"In fact, she doesn't have to put so much pressure on herself. We've been around you for so long, and we can always be safe, which shows that our vitality is extremely strong. Xinhengzhizi doesn't need to worry about hurting us at all. You are the person who can hurt us most in the world." Gemma said seriously, "I'm used to it. What kind of storms and waves have I never experienced?"

"..." Ye Feng's expression was very helpless. He looked at jenma and wanted to say a few words of refutation, but what made him speechless was that Kou Bi, who had been in the secret mode, couldn't help talking.

"Gemma is right."

"In fact, I think so too." Haley agreed. "Aren't you the most dangerous person in the world and the person who likes to die most? Ye Feng, my resistance to accidents and dangers is different from the past."

"... you bully me."

Ye Feng wants to cry and look at them without tears. Now he has only one idea to eat hard. It's best to eat the justice society into bankruptcy.

Facts have proved that it is very difficult to bankrupt such a large organization first. Although the staff of the justice society looked at the receipt that Ye Feng gave him, and the expression on their face was very embarrassed, it was far from the scene of collapse and crying that Ye Feng expected.

The time passed quietly, but Ye Feng and others felt more and more anxious. In these days, they found countless personnel of other organizations lurking in the justice society. After their screening, at least one tenth of the people in almost the whole justice society were traitors or undercover agents installed by other organizations.

Ye Feng and others did not expect this result at all. When Ye Feng informed Edlin of this situation, she immediately decided to let all members of the shield holder alliance accept similar inspection.

Of course, this has to be agreed by the "little brother". Because he reads the memories of others' minds with high intensity every day, even the "little brother" with unlimited energy feels a little overwhelmed. The consequence is that even Ye Feng ignores his words and becomes very bad tempered.

But there was no way. Without its cooperation, all these actions would not be tenable. Ye Feng had to act as a psychologist and constantly comfort the "little brother".

The problem of "little brother" is not the most thorny problem faced by Ye Feng and others. In the past five days, they have checked almost all the members of the justice society, but they have not found any core members of the armed front. None of them.

Ye Feng and others have had deep doubts about whether the armed front is really hidden in the justice society.

Finally, on the sixth day of the inspection, no one entered the room with all kinds of instruments and equipment. Ye Feng and others looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

"... is this a failure? Our action." Ye Feng looked at the others in the room. They were silent. Xin hengzhizi sat on the chair in the corner of the room and buried his face in his hands.

"No." jenma seemed very confused. "Our plan should have no loopholes, unless there are really no armed front people infiltrating in the justice society. However, from the penetration of their organization by various other organizations, there is something wrong with people without armed front."

"You're right," said Ye Feng with a wry smile. "The justice society is a big organization composed of a group of undercover agents, but why didn't we find the goal?" isn't it your problem, little brother? "He bent over to an instrument and said.

"Fart you! I've never dropped a chain!" there was a cry of "little brother" in the instrument. It usually hides in this humble instrument.

"What else can it be? Is that SANOS really fooling us and giving us false information?" Ye Feng said.

"That's the only reason," said Gemma. She seemed very disappointed because the action plan was her product and her efforts in the past could have a satisfactory result.

But judging from the current situation, the result may not satisfy her.

"Damn it..."

Ye Feng doesn't have much frustration. He just loves the money he spent during this period. Although he is already a rich man, Ye Feng's stingy character has not completely changed.

He took a sneak look at Shin Heng Chi Ko and found that she was still in that position and motionless. She did not participate in the discussion of others in the room, but was immersed in her own world and couldn't extricate herself.

Should we have a word with her to comfort her? Ye Feng is a little tangled. He knows he can say sweet words, but comforting words are not his strong point.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Each one doesn't look very happy." the plant man in strange clothes walked into the room. Ye Feng waited to see him and shut his mouth.

"What's the matter? Is there anything dirty on my face?" the plant man took out a small mirror and looked at it carefully. "No, it's a perfect face."

