"You're forcing me, really." Ye Feng picked up the pistol expressionless and shot directly at the window. Chu Qian screamed and glared at Huang Liang.

However, the expected sound of glass fragmentation did not appear, and the window was undamaged, but it was suddenly frozen and covered with frost.

"I'll go..." Shin Heng Chi Tzu was stunned. She murmured, "your gun is really amazing." she has gradually believed that Ye Feng's pistol has been blessed by some priest.

"... of course."

In fact, Ye Feng was completely shocked by the bullet he shot. In fact, he tried the gun several times before, but almost all the bullets he fired before were bullets similar to armor piercing bullets with greater power. He also met this situation that can cause freezing effect for the first time.

However, Ye Feng had expected to think of the "valkiri" blessed by father aobing. Every bullet it designed was possessed by magic, but the specific effect may depend on the will of heaven. At least among the known effects of leaf maple, there are power enhancement, frost freezing and explosive sputtering. Whether there are bullets with other effects depends on what special circumstances can appear in the battle.

After a ha ha, Ye Feng put away his weapon. He found that the new hengzhizi looked at 'valkiri' a little wrong. Remembering that she often robbed other people's things, Ye Feng immediately realized that she must be careful.

New hengzhizi is likely to steal 'valkiri'

In fact, Shin Heng Chi Ko also planned to do the same. There is no face in front of good things. But what makes xinhengzhizi feel a little collapsed is that no matter how many times she steals' valkiri 'from Ye Feng, as long as she doesn't pay attention a little, it will disappear in an instant and then return to Ye Feng.

This happened many times, and eventually Shin Heng zhiko gave up, and Ye Feng realized once again the wonder of 'valkiri'.

He often sincerely thanks father o'bing for this. Although the old bastard and Dick are equally annoying, Ye Feng will remember him only in the matter of 'valkiri'.

Gemma has been busy determining the specific location of the headquarters of the armed front. According to her estimation, it is not very likely that Xinheng Zhiyan will be hidden in the sub base. Such important strategic resources must be properly kept in the safest place. Where is the safest and most reliable? There is no doubt that it is the headquarters of the armed front.

But the people on the armed front are not idiots. How can people find their headquarters so easily. Even many members of the armed front do not know the specific location of the headquarters. Even if you have been to the headquarters, the whole process is under complete control. It is not the staff of the headquarters or the core personnel of the organization. There is absolutely no way to know the exact location of the armed front headquarters.

Facts have proved that such a deployment has prevented the armed front from being hit so badly that it has been directly destroyed. No matter what happens outside, as long as its headquarters has been hidden in the dark, it can ensure that the organization will not be completely destroyed. Because of their ambitious goals, the armed front has often been beaten by various organizations in recent years. It is directly related to many strategies they have been carrying out to survive in such an adverse environment.

Although she encountered difficulties in searching the location of the headquarters of the armed front, Gemma did not get nothing. She managed to contact a member of the armed front who had been to the headquarters, Since this member is not a core member of the organization - perhaps someone has seen his twenty-five attributes - he can't provide the most important information Gemma needs, but he knows people who have been to the headquarters and are core members.

After bargaining with Gemma over the price for a long time, the two finally agreed that he would hand over the person who knew more information to Gemma at the price of 8 million. After paying 100000 yuan in advance, the two sides finally decided on the place to meet.

"Can we trust him?" Ye Feng was not optimistic about the deal. Is a person who will betray his companions really trustworthy?

"Of course not, but it's enough that he believes we will pay him," jenma said solemnly. "Of course, I can only get the 100000 yuan at most. I won't really remit 8 million yuan into his account. Every penny I earn is hard."

"I knew it was like this." Ye Feng patted her on the head. "Well done."

"Don't touch my hair," said Jemma. "As you said, we can't believe him at all, that is to say, he may be crazy about us. Ye Feng, you and xinhengzhizi may not be facing an insider, but a trap, or there's nothing at all. The bastard disappeared with 100000 yuan."

Gemma's worry is also Ye Feng's worry, but it's better to sit at home and go outside. Even if you go out to get some air, it's good to change your mood. Xinhengzhizi's mood is much more anxious than Ye Feng and zhenma. After all, it is her brother who suffers. She will not miss every opportunity in front of her. Even if there is little hope, she will go all out.

"That's settled. We'll go to Canada the day after tomorrow," said Ye Feng.

