"Physical examination?" Ye Feng was surprised at jenma's answer.

"Yes, it's a physical examination." Gemma said naturally, sitting on the sofa of the base. "Think about how you can make people willing to put down all their precautions and be at the mercy of others? Of course, it's a physical examination. You can't follow what the doctor said during the physical examination."

"What you said is somewhat reasonable, but how do you implement it?" Ye Feng looked at jenma. "Do we have to pretend to be doctors?"

"Yes, we have to pretend to be doctors," Jemma said excitedly. "I can pretend to be nurses, and doctors, we have ready-made people here."

"You mean Haley?" Ye Feng thought of the psychologist he hadn't seen for a long time. "What are Haley busy with these days? I haven't seen her for a while..."

"I'm glad you can remember her," Jemma said playfully, "Sister Haili came home some time ago. You know, she's a young lady of a big family. Her family is a real rich family, so it's normal to have some family disputes. It's said that her father was ill and she went home to take care of her. But I've said hello to sister Haili before, and she can come back to help at any time."

"Er... Well, do I need to disguise myself?" asked Ye Feng.

"Of course, without you, what can we do about the 'little brother' in your mouth?" Gemma said. "The lawless little thing can listen to you. We can't command it at all." Gemma seemed very helpless.

Dick inherited Dick's bad temper completely according to the little mechanical man he developed - "little brother". Even Ye Feng couldn't completely control it. More often, Ye Feng was telling him to do what Ye Feng told him to do with reason and emotion.

Fortunately, the "little brother" still misses Ye Feng's kindness to save him from the hot situation, so once Ye Feng's expression becomes very serious, he will still obey Ye Feng's orders.

"But my face has been on TV." Ye Feng said. He thought of SANOS, and the bastard recognized him from the TV, which means that other people may recognize his true identity in the same way. "How should I disguise? If the people of justice society recognize me, it should be very troublesome."

"You don't need to pretend. You just have to be yourself," Gemma said.

"Me? What's my position now?"

"Little white face," jenma said naturally.

"Me? Little white face? Are you kidding?" ye Fengmeng forced her to stare at jenma.

"Of course not, Ye Feng. Don't you usually surf the Internet?" jenma looked at Ye Feng and said casually, "You have read the comments on the Internet about what you are the 'strongest little white face' - because you have hooked up with Edlin, the Trust chief of the shield alliance. In fact, there are different comments on you on the Internet. Most people don't connect you with the 'God of death' who hasn't appeared for a long time. They just think you are a little white face with good skills Aldrin is a big tree. "


The expression on Ye Feng's face is very colorful. He never thought this would happen. Me? Xiaobailian? Is this TM too insulting? I caught up with Edlin with my ability! How can I become xiaobailian? No one recognizes my role and efforts in this?

Damn it, it seems that few people even know... Ye Feng reluctantly shook his head and can only accept his new identity: little white face.

"I've become a little white face. It's really a dream come true." Ye Feng muttered.

"That's just right. Anyway, the people of the justice society will only think you're Edlin's boyfriend and won't associate you with the 'God of death', which will be beneficial to our actions. You just need to be the contact person on behalf of Edlin and the shield alliance. You don't even need to apply dye on your face, and no one will doubt your identity." Gemma said to herself, "at that time, you just need to let the 'little brother' obey the orders normally, and our plan can succeed."

"In other words, when the plan is implemented, it's just me, you and Haley?" asked Ye Feng.

"Of course, xinhengzhizi must go, so she is also included in this plan. She will pretend to be another nurse," zhenma said, "I've discussed with sister Adeline, and she decided to let Corby accompany you and let her protect you in the dark. Anyway, her invincible armor can be invisible, and no one will notice her. If there is an unexpected situation, Corby can help us at the first time. After all, sister Haley and I are involved in this operation, which is a little dangerous Big. "

"I will protect you both," Ye Feng vowed.

"You? Forget it. With your Mr. death, I'm still determined to believe CORBI," Gemma said, "Hey, it's mainly because everyone is a member of the shield bearer alliance in the open. We can't let justice society and the shield bearer alliance fight each other because of this. We're going this time in the name of a third party. You're just a contact person on behalf of the shield bearer Alliance. We don't belong to the shield bearer alliance. In this way, when an accident happens, adlin can not be there So passive. "

"Will Edlin be very passive?" Ye Feng asked anxiously.

