The physical examination finally officially began.

Due to the large number of members of the justice club and the limited number of tests that can be completed in one day, it takes about a week to check all the personnel working in the justice club building.

Agents on external missions are not within the scope of this inspection. Although there is a certain possibility that the core personnel of the armed front may be the operators of the justice society, Ye Feng finally reached a consensus with zhenma, and the probability of this possibility is not high.

Transposition thinking, will you work hard for your nemesis? Of course not. In Ye Feng's opinion, those lurks with the armed front in the headquarters of the justice society are most likely to be in some humble Department positions. If you want people to ignore your existence, you'd better keep a low profile.

Of course, this possibility is not impossible, but for Ye Feng and others, it is enough for them to find a core member of the armed front hidden in the building of the justice society, and one can solve all their problems. Even if they were unlucky, they picked up a fool who didn't know what to ask. Ye Feng could at least let him give up other companions. If he caught one, he could pull out the radish, take out the mud and handle a series of people.

Of course, Ye Feng still hopes to make a final decision. If the personnel of the armed front find that their core personnel have been killed in a row, Ye Feng is worried that they will make extreme behavior, which may create complications for the subsequent rescue of Xinheng Zhiyan.

However, on the whole, Ye Feng remained confident. With the full cooperation of several of them, there was no possibility of failure in this operation.

On the first day of the inspection, it was expected that no one on the armed front was found, but the unexpected harvest was really great, which fully satisfied Ye Feng's curiosity.

Although no lurks on the armed front were found among the people under inspection, Ye Feng found the undercover agent placed by Edlin in the justice society. She never mentioned it. If it hadn't been discovered by accident this time, almost everyone would have been kept in the dark by Edlin.

Ye Feng decided to take it as a killer mace, which may be used later, for example, when Edlin lost his temper.

As a friendly army, Ye Feng certainly didn't tell the people of the justice society about it, but Ye Feng was not so kind to the undercover agents of other organizations lurking in the justice society.

Ye Feng found a senior member of the Committee of the justice society and informed him of the relevant situation. He immediately went to interrogate the people reported by Ye Feng. After he was sure that these people were really undercover agents of other organizations in the justice society, the plant Xia - his ability was to control the growth of plants. He was wearing green clothes and a very funny green hat. The funniest thing was, He even thought he was wearing very fashionable - he reached a consensus with Ye Feng, blocked relevant things, and tried not to let other people in the justice society know about it.

He and Ye Feng's ideas coincide. On the one hand, Ye Feng's behavior proves that the physical examination is indeed very important and urgent. The justice society needs to eradicate the lurks hidden in it. On the other hand, the plant man is also very cooperative with the work of Ye Feng and others.

After realizing the importance of this physical examination, the plant man began to go all out to assist Ye Feng and others in their work. He not only tried his best to meet the reasonable and unreasonable requirements put forward by them, but also strongly urged all employees of justice society to accept the examination of Ye Feng and others.

Most importantly, he successfully blocked the relevant news sources. Except for a few people, almost all the employees of the justice society do not know the real situation of those colleagues who no longer come to work recently. They have been locked up in the justice society's own prison and firmly controlled.

Ye Feng is happy to see the current situation. From the beginning, no one paid attention to the inspection, and the people who came to inspect all looked impatient. Up to now, several of them have become guests of the justice society. All of them must accept their inspection and be manipulated by them whether they like it or not. Such a 180 degree change makes Ye Feng feel very happy.

This reduces the difficulties they may face. A good start is definitely an important cornerstone of success.

Of course, Ye Feng also did some shady activities. He asked Edlin if there were any people she hated in the justice club. Edlin thought about it and gave him some names. Ye Feng directly told the plant man the names of these people regardless of three, seven and twenty-one. The fate of these unlucky people can only be imagined. It will not be very good

"Ye Feng, do you think they are shameless?" after a day's work, everyone except Ye Feng was tired. Jenma complained to Ye Feng, who was sitting leisurely playing with her mobile phone: "If they had honestly cooperated with us at the beginning, we wouldn't have to clean such a big room ourselves, and we wouldn't be so tired today."

"Anyway, from today on, you don't have to worry about cleaning your room." Ye Feng said without lifting his head.

"You didn't do anything today!" said Gemma discontentedly.

"I've done a lot of things," said Ye Feng. "The most important thing is that I'm worried. If I don't sit here, what should I do if the 'little brother' strikes? By the way, how are you, little brother? Do you feel tired?"