Canada is a very beautiful great plain. Because this place has not been eroded by manpower, it maintains a very complete natural scenery and is a paradise for many backpackers.

Of course, it's also their hell.

Because this area is a three regardless area, various forces are intertwined. If you are careless, you may encounter things such as blocking and robbery. For the vast majority of people, this is an extremely dangerous place and an extrajudicial place forgotten by the legal system and civilization.

However, for Ye Feng, Chu Qian and Xin hengzhizi, it is as relaxed and comfortable as their own back garden, and even an amusement park.

They have killed two groups of short eyed robbers who came to try to loot him and dump his body in the wilderness. In fact, the two groups of idiot hijackings saw Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi. They didn't pay any attention to Ye Feng. Therefore, when Ye Feng shot them one by one to see God, the facial expressions on their faces were very funny.

At least in Ye Feng's eyes, the appearance of this clown makes this already boring trip seem fun.

"How long do we have to drive?" Ye Feng asked Shin Heng Zhizi, who was driving a convertible jeep. These two cases were the vehicles of a group of robbers, which just solved Ye Feng's urgent need that they could not find a vehicle that could drive in the wilderness. Hiking? Are you kidding? Ye Fengning can turn himself into an Autobot and is willing to walk in nature with No. 11 bus. In fact, he can often hear the howling of lions and hyenas. Although he knows that these creatures will not really threaten their lives, Ye Feng is instinctively afraid.

It's not fear, it's just some fear. Ye Feng thought in his heart.

"I don't know. The map Gemma gave us is very different from the actual environment." Xin hengzhizi frowned and said, "why don't we use navigation equipment?"

"Because that thing is unreliable, it is likely to lure us into the trap prepared in advance." Ye Feng said solemnly, "xinhengzhizi, you are too simple. Learn something this time."

"..." Xin Heng Zhizi didn't even look at Ye Feng. She was driving in the open wasteland. She didn't have to look at the road in front of her. Anyway, there would be no accident. She looked at the signs on the map and confirmed their location and how far away they were from the meeting place.

As they expected, it was a very boring journey. Even the most beautiful scenery, after the amazing at the beginning, aesthetic fatigue will slowly emerge, making everything around monotonous. If the robbers didn't come out from time to time to add some luster to Ye Feng's journey, Ye Feng could only spend the trip with sleeping pills. But there are only a few such experiences. It seems that he realized that these three people are not easy to mess with. In the later journey, he never came to send the warm fool again, which makes Ye Feng more or less melancholy

Night is the time for animals to move. Ye Feng and his three men set up a bonfire to drive away wild animals and mosquitoes, and also to keep the body warm. The muggy weather in the day became extremely cold when night came. This dry and cold made Ye Feng unable to adapt. The warmth of his clothes was not good. For Ye Feng, this kind of life of spending the night in the wild seems to be something of the last century. Even if he went out on an adventure with Dick, he never felt embarrassed because of his life. Dick, that old bastard, had high requirements for the quality of life. Except for a few special cases, Ye Feng ran around with him all over the world, which was pretty good.

Although it is always in a state of little life. But that is also a test of Ye Feng's psychological quality.

Dressed in the blanket handed to him by Chu Qian, Ye Feng shivers and misses the soft bed and delicious food.

Ye Feng realized once again that he couldn't go back to the desperate life of licking blood on the edge of the knife. He had been smoothed by the happy life.

"Tomorrow, we should be able to get to that small village," said Shin Heng Chi Ko excitedly. She was the only one of the three who remained energetic. Even Chu Qian, who has been shouting that she wants to go out for a walk, has been relieved from her excitement as early as the day. Like Ye Feng, she has been eroded by a stable life.

"Tomorrow? Great, I don't want to sleep in this environment for another night." Ye Feng said, "thank God, how long have I left the covered house? A day, a year, or a century?"

"You are weaker than the last time we parted." Shin Heng Ji Ko looked at him contemptuously. "You'd better not deny it."

"Of course I won't deny it. Yes, to some extent, I've become softer." Ye Feng said, "this is highlighted in that I won't be like before, because you don't respond to my 'good morning', I'll stab you --"

Xinheng Zhizi asked, "are you such a violent temper?"

"-- if you don't believe it, you can ask Chu Qian. She knows what I used to be like." Ye Feng said directly, "but I don't think this softness is a bad thing. You know, the more one knows, he will have more fear of the world."

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