"Still reciting?" Ye Feng walked into xinhengzhizi's room and saw her doing it on the bed, looking at her notes carefully.

"HMM." xinhengzhizi answered casually and didn't look away from his notebook at all.

"Can we talk?"

"OK." she put down her notebook and looked at Ye Feng.

Shin Heng Ji Ko had long expected such a conversation to come, and she had been waiting for this moment to happen. To tell the truth, Ye Feng came to her so late, which surprised her.

"Can you talk about your brother Xinheng Zhiyan?" Ye Feng said.

"Do you want to know his position in my heart?"

"Yes, is it convenient to talk?"

"Yes," said Shin Heng Chi Ko, "so you can make a decision in case of an accident."

Ye Feng smiled awkwardly.

Xinhengzhizi and xinhengzhiyan are two years away. They still have a close sister, but when they were very young, the close sister lost her life in order to protect them. Brother and sister have been living side by side on the colonial planet.

In order to pursue a better life, Shin Heng Zhizi definitely brought his brother back to the earth. On the colonial planet, they can only work at the bottom of their life and can only make ends meet. These humans who left their home planet are called cosmic orphans. Compared with those who exploit them, these humans living on Mars can't see the beauty of the earth for a lifetime. Although it is said that new hengzhizi did not see any beautiful scenery after coming to the earth. Earth is just a little better than Mars, where she was born and raised.

However, for them, this is still a long journey to change their fate. Even for new hengzhizi and new hengzhiyan, this is a different world from scratch. This description is no exaggeration. For them, this is a completely different world.

She took her brother into a merchant ship, took the ship, and they came to the earth. After a few days of excitement at the beginning of the period, Xin hengzhizi said in front of her how to survive. Xinheng Zhiyan has been weak and ill since childhood. It is the best situation that Xinheng Zhizi can expect if he doesn't get sick at ordinary times.

She must support herself and her brother.

But she and Zhiyan, who grew up on Mars, can clearly distinguish between Martians and earthmen. On the contrary, they also behave very strangely on earth.

Humans who grew up on Mars usually have a certain degree of predictive ability. That's why the Earth Federation prohibits "cosmic orphans" from entering the earth. Countless painful lessons have made people realize that trying to control this force to control the process of events will undoubtedly cause unexpected destruction. This kind of harm is beyond human imagination. In fact, uncontrollable forces can only bring the pain of destruction. It is extremely dangerous for anyone or organization to master the ability of prediction. Moreover, this predictive ability has been shown not to happen at all. Facts have proved that this predictive ability is indeed very magical, but once someone tries to use this ability, it will lead to deviation in the predictive results. This deviation is sometimes insignificant. It may be just the weather or the color of clothes, but sometimes it will be very different.

Once this happens, it will almost only be a huge disaster.

But "cosmic orphans" are still the existence that every organization will strive for. Soon, several groups of forces focused on the sister and brother of Xinheng Zhizi and Xinheng Zhiyan. They began their escape career.

How could two helpless people on earth escape the pursuit of evil organizations? Soon, they were captured one after another. Five years have passed since this incident. In these five years, even in prison, Shin Heng zhiko has never forgotten her brother Zhiyan. She has been worried about his situation.

"---- Zhiyan is different from me. My ability to predict is very weak, almost uncontrollable, and can only play some auxiliary role in battle. Zhiyan has strong ability to predict. I believe if they know his ability, they will not hurt him easily." Xinheng Zhizi said sadly, "And Zhiyan's character is a little cowardly. He should and will not do anything to annoy the people who imprisoned him. I firmly believe that he is still alive." she looked at Huangliang firmly, as if waiting for the refutation from Huangliang.

"His existence is very troublesome..."

Ye Feng frowned. The existence of Xinheng Zhiyan will undoubtedly fall into infinite trouble. The pursuit of predictive ability is endless. As long as any organization or individual knows the existence of Xinheng Zhiyan, they will always stare at him, and they will not give up until they control him in their own hands.

Ye Feng has seen such a thing countless times, even if they really saved Xin hengzhiyan this time. If they don't handle it properly, even if there is a leak, Xin hengzhiyan will still become the target of public criticism and be contested by all forces.

It is almost impossible for xinhengzhizi to protect her brother on his own.

Even the shield holder alliance can't fully protect Xinheng Zhiyan's safety. If someone knows that he is within the organization of the shield holder alliance, no matter how much risk he will take, someone will take the risk and try to kidnap Xinheng Zhiyan.

