"You're using strong arguments." Shin Heng Chi Tzu doesn't agree with Ye Feng. "Weakness is weakness. You're not as strong as before."

"What do you think, dear?" Ye Feng looked at Chu Qian. "Do you think I've become soft?"

"Yes, but not weak, but softer." Chu Qian said seriously, "we are not like ourselves in the past, but I prefer myself now. We are more like a complete person than a tool or weapon."

"Honey, I just want to express this meaning, but I can't say it all the time." Ye Feng hugged Chu Qian's shoulder and looked at Xinheng Zhizi. "You're right. I don't deny it, but like Chu Qian, I like myself who has become weak. Believe me, you will become us one day. Of course, if you can live to that day." Ye Feng's expression was very serious, "As a friend, I advise you, Shin Heng Ji Ko, if we really rescue your brother, your first consideration is not revenge, but the life after you two. Returning to normal life is your only choice. Yes, you can continue to be a mercenary or other professions that can give full play to your fighting skills, but I believe I, you will only get closer and closer to the abyss. "

"Yes, Zhizi, I can live my life now. It is precisely because my former leader gave up everything that gave us a chance to return to normal life. Some of the former comrades in arms in the hunting regiment can not integrate into the world without killing. They stay in the dark world they are familiar with. A large number of these people are in these days Years have passed away. "Chu Qian said lonely," it's their own choice, so there's nothing to blame, but you, Zhizi, do you want to live that life? There's no guarantee, not even tomorrow. "

The words of Ye Feng and Chu Qian made xinhengzhizi fall into deep thinking. She has been busy searching for the whereabouts of her brother in recent years, and has never thought of similar problems. When such problems were in front of her, xinhengzhizi suddenly found that she had been avoiding this problem. She didn't think, but didn't dare to think.

Yes, how should she and her brother survive in this world? Continue to act as tools and fight for others? No, that's not the life she wants. She doesn't want to deprive others of their right to exist just for survival. She is not a beast and doesn't want to be a beast.

"Think about it for yourself. If you need anything, you can raise it. It's really not good. You can go to Adelin's shield bearer alliance, where you use power for justice and right things, which is much better than when you're a thug outside." Ye Feng said.

"Well, I'll seriously consider your suggestions." Xin hengzhizi said solemnly, "but let's focus on the current problem. We'd better take a break as soon as possible and make adequate physical preparations for tomorrow."

"Of course, you're right. Let's have a good rest."

One night without a word, when the three got up from their sleeping bags the next day, they all looked very depressed. No way, they suddenly changed from the comfortable bed to the hard floor. In addition to Xinheng Zhizi's good state, Ye Feng and Chu Qian were already very sleepy. They didn't sleep for a few minutes last night.

"Still tell me that you have become weak. Do you have any objection?" Xinheng Zhizi looked at Ye Feng and Chu Qian triumphantly. They were speechless, like frost eggplant, completely wilted.

"How far do we have to go to reach that small village?" Ye Feng asked.

"All morning."


It can't even be called a village. There are only almost broken houses, and few people live here seriously. Most people here are businessmen who come to trade. Of course, this kind of trade, which is rarely done, is usually not a serious trade. The content of the goods exchanged makes people like Ye Feng feel his back In short, this small place makes Ye Feng have an infinite desire for destruction.

This is a corner of hiding filth, which will only drive people with normal mind crazy.

As like as two peas in the red hat, the man with the big beard is the same as the one in the appointed man.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"It should be, you see, he is looking at us." Chu Qian whispered.

As the absolute strangers in this area, Ye Feng's three people are actually very conspicuous. Almost all of them are consciously or unconsciously focusing on them. Ye Feng pretends that this kind of thing has not happened, and pretends to walk calmly in the bustling crowd. In fact, Ye Feng is just a little unhappy in his heart. He has experienced too many similar situations One of the advantages of mixing with Dick is that Ye Feng is used to treating him as an alien.

For the vast universe, the human race is small and fragile. Many alien races have never even seen human appearance. Therefore, when Ye Feng deals with these things, he often feels like a rare animal and is observed by this man.

This feeling is not very good, but over time, Ye Feng is getting used to it.

