The headquarters building of the justice society is a skyscraper with a long history, which means that the building can not help but have old equipment and is in disrepair for a long time. In fact, as the headquarters of the once brilliant justice society, at the beginning of the temporary construction, this building is the landmark of Los Angeles. But with the development of the times, not only the old building, but also the justice society itself has become insignificant.

As the once leading brother, the justice society was once synonymous with hero. Everyone who wants to make their own contribution has become a member of the justice society and is proud of it, even as a lifelong goal. But sometimes fate is so capricious. It is not its enemies or even its opponents who defeat the justice society, but time and itself.

The long history has not only brought cultural details, but also made the justice society lack a sense of crisis. Gradually, the justice society has repeatedly become a memory, not a living organization. When the world thinks so, the justice society has lost its former glory.

Ye Feng's elevator is still the old one with iron fence. The jingling noise makes Ye Feng very worried about whether the elevator will fall freely in the process of rising.

Standing beside him are Gemma, Haley and shin Heng Chi Tzu. Ye Feng is not sure whether Kou Bi, who is in invisible mode, has entered the elevator.

In addition to these people, a junior member of the justice society stood on Ye Feng's left hand. From this point, we can see that the justice society did not pay much attention to Ye Feng and others. The person responsible for receiving them was an employee of a low-level department. He was not even a real member of the justice society. He had not participated in any task at all.

The man had an ugly face all the way. He seemed to feel very wronged that he was sent to receive a group of medical staff. Ye Feng doesn't understand why he is so resistant to people who are just fooling around every day.

As for the several camouflage instruments brought by Ye Feng and his party, they were transported by goods elevator to the room prepared in advance. In that small room, Ye Feng will have a physical examination for all the employees of the justice society in the next few days. Nominally, it is to confirm whether there are synthetic people, but the actual purpose is to distinguish the core personnel of the armed front from the personnel of the justice society.

After taking Ye Feng and his party to the room assigned to them, the man in charge of reception didn't even leave his contact information and left directly. In this regard, Ye Feng, who was extremely speechless, had to wave his fist against his back to vent his dissatisfaction.

"This place is too bad," said Jemma discontentedly.

There was nothing in this big room, except a few dusty chairs and a dirty wooden table. There is no doubt that the justice society can only barely pay attention to them, and it knows that a group of them are coming.

"This still depends on Edlin's face." Ye Feng said helplessly. He had expected this situation before he came, but even in his imagination, there was no shivering scene in front of him.

"By the way, the fat man hasn't shown us where we live yet," jenma said suddenly.

"This place should be the place for us to live." Ye Feng said definitely.

"No!" jenma said angrily. "They treat us too contemptuously!"

"It's all right. We'll leave here anyway. I know a good restaurant. Let's have a big meal." Ye Feng said indifferently.

"I'm not angry because of the poor accommodation conditions, but because if the people of the justice society really don't take us seriously, it's likely that someone won't come during the inspection tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!" jenma said.

"Er... I don't think so." after hearing her words, Ye Feng suddenly lost his confidence. What jenma said is likely to happen. In that case, if you have bad luck, maybe those people on the armed front may be absent. In fact, because of their own secrets, Ye Feng suspected that they would keep a low profile and would not participate in such things.

In that case, so many days of preparation will come to naught.

"Anyway, it's all here. What else can we do?" Ye Feng pretended to be relaxed. "The plan is man, the success is God. We've done everything we can. The rest depends on God's will. Gemma, would you like to have a lobster meeting?"

"You are so optimistic." jenma looked at Ye Feng helplessly.

"It's not good to be not optimistic. You have to eat when the sky falls down, don't you? Let's go, some beauties. Let's stop standing foolishly. Really, when we come here tomorrow, we have to clean up..." Ye Feng said as he walked out.

"I'll stay and clean up. Just pack some food for me. I'm not picky about food," said Shin Heng zhiko.

Ye Feng turned and looked at her. The firm expression on xinhengzhizi's face made him realize that it was useless to say anything. He had to nod and leave the empty room with Haley and zhenma.

"Is it all right to leave her alone?" asked Gemma.

"It doesn't matter. Xinhengzhizi can take good care of herself, and her heart is full of anxiety now. She will be very uncomfortable to see us chatting as if nothing happened." Haley said, "it's also a good thing to let her calm down alone."