The expression on Ye Feng's face showed what he thought in his heart. Xinhengzhizi sighed helplessly and said, "maybe it's the stupidest decision I've made in my life to board that merchant ship to the earth."

"Don't say that. Your original intention is good. In such an environment, your weak and sick brother may not live for a few years." Ye Feng comforted.

"You're right," said Shin Heng Chi Ko. "If my brother were still on Mars, he might have died at this time. The medical conditions there are appalling."

"Look away, we will save your brother," said Ye Feng. "As for the future, let's take a step by step. Anyway, the plan can't keep up with the change."

"You are the crow's mouth. Don't say such unlucky words." Xin hengzhizi looked at him helplessly, "Ye Feng, your mouth is the most terrible weapon I've ever seen. Good words never work, but bad words never miss..."

"Hey, it's not as exaggerated as you say."

"What Zhizi said is not exaggerated at all." jenma walked into the room, "you, go out," she said to Huang Liang, "don't disturb me and Zhizi's study." she glared at Huang Liang angrily, as if she was very dissatisfied with the medical terms that he didn't need to be bothered by.

"... I know. I'm in the way. I disappear immediately." Ye Feng walked out of the room with a bitter smile.

Day by day, it was finally time to implement the plan.

Ye Feng came out of his room and came to the living room on the first floor. The shield bearer alliance sent a plane to transport the four of them and all their equipment to the justice club building in luoshengdu.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Ye Feng asked Haley, who was looking out the window alone. After a few months' absence, Haley seemed to be beautiful again, and Huang Liang couldn't help feeling a little confused.

"Don't be careless." Haili gave Ye Feng a charming white eye, and let him hold his hand. "I didn't think about anything, just in a daze."

"In a daze? It's not like your style," said Ye Feng. "Why, do you feel nervous?"

"Nervous? I haven't been nervous for a long time," said Haley. "With Audrey and your training, I don't know the meaning of the word 'nervous'."

"Well, I apologize. I'm sorry to make you grow up."

"Cut, nonsense," said Haley. "I haven't been involved in such a thing for a long time. It seems that the last time I acted with you was in the last century."

"I hope this kind of thing will never happen." Ye Feng said, "let the person in charge of the battle take charge of the battle. You'd better stay in a safe and normal world, which is suitable for you. If Gemma's plan can only be implemented with your assistance, I really don't want to involve you."

"I know, but I believe you will protect me." Haley clenched Ye Feng's hand.

"I will try my best. Although I am not very confident myself," he said with a bitter smile, "at least jenma is right: I am indeed Mr. death. With my existence, something beyond the plan will happen."

"We'll just play it by ear then. Corby is protecting me anyway," Haley said.

"Yes, you'll be fine with Kobi. By the way, did I change your clothes?" asked Ye Feng.

"You mean that particularly ugly tights?" Haley frowned. "Put them on, but they're still very comfortable, but the style and color are too ugly."

"It's good to be safe. It's not to let you go out to the beauty pageant in it." Ye Feng rolled his eyes. "It can save your life when it's really critical."

"Really? It's too thin," Haley asked suspiciously.

"Of course, that's the baby I stole from Dick. I'm not willing to wear it myself." Ye Feng said. "It can protect and is not easy to be separated, but it does have limits. It's a powerful consumable."

"I see. I won't break it."

"I don't mean that. I mean, you must protect yourself. I'm willing to pay anything for you." Ye Feng said with an expression.

"Really?" Haley tilted her head and looked at Ye Feng. She suddenly turned her head and said to the nearby air, "Kobi, he must have said something similar to you."

"That's right." Corby's figure gradually appeared in the air.

"You... When have you been here?" Ye Feng looked at the expressionless Kobi awkwardly.

"About ten minutes ago."

"That is, you've been there all the time?"

"That's right."


Ye Feng sighed in his heart. The little abacus in his heart couldn't ring completely. Originally, I wanted to use sweet words to promote feelings with Haley. This is good. There has always been an invisible light bulb beside me. No wonder Haley always showed restraint. It turned out that someone was watching.

At the thought that Haili knew that Kobi was on the side and still pretended to be nothing, Ye Feng felt helpless. This awkward atmosphere didn't last long. Soon, Gemma and shin Heng zhiko came out of their respective rooms.

Looking at the large suitcase half a person high that jenma was carrying, Ye Feng said helplessly, "Miss, we're not going on vacation. You don't have to take so much luggage."

"With you? I'd love to."


Ye Feng had no choice but to stand aside and watch jenma drag the big suitcase out.

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