"Damn it, if you bastards stare at me again, I'll kill you all." Ye Feng whispered. He has taken 'valkiri' in his hand and is ready to attack the brokers full of malicious eyes. He is familiar with the principle that it is better to start first. Ye Feng will never be attacked by others. Usually, he is the only one who attacks others.

"Hey, guys, is this your first time to forget the village?" a trembling old man came forward and showed his big yellow teeth.

Although Ye Feng was a little bored, he squeezed out a smile and said to the old man, "yes, this is our first time. What is this place for? It doesn't look like a place for serious business."

He deliberately pretended to be curious about the baby, and seemed a little careless, like the first brother who accidentally broke into here. In fact, all Ye Feng's attention was focused on the red hooded man who was watching the three of them. The man noticed that the old man was close to Ye Feng, left and walked over.

"You're late." the man stood between Ye Feng and the old man and said calmly to Ye Feng.

"Do you know?" the old man looked at the man and Ye Feng in surprise. It seemed that he couldn't connect the two people at all.

"Yes, it's the guest I met. Stay away." the man said impolitely.

Although the old man swore some dirty words in a low voice, he lingered away.

When the old man turned to talk to others, the man whispered to Ye Feng: "you shouldn't talk to strangers."

"You are also a stranger."

"Yes, but there is a deal between us." the man sneered. "If you do business with that old dead leader, you may be the only one left when you go back." he stared at Ye Feng.

"What do you mean?"

"He has a crush on the two ladies behind you," said the man. "Do you want to know what the old dead man bought?"

"... no, no interest." Ye Feng stood in front of Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi. Somehow, it seemed that countless hidden murderous eyes were projected on the three of them. I don't know whether it was an illusion or it was true.

Ye Feng suddenly felt the ferocity and terror of this dilapidated small village, as if it were the stomach of a giant beast in the desert, digesting all the dirt inhaled by it.

"What's the deal?" Ye Feng asked.

"He hasn't arrived yet."

"Is he a person?" Ye Feng frowned. He was not willing to stay in this forgotten village for too long. Ye Feng couldn't even find a house that seemed to be able to live. There was only a broken wall here, and there was nothing else.

"Yes, he will reveal the secrets he knows only after seeing you, so you have to endure here for a while before he shows up." the man seems to see the fear in Ye Feng's heart. He opens his mouth and shows a cruel smile. He seems to enjoy the fear on others' faces.

More behind the man wearing a red mask, Ye Feng squeezed through the crowded street. In the process of walking, there was a little accident. Ye Feng broke the finger of an idiot who tried to mess with Chu Qian. After this episode, Ye Feng found that the road ahead was not as crowded as before. It seemed that the pedestrians were deliberately or unintentionally distancing themselves from them.

Although he felt a little confused, Ye Feng didn't take it to heart. He thought it was a good thing.

But the red mask man's words made Ye Feng speechless. He directly pointed to a general direction, and then the whole person disappeared. He seemed very afraid to be with Ye Feng.

Even if he was slow enough to see these strange things happen in front of him, Ye Feng still knew what he would face next. There is no doubt that there is trouble coming to the door.

Sure enough, about ten minutes later, Ye Feng was standing bored and waiting for Chu Qian to choose local handicrafts - these are a few shops selling normal goods - in a burst of dust, Ye Feng saw a convoy of cars speeding towards their remote street.

Xinheng Zhizi stood beside Ye Feng with a sneer and said expressionless, "please come to the door."

"It's simple. Just as his bones are stiff, he needs to exercise well." Ye Feng took out 'valkiri' and shot the cockpit of the pickup truck at the head. The bullet directly penetrated the bulletproof glass and shot through the head of the driver who was sneering at ferociously.

Like a big watermelon, red and white splashes everywhere.

"Hello?" Xin Heng Zhizi looked at Ye Feng helplessly.

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng looked at her. "There are people you know. I'm sorry. You should tell me in advance."

"No, I mean - damn it, you're really crazy." Xin Hengzhi shook his head helplessly.

Chu Qian is very calm. She knows Ye Feng's behavior pattern very well. Isn't she surprised that he will make such a choice. In other words, she knows that Ye Feng's actions will be different from ordinary people, but with her understanding, she still can't predict in advance.

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