After living in aslaton, Ye Feng only had a deep understanding of God. The daily lives of these Warsaw Protoss are really inconsistent with the lives of the gods Ye Feng imagined.

These mighty giants - of course, they usually keep a figure that is not several times larger than ordinary humans, which seems more convenient, and they don't have to worry about trampling on people in a village - like normal humans and the residents in the divine world they rule, they all have their own personalities and joys and sorrows. Their divinity is not so obvious, perhaps it is related to their family like relationship. They are father and son, relatives and big families maintained by blood, which makes them gather together and become the most powerful force.

These gods, their human nature, even exceeded Ye Feng's maximum expectations for them. They are living individuals. Although they have infinite divine power, they are just more powerful people. Unlike the statues enshrined in shrines by their believers, Ye Feng felt something he had never thought about before after close contact with the lives of these gods.

The gods will also worry about what to eat at noon, and they will argue over little things. They also feel unhappy because of family conflicts. Even, Ye Feng saw father Ao Bing and his goddesses making broken shoes with his own eyes, and father Ao Bing's wife Herbie also turned a blind eye, because she also had an unclear relationship with the storm soldiers under Ao Bing.

The complex relationship between these gods can make Ye Feng think out of his mind. Father Ao Bing is a God who does not refuse to come. He has the mercy of tolerating the world, and he also has boundless love for the opposite sex - even the same sex. A man often climbs to the gate of the palace in asraton and tells hadamur that he is the illegitimate son of father obin.

If this person is telling the truth, he is indeed the half man and half god son of father o'c. hadamur will let this person join the storm soldiers directly under the command of father o'c and become a brave soldier to fight for father o'c.

But if the man is telling a lie, father o'c will personally drop a lightning bolt and chop the man to death. Although this situation will be staged almost every few days, there are still an endless stream of people coming to asraton, hoping that their mother really has an affair with father o'bing, so as to become a glorious storm warrior.

"That old bastard seems to use this method to pull up an army that is completely loyal to him." Dick said. He seems to scoff at father obin's practice. "The big man will eventually understand that it's meaningless and will only accelerate his destruction."

"Why? I'm sure it's a good way," said Ye Feng. "Storm fighters are the children of father Ao Bing. They will never betray him."

"No, they will definitely betray. The first salient feature of children's growth is their contempt and doubt for their parents." Dick said expressionless, "remember that, maple boy."

"You seem to know it."


Dick did not speak, but looked into the distance thoughtfully.

The gods of aslaton are more like a big family, with the leader of the family, father o'bing, as the core, like branches and leaves.

Even though he has lived in aslaton for some time, Ye Feng still can't remember the names and corresponding identities of all the gods. He only knows a few important gods.

Of course, father Ao Bing doesn't have to say much. He is the wisest God, kind and cruel. He is extremely kind to his own people, like an unsmiling father, and tries to satisfy everyone. But when dealing with the enemy, father obin will become the most murderous executioner.

Father o'bing is a contradictory man. He is the embodiment of all cruelty and kindness. He is in charge of the power of lightning and is the supreme priest. In his world, his words are the truth. Even though sometimes the truth always changes, no life dares to disobey his will. As the supreme existence of the whole divine world, father Ao Bing is the source of everyone's faith. He is extremely powerful and frightens all those who don't think of him.

He may not be the most powerful God - his son is the God of war, but he is undoubtedly the wisest God. There is no objection to this. Every word of father Ao Bing is like a sermon.

The Warsaw's greatest enemy is the ana.

The ANA Protoss is also a giant, but they are not homologous with the faction led by father Ao Bing. They are sworn enemies of each other, and there is no possibility of harmonious coexistence. In the battle of the gods 20000 years ago, the Warsaw Protoss finally defeated the ANA Protoss, and saw these defeated gods rush to the most remote ice and snow and let them live and die.

Father Ao Bing's eldest son, named roal, is an extremely brave and powerful warrior. He may be the most able to fight in the divine world. He holds a short stick and his favorite thing is to break the enemy's head.

