It's sunny in the new metropolis. The residents of the new metropolis like it very much.

Ye Feng is lying idle in an inflatable swimming pool placed in the living room, blowing a comfortable cool wind and enjoying the coolness of the water. The hot temperature has not affected him at all.

"I said if you go on like this, the whole person will become a loser." jenma stared at him helplessly. How long has Ye Feng not gone out? Half a month or a month? She thought.

"No, I'm different from those ordinary people. I'm a great Ye Feng." Ye Feng said leisurely.

The doorbell rang.

"Open the door," Ye Feng said to zhenma.


With a sigh, Gemma put down her laptop and dawdled to open the door. She whispered, "who, take the key when you go out."

Standing at the door is Chu Qian. She is not only alone, but also another hot woman standing behind Chu Qian.

"Ye Feng, give Zhizi permission to enter the house." Chu Qian shouted to Huang Liang. At the same time, she stretched out her hand to stop Xinheng Zhizi trying to enter the house and said to her: "without permission, you can't enter the house, and it's very dangerous."

"Oh, all right." new hengzhizi stood aside obediently.

"Yo? Why are you here?" Ye Feng stared at Xin Heng Zhizi standing next to Chu Qian in surprise. It was nearly two years since they met last time or fled the strange prison together. Xinhengzhizi doesn't seem to have changed much. Except that her skin is darker, she has hardly changed. She is still cool. Ye Feng vaguely remembers the style of her eldest sister.

Ye Feng was still very excited to see his old friend he had not seen for a long time. He gave Xin hengzhizi permission to go in and out of his house. And immediately asked about her.

In fact, Xinheng Zhizi has always been in contact with Chu Qian, but Ye Feng has been busy with all kinds of things, so he didn't get in touch with Xinheng Zhizi. In fact, he didn't think of such a personal existence.

In the past two years, Shin Heng Zhizi has been busy looking for her missing brother. After all, she is not a real earth person, but an alien immigrant, so her actions on earth are subject to many restrictions. The only thing she can be sure of is that her brother is still alive and imprisoned in a corner of the earth.

"How can you be sure of these things?" jenma asked curiously.

"Because I can sense something," said Shin Heng Ji Ko, "My brother's perception ability is more powerful, so this is also an important reason why he will be kidnapped. He can predict the future to a great extent. Only I can't perceive the fact that he is still alive. He will be treated well for his almost unique characteristics. Of course, he will be treated without personal freedom." Xinheng Zhizi lowered his head bitterly. It was her own brother who lived together since childhood. His life and death worried her heart.

"Are you here to ask for help?" Ye Feng understood her intention at once. Sure enough, everything goes to the three treasures hall. He said with a bitter smile in his heart. However, he owes Xin hengzhizi a favor. Anyway, he will help her in this matter.

It seems that Ye Feng saw his inner thoughts from his eyes, and shin Heng Zhizi smiled at him gratefully.

"If I can have your help, I think I can save my brother this time," said Shin Heng zhiko.

Not long ago, she accidentally got a message about her brother. After so long investigation, she learned for the first time who abducted her brother.

"The armed front," said Shin Heng Chi Tzu, "is the organization that took my brother."

"I haven't heard of this organization. Is it famous?" Ye Feng asked.

"Let me check." jenma volunteered to raise her hand. With her help, the true face of the armed front organization was gradually revealed in front of Ye Feng and others.

At the beginning, the armed front was just a small organization, an organization organized by some mentally handicapped people. For a long time, this organization had no goals and programs, but a group of people with ulterior motives gathered together to do some things that could not be seen.

But gradually, a person with real ideas appeared in the organization. He determined the existence purpose and ultimate goal of the armed front: challenging the status of the Earth Federation.

Although the goal is too big, it can't stand. Some people believe that money, people and all the necessary resources have continuously come to the organization of the armed front, which makes the arrogant man more convinced that he is the son of that day.

However, it is a pity that he is not the son of heaven, because he was soon killed by stray bullets in a battle, so that the man who can be said to have changed the fate of the armed front organization, few people remember his real name and everyone calls him the leader. In fact, even people inside the armed front think so This man is an incurable psychopath. Although he has put forward a concept that he has been adhering to for decades, he is indeed a person with too high vision, but his ability does not match the concept. In short, he is not a reliable leader.