"It's OK," said a small brother with high toes. "But I warn you, I won't do such work every day. I need time to rest and settle down."

"You precipitate a fart?" jenma said angrily.

"Hey, little girl, how dare you speak to me in this tone?" "little brother" immediately refused.

"All right, all right, don't make any noise. Isn't it not enough for me to compensate you?" Xinheng Zhizi quickly persuaded him. Although the current progress is somewhat slow, it is still proceeding in an orderly manner. Xinhengzhizi doesn't want to destroy this momentum.

"In a word, it's going well." Haley said that among all the people, she is the most tired, because she is the only real medical worker in the team. No matter what kind of emergency happens, she has to deal with it, "According to this progress, maybe we don't need to spend a week, up to five days, and we should be able to filter all the employees of the justice club."

"Five days? That means three more days?" jenma said in a broken voice. "I really don't want to work for a minute. If I stay with a group of idiots for a long time, I will be assimilated."

"OK, clean up. Let's go to have a big meal. We can reimburse this time. Anyway, it's the treat of the guys of the justice society. Let's all have a good meal." Ye Feng suggested.

"OK, OK! Let's go to have a big meal." jenma said excitedly. She took Haley's arm and ran to the door.

Haley shouted helplessly, "slow down, Gemma, slow down, my clothes!"

"Aren't you going to have dinner with us?" Ye Feng looked at Xin Heng Zhizi who was still sitting in the chair. She didn't seem to want to get up and leave.

"I want to stay by myself for a while." Shin Heng Ji Ko smiled wearily. The second tired person among all the people is not jenma, who has been yelling and can't stand it. In fact, the girl with high IQ has been idling away without much effort. Instead, it is Shin Heng Ji Ko, who is the busiest person in the past two days except Haley.

"Do you want to talk?" Ye Feng asked casually. In fact, he was very concerned about xinhengzhizi's state. After all, he always had doubts about her and did not dare to be 100% sure whether her state was suitable for similar actions.

Emotional will bring many problems, among which whether Ye Feng can keep his mind at a critical juncture is Ye Feng's biggest worry about xinhengzhizi. Ye Feng can feel that xinhengzhizi is aware of her distrust of her, but she hides well. Ye Feng doesn't feel any dissatisfaction in her behavior or words.

Perhaps she is really not dissatisfied, but Ye Feng still cares about the real feelings hidden by Xin hengzhizi.

At least in Ye Feng's opinion, xinhengzhizi at this time is very much like her, and her performance is too depressed. A person with some silly eldest sister's character seems to have been pressed a switch this time, and there is no smile on his face, which makes Ye Feng care very much.

"I'm fine. You go to dinner with them." Xin hengzhizi managed to squeeze out a smile, but it seemed to worry Ye Feng more.

"... well, I'll bring you one."


Leaving the room, Ye Feng walks to the elevator. Jenma and others are waiting for him at the elevator door.

"She wants to be alone?" asked Gemma.


"There is something wrong with her mental state now," said Haley frowning. As a professional psychologist, she is more worried about the mental state of xinhengzhizi than Ye Feng.

"Haley, I don't need your professional knowledge. I also know that Zhizi is very wrong now, but she doesn't want to communicate with me. It depends on you." Ye Feng said reluctantly. He pressed the down button, the elevator door opened slowly, and several people went in.

After walking out of the building of the justice society, several people spoke again. They were worried that someone would overhear their speech in the building. They could not speak in the building of the justice society except in the room with anti eavesdropping devices.

"If we help her like this, shouldn't she be happier?" jenma said. In the bustling crowd, several people can finally talk at will, which makes her relieved. Somehow, as soon as she enters the building, jenma will feel a kind of oppression without source.

"You're wrong. A person who receives help is likely to feel unhappy for a variety of reasons," Ye Feng said. "Some extreme people even resent the people who help him."

"Will it?"

"Of course, there are many similar examples. So sometimes trying to help someone may become a burden for you." Ye Feng said, "human nature is so complex. You still have a lot to learn."

"Don't touch my hair, I hate..." said Gemma. "Will zhiko hate us?"

"She? She won't, but there's no doubt that she must be depressed now." Ye Feng said, "on the one hand, it's because she's worried about her brother's comfort. On the other hand, I think it may be our help to her, but it gives her endless pressure. If one of us is hurt, it's entirely because of her and her responsibility."

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