"Of course there will be some passivity, which is inevitable," Gemma said, "My plan is to ask Edlin to introduce the existence of our physical examination organization to the people of the justice society. She will say that our team is a professional team specialized in physical examination for hero and capable people, and sell us to the people of the justice society. If they adopt Edlin's plan and conduct physical examination for all employees, we can successfully remember everyone Check to get the information we need. "

"This excuse is a little far fetched," said Ye Feng with a frown. "Will the people of the justice society follow Edlin's advice?"

"So I'll let sister Adelin say that our group can distinguish between normal humans and bionic humans or synthetic humans. I'll use the riots in the shield bearer alliance to attract the attention of the justice society." jenma shrugged. "As for whether the opposite can be covered, we can only see the will of heaven."

"If it doesn't succeed, the money for these instruments will be wasted?" Ye Feng looked around at the instruments stacked around and said with tears.

"Yes, it's really a white flower," said Gemma naturally. "Aren't you a wronged big head?"

"... you are the wronged head," said Ye Feng.

Facts have proved that Ye Feng's worry is not unreasonable. The communication between Edlin and the justice society is very slow. For Edlin's suggestions, the justice society seems a little careless and doesn't seem to listen at all. Ye Feng can only silently pray that they don't give a negative answer.

Fortunately, I don't know whether adlin's communication skills played a role or whether the justice society had such a plan. In short, adlin received a positive reply from the justice society, and they agreed to conduct a physical examination for the employees of the headquarters.

"--- I told them that this group is very professional and the price is very fair. They have considered it for a long time. Maybe the price is fair. In short, the members of the Committee of justice society have agreed to have a physical examination in their headquarters building next week." Adelin told Ye Feng and others.

"Don't they wonder if you are the general manager of the shield bearer alliance and discuss such a topic with them?" Ye Feng asked. In Ye Feng's opinion, if you are faced with such a thing, he will say to the other party: stay where it's cool!

"It was a bit confusing at first. But I talked to them about what happened in the shield alliance," adlin said, "Anyway, the shocking thing is well known, but few people know the inside story. Even within the shield holder alliance, there are different opinions. So I processed the facts a little to make the members of the Committee of justice society believe that the reason why they can cause such great danger is that they are no different from normal people They talked about it for some time and should have adopted my words. "

"You're the general manager of the shield bearer alliance. Who can't believe what you say," Gemma said. "Well, the first problem has been solved. We can carry out the second step plan."

"The second step plan?" Ye Feng looked at her.

"It's easy to train you?"


Jenma's training is not simple at all.

In fact, Ye Feng is a little better, but xinhengzhizi and zhenma are miserable. Because they both have to pretend to be nurses, they can't show too obvious flaws in their basic medical knowledge and operation of the modified instruments, so Haili must train them.

Haley, who hurried back, hardly had much rest and directly carried out devil training. Gemma was trapped in this plan. She put forward it herself, so she had to bear Haley's devil training. In fact, in her own words, remember those medical terms without directly killing her

Xinhengzhizi actually felt the same as her, but in order to save her younger brother xinhengzhiyan, she just gritted her teeth and insisted. Although her mind was completely incomparable to zhenma, she worked hard and even kept pace with zhenma Leng in progress.

Looking at Xinheng Zhizi, who is very serious, Ye Feng can only sigh that people are forced out.

Xinhengzhizi's recklessness is still a threat to Ye Feng. For her, the lives of others are not as important as her brother's life, which is a potential threat to action.

Ye Feng is well aware of the energy contained in this obsession. He believes that xinhengzhizi can break out stronger power than she usually does. But similarly, she will be more desperate than herself who is not calm at ordinary times.

A desperate companion does more harm than good. Her presence is like a bomb that can detonate at any time for others in the team. Although Ye Feng doesn't want to treat her like this, he has to seriously consider what Ye Feng should do at the moment of embarrassment if Xin hengzhizi abandons his teammates just to rescue her brother choice.

He won't let others bear this difficult choice.

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