In his hands, the armed front organization was almost completely subverted. In fact, after he was shot dead, the whole armed front almost collapsed. Although there were not many people on the armed front at that time, he fooled around, and the casualty rate directly reached seven floors.

Of course, this has also played a certain purification role, removing all the waste from the armed front, and the rest are people with firm ideas. Although it also cleared the brain disabled leader. But history is like this. After several generations of oral propaganda, the real face has been hidden behind the fog. I don't care that the man is actually a madman

Of course, he was not the only leader. After his death, the armed front was full of talents. Countless people took over his mantle and began to fight against the Earth Federation.

But for a long time, the Earth Federation did not even notice that an organization called the armed front was resisting them. After all, although these rascals have great goals, everyone has his own set of things on how to achieve this goal, and to be honest, this group of people is a mob, and there is no big action at all.

I don't know who learned about the existence of xinhengzhiyan, xinhengzhizi's brother, and managed to kidnap him!

"It's all my fault." Xin hengzhizi said remorsefully, "at that time, my brother and I returned to the earth in order to escape the disturbance in the colonial planet. But unexpectedly, someone recognized the real identity of me and my brother. If I could hide the information better at that time, maybe Zhiyan wouldn't suffer such a thing."

"Regret doesn't help. The problem we have to solve now is to find the place where your brother is detained." Ye Feng said. "This beautiful girl should be able to help with this." Ye Feng stretched out his hand and pointed to Gemma.

"Of course, give me some time and I will find out the whereabouts of your brother." the red haired girl said confidently. For her, as long as this person is still on earth, she has information to find clues to get rid of this person. Moreover, as a huge organization, the armed front will leave more clues and traces, and it is impossible to completely hide it.

"Please," said Shin Heng Chi Ko.

"It's all right. I'm not an outsider. Sister Chu Qian's friend is also my friend." jenma said.

"It's settled like this. Don't worry. I'll go all out to help you find your brother." Ye Feng said solemnly.

"OK, thank you." xinhengzhizi nodded again and again.

In this way, xinhengzhizi lived in Ye Feng's house. After learning about her and her brother's experience, all the women expressed infinite sympathy for her. Soon, Xin hengzhizi became one with the people in Ye Feng's house. Her forthright character gradually revealed, and her free and easy temperament can attract the favor of others.

Watching xinhengzhizi happy in his big house, Ye Feng was very pleased. At the same time, he is also considering candidates for the rescue operation.

Chu Qian has made it clear that she must participate in the rescue of Xinheng Zhizi's brother. Ye Feng also knows that she has been asked to stay at home. She has complained for a long time. However, before, there were all kinds of things that overwhelmed everyone, so she never complained about it, but now it is related to Xinheng Zhizi. They are good friends who have always kept in touch. Therefore, Chu Qian must participate in this action, both public and private. Ye Feng didn't mean to stop her at all. After all, she can take care of herself and is a powerful fighter.

In fact, except Jane and Kobi, Chu Qian should have the highest combat effectiveness, which even Audrey can't compare. In fact, although Audrey became hero at the earliest time, her combat effectiveness has always been a problem. It is enough to deal with ordinary criminals, but she can protect herself from being hurt in the face of some too powerful enemies, which is the greatest help to Ye Feng.

Chu Qian has decided to participate in the event, and Ye Feng and Xin Heng Zhizi must also participate. As for other candidates, Ye Feng is in a difficult situation. Due to the need to help Edlin, Kobi and Jane can't get away, while Audrey is busy rescuing women and children abroad and is not around, leaving Ye Feng little choice.

Who should I take with me? Ye Feng was lost in thought.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng decided to act in a three person group. A large number of people is not necessarily a good thing. It is difficult to respond flexibly in the face of danger.

"I think the three of us are enough." Ye Feng said to Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi, "the number is small, but the combat effectiveness is strong, which is very important."

"I don't have any objection to Chu Qian's strength, but you?" Xin hengzhizi didn't hide her concern about Ye Feng's strength. "You'll lower the average of the whole team."

"... do you know what this is?" Ye Feng put a pistol on the tea table.

Xinheng Zhizi said a series of data, and obviously knew the gun like the back of his hand.

"No, you're not right. It's not an ordinary pistol. Her name is gavarkiri." Ye Feng said, "that's the meaning of female martial god. This gun has received the blessing of father Ao Bing and has endless strength."

"HMM." xinhengzhizi sniffed at Ye Feng's words and didn't believe it at all.

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