that happens in the divine world and all creatures you encounter can't be understood with your common sense." Dick was so excited that he couldn't himself. "No wonder I was beaten by a dwarf. This is the divine world! Anything can happen!"

"... you were beaten by some dwarf because you asked for it." Ye Feng said helplessly, "what are you excited about?"

"It was impossible for the delivery gun to send us to the divine world, because in magic, my attainments were very shallow, but we were delivered here!" Dick said excitedly. "You know what this means? We got into the divine world by our own strength!"

"Hey, you little guys, where are you muttering? The brave hadamur hates being talked behind his back." hadamur said in a muffled voice.

"Brave hadamur, we are discussing what kind of gift we should give you to deserve your bravery," Dick said solemnly. "Do you like this? An electric razor. Of course, we need to enlarge it." Dick took out an ordinary electric razor, and then took out a flashlight like device and illuminated the electric razor with this device. The little thing became more than half a person tall, which just matched hadamur's figure.

"What's this thing for?" he picked up Dick's enlarged razor from the ground, and hadamur stared at the precise object he had never seen.

After Dick's explanation, hadamur finally figured out how to use this thing called "razor". He was excited to shave his face with it, looking very happy.

"The brave hadamur likes this gift very much," he said. "Even if the problem of shaving that has been bothering me is solved, little men, I am very grateful to you."

"It's the greatest reward for us to have your gratitude," Dick said affectably. "Brave hadamur, can you introduce us to father obin, the God of gods? We also have gifts for him."

"Ao Bing? Who?" Ye Feng asked softly.

"Head of the divine world, don't talk," said Dick.

"Father aobing will be happy to see you, and the brave hadamur will introduce you." hadamur in gold helmets and armor said as he turned to the huge door in asraton, which separates the outside world from the gods. Only hadamur could open the door and let outsiders into asraton to feel the majesty of God.

Seeing hadamur push open the Golden Gate dozens of times his height with his bare hands - a crack ten meters wide - Dick and Ye Feng's eyes were about to jump out of their eyes. For them, hadamur shocked them too much.

Dick secretly told Ye Feng that although hadamur is a very important God, his main duty is to look at the door. Although he can be in the forefront in terms of combat effectiveness, he may be the most simple and deceptive of all gods in terms of IQ.

Following hadamur, Ye Feng and Dick walked through the huge palace in asraton. These exquisite buildings, with magnificent murals and decorations, have completely attracted their attention. Although in Ye Feng's view, the gorgeous degree of this palace is just like that. He and Dick have been to too many places and seen more incredible buildings. But he had never experienced such greatness.

It's like entering the country of giants. All objects are hundreds of times the size. For Ye Feng, it seems that they are little mice and suddenly break into a big villa. Even hadamur's huge figure is still infinitely small against the surrounding objects.

"That's because these gods are giants. Although hadamur is not very tall, his real body may be dozens of times higher than his current state," Dick explained to Ye Feng.

"Well, they must be very upset when they buy clothes," said Ye Feng.

"That's not."

It's very difficult to keep up with hadamur. Ye Feng and Dick have to drag an elf woman who doesn't exercise at all. We can imagine how hard they are. Fortunately, after more than half an hour, they finally came to a magnificent hall.

"Dear father o'bing, hadamur brought several outsiders from the earth. They brought gifts." hadamur knelt on one knee and said to an old man with white hair whose eyes were dug out sitting on the noble throne. He is father o'bing.

"Foreigners, why don't you kneel down when you see father Ao Bing?" the blind old man looked at Ye Feng and others and asked.

"Kneel down." dikra took Ye Feng's arm and wanted him to kneel down. But before he reminded, Ye Feng was already kneeling on the ground, very direct and without hesitation.

"..." Dick looked at Ye Feng, and then knelt on the ground with the fairy woman.

"Do you have a gift for me?" asked Ao Bing in a loud voice.

"No, that's right. The great priest o'bing, I specially prepared a big gift for you, and you will like it." Dick said, "I heard that you are troubled by the problem of hemorrhoids. I specially brought you a tube of hemorrhoids ointment, which can perfectly solve your problem."

hemorrhoids ointment? The great priest Ao Bing is still distressed by the problem of hemorrhoids. Ye Feng watched Dick painfully. He turned a tube of Hemorrhoid Cream into a huge one with an enlarged flashlight. Hadamur took it and gave it to Ao Bing on the throne.

"Does this thing really work?" Ao Bing stared at the hemorrhoids cream in his hand with both eyes.

He really accepted hemorrhoids ointment!!! Ye Feng screamed in his heart. You are father Ao Bing. Can't you even cure hemorrhoids?

"Of course, as long as you apply it to the affected area, you can immediately alleviate your pain. Apply it several times tomorrow, and the problem that bothers you will be solved in less than three days." Dick said with a smile. Fortunately, the scanning instrument on his body is still working, so that he immediately knows the hidden danger that bothers God Father orb.

"Very good. Your gift father o'bing likes it very much. Foreigner, do you need father o'bing to do it for you?" father o'bing asked.

"Can we stay in aslaton for a while?" Dick said with a smile. He had been unconsciously rubbing his hands because of excitement, "We foreigners from remote areas want to see how epic the life of the Warsaw Protoss is, so that when we return to our hometown, I can tell them that I have seen father Wei'an with my own eyes."

"I like you glib boy. Well, father o'bing agreed to your request. You and your friends can stay in asraton and witness the lives of the gods." father o'bing seemed very satisfied with Dick's gift. He didn't think much about Dick's request and directly agreed.

God will only be troubled by hemorrhoids and other small problems, at least in the divine world. They are actually a group of more powerful creatures. They are just older than other creatures and have a deeper understanding of the world.

They cling to the world itself and draw endless power from the divine world. For them, life is only longer, and they will grow old and die. Although these gods claim that they are immortal, only they know that life, old age and death are the most basic laws in the universe. They do live longer than most life It will take a long time. They are the luckiest ones in the universe, but similarly, they will return to the universe

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