Father Ao Bing's second son, the famous soki, is a man who likes to play tricks. He doesn't like to fight head-on. Instead, he likes to play with the enemy and unconsciously cook frogs with warm water to clap the enemy.

The two sons of God, each inheriting half of father o'bing, have a little. The eldest son is very brave, and the second son is cunning and treacherous. They are a pair of very strong brothers, but because soki molested Rolle's wife, Frey, so that the two brothers completely turned against each other, father aobing made a working judgment and put soqilu in a cold place. Until rolle and Frey completely forgive him, they will not allow him to return to asraton.

Father obin also has a little daughter named Hara.

She is a half human and half animal existence, and her form is not fixed.

Sometimes she was half human and half snake, and sometimes she became half human and half horse. Ye Feng even saw her head and cat, but he was very frightened.

Hara's favorite thing to do is mischief. Although it is different from the excessive actions that soki has done that all gods can't tolerate, Hara still makes the gods love and hate. No one can really get angry with this little girl - although she is more than 10000 years old, this is just a little girl among the gods, After all, father Ao Bing's favorite child is her.

Most of the other gods have some kind of kinship with father Ao Bing. This kind of relationship maintained by students is very similar to that of a large family.

In Ye Feng's view, the lives of these gods are undoubtedly happy and lazy. Their favorite thing to do every day is to eat and play together. They regard each other as their closest partners. Since the biggest enemy has been killed, everyone who believes in them is very pious, and there are few problems that need to be solved by them personally. They just need to accept the worship and sacrifice of the world.

From time to time, these gods will leave asraton and go to the mortal world ruled by them. Of course, usually male gods only often go down to the world. After all, they are energetic men. In fact, many people know what to do next. Some women are waiting around aslaton day and night in order to have the opportunity to get the favor of the gods.

Ye Feng always keeps a certain distance from these immoral gods' lifestyle. He never stays alone with any female gods, and he always keeps an eye on Dick's actions to prevent him from doing something that will damage their image in father Ao Bing's heart.

In fact, if ye Feng hadn't stopped all the time, maybe Dick would have really mixed up with the wife of a God. After all, Dick still has no bottom line. As long as the other party gives him a hint, he will take all orders regardless. Of course, Dick is also restraining himself for his own life. He doesn't want to become a pile of white bones in the divine world.

In fact, if you annoy these gods, Dick is likely to die without a whole body.

Dick at least has the wife of the Elven prince who was abducted by him. The former boyfriend and girlfriend are reunited in a strange environment. Ye Feng feels helpless and relieved about this. Helplessly, Dick at least has a companion with him. He has only one person and stares every day.

Relieved that dick would not be bored to do some reckless things alone.

Until Dick's delivery gun was repaired, they had to be trapped in aslaton and in the divine world. In this magical place, even babies beaten for months are powerful enemies that can't be underestimated. Ye Feng is helpless to find that he is almost the weakest human existence in the divine world.

At least he couldn't beat Dick, and Dick could hardly beat anyone they met in the divine world. Not to mention the monsters and other monsters.

The gods actually have jobs, and their main task is to protect their believers from harm. They fight against other giants and monsters who come from the underworld. They need to confront any powerful alien race who wants to invade the divine world.

But they never failed.

The Warsaw Protoss had ror's existence. This brave warrior broke the brains of almost all the enemies in front of him. As long as he is there, aslaton is safe and the Warsaw Protoss will never be defeated.

"That's a big man. If I deal with him, I can let him die without knowing how he died," Dick said contemptuously.

"Who can be like your magic eye?" Ye Feng said contemptuously. "Father Ao Bing, you don't pay attention to it, do you?"

"Of course not. The old man Obi really has two talents. He can be counted as the only few IQ in the universe that can be similar to me." Dick said solemnly, "do you know why his eyes are blind?"


"He traded his eyes for endless knowledge," Dick said to Ye Feng. "Maple boy, you can try this business. Your IQ really needs to be improved."

"Fuck off, I don't like to be blind," said Ye Feng. "No wonder he has always been blind. I wonder why he doesn't change a pair of perfect eyes for himself since he is an omnipotent priest."

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