"Haley is right. Don't you see? Her face immediately changed when you said that the plan might fail." Ye Feng said,

"Let's leave her alone for a while. Let's get busy with our business. Damn it, where should we stay? There's no good hotel nearby..."

Xinhengzhizi, sitting alone in the open room, was a little worried. She knew that Ye Feng felt completely different from them. They just helped her out of morality, but no matter what the result was, they wouldn't have any big loss.

From all the preparations made by Ye Feng, his first goal is to protect the safety of him and his friends, which is inconsistent with her primary goal. She can't blame Ye Feng for this, because based on their relationship, Ye Feng can spare no effort to help her like now, and Xin hengzhizi is very grateful.

You must learn to be grateful. Xinhengzhizi said to himself silently. She knew very well that her character was too anxious, which was not good for rescuing her brother, but she knew it well, but she couldn't change it. Facing the suffering of close relatives, Shin Heng zhiko's reason can't control her emotion at all.

After cleaning the empty room alone, Xin hengzhizi walked out of the building of the justice society and walked to the hotel address sent to her by Ye Feng.

She knocked on the door and Gemma opened it for her.

"Are you hungry? I bought you pizza," she said.

"Well, good." Shin Heng Ji Ko forced herself to smile. She went into the suite, sat on the sofa in the living room, opened the large carton on the tea table and picked up a steaming pizza. She didn't feel hungry because all her attention was focused on her later actions, but she knew she had to eat in order to maintain her strength.

"We still have one day to adjust the equipment tomorrow," jenma said. "Ye Feng, how is your little toy?"

"I'm not a toy, you red haired girl!" Dick miniature robot - "little brother" jumped out of Ye Feng's coat pocket angrily, pointed to jenma's nose and shouted.

"OK, OK, OK, everything you say is right." Gemma has long been used to it. She has learned not to quarrel with a robot. "How are you?"

"I'm not in bad shape!" said the little brother.

"Does it use No. 7 battery or No. 5 battery?" Xin hengzhizi asked Ye Feng while eating.

"Er... It doesn't need batteries and doesn't need to consider the energy problem of 'little brother'," Ye Feng said.

"What do you think I am? A toy car that can only move with batteries?" "little brother" said contemptuously, "I'm much stronger than you idiots!"

"That's right, that's right. Come and go home." Ye Feng said to "little brother" in a tone of coaxing children. The latter grumbled a few times and went back into the flashlight like container.

"It can barely listen to you," jenma said with emotion.

"Little brother" is actually a good character. If you have a deep understanding of Dick's temper, you will know that he is just a little angel. "Ye Feng said with a bitter smile," Gemma, "he looked at the red haired girl," we'll tidy up the instruments and equipment tomorrow and take formal action the day after tomorrow, right? "

"Well, that's the plan. But in fact, we don't need to do anything," Gemma said. "Tomorrow, our main task is to distribute leaflets."


"That's right. We'll try to walk through the building of the justice club in one day, so that all the members of the justice Club know about the medical examination." zhenma said, "I hope this can let everyone come to the examination, otherwise, even with the help of the 'little brother', our plan may fail."

"I can only hope that the goddess of luck is on our side," Ye Feng said. "I hope everything can go according to the plan."

"You really don't know yourself. Ye Feng," said jenma contemptuously. "With you, you can't expect anything wrong? How can this be possible?"

"Yes, if you are there, something out of plan will happen." Xin hengzhizi nodded.

"Corby, you must protect me and Gemma." Haley looked at Corby, who sat silent, and nodded seriously.

"... since you know I'll make trouble, don't let me take part in the action?" Huang Liang said angrily, "I can still live my little life at home."

"You think it's beautiful!" said Gemma. "Let's take all the risks. Lie comfortably yourself? It's impossible!"

"Sorry, I dragged you into such a thing for my own sake." Xinheng Zhizi apologized to zhenma and others, but didn't look at Ye Feng.

"Hey! I'm still the one who pays for it!" Ye Feng glared at her discontentedly. "I'm well for millions. You don't even have a word of thanks?"

Xinheng Zhizi said dryly, "thank you."

"... you mean to kill me so that you can inherit my property, don't you?" said Ye Feng, who wanted to cry without tears.

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