"... nothing." Ye Feng smiled helplessly. "We are worried about packing these instruments. You know, this is always a big project."

"Yes, are you leaving tomorrow?" asked the plant man.

"Well, there are other jobs waiting for us," Ye Feng said. "After all, all the employees of the justice society have been investigated."

"Yes..." said the plant man. "Most of the employees -"

"The vast majority? What does the vast majority mean?" Shin Heng Zhizi came forward and grabbed the arm of the plant man and stared at him. "Has anyone else been examined?"

"Of course, the security guard at the gate and the cleaning personnel didn't accept the inspection." the plant man looked at Xinheng Zhizi inexplicably. "Their posts can't get access to secret information, so there's no need for inspection."

"No!" Shin Heng Chi Tzu pushed his arm hard. The plant man immediately put on a defensive posture, and his whole body tightened up.

"Hey!" Ye Feng went to xinhengzhizi and pulled her arm away from the hand of the plant man. He stared at xinhengzhizi. The latter sat back in his chair and stopped talking.

"Sorry, she's a little impatient." Ye Feng said to the plant man, "we had an agreement before, man. All the staff working in the justice club building should be inspected."

"Are you sick?" the plant man couldn't understand Ye Feng's thinking. "I'm kind enough to help you reduce your workload. What's the matter with you?"

"This is our principle of doing things. Go all out and make 100% efforts." Ye Feng said solemnly, "man, give me a list of all the people who have not been inspected. Forget it, you'd better inform them and let them come here for inspection tomorrow morning." Ye Feng's tone can't be refuted by plant Xia, "That's it. We'll be busy all morning tomorrow. We must have a beginning and an end."

"... I really don't understand what you think!" the plant man said irritably. "OK, I know. Anyway, our justice society benefits. I'll inform those people to come to tomorrow's inspection. I'm leaving!"

The plant man left the room with great strides. Until his footsteps were completely inaudible, several people in the room were relieved and smiled again.

"Those naughty people should be hidden in those people," Ye Feng said. "What is more unobtrusive than cleaning and security personnel? If it was me, I would disguise myself as these types of work and move under the eyes of those idiots of the justice society."

"Yes, they must be hiding among those people." xinhengzhizi said excitedly.

Seeing the possibility of a turning point in the situation, xinhengzhizi, who has been depressed, became excited. Her child character, which writes her inner emotions on her face, made Ye Feng a little helpless.

Moreover, the scene just happened made the situation Ye Feng had been worried about become a reality. Xin hengzhizi became too emotional and even aroused some vigilance of the plant man.

"Zhizi, your behavior just now is very irrational." Ye Feng decided to show her, "if you still do this next, I can only say that I must stop this action. Although I don't want to see you die alone, I'm sorry, I can't put my friends in danger because of your personal reasons."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the relaxed expression just appeared on Xin hengzhizi's face disappeared. She looked at Ye Feng straight and opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end, she didn't say anything. She just nodded her head gently in response to Ye Feng's words.

"The scandal is over. Let's plan tomorrow's action," Ye Feng said to others. "If we are lucky, we can find those bastards on the armed front tomorrow!"

"Well, really make a good plan. After all, it's really difficult to get people away from the eyes of the people of the justice society," Haley said.

"There's nothing difficult," said Jemma. "Don't forget that we still have CORBI." she smiled mysteriously. "We only need to finish the final work tomorrow, and the rest can be handed over to CORBI. I don't believe all of them eat and live in the building of the justice society!"

"You mean --"

"Yes, we'll stop them on the road when they come home from work!" said Gemma. "Once and for all!"

Gemma's plan is actually very simple, which is to reduce ten meetings at one time. For Kobi, she can almost walk across the earth with hell bats, just to avoid unnecessary trouble and Kobi's low-key character, so she rarely participates in the movement and shines high-profile. The hell bats with stealth mode can make her wonder Ghosts don't feel close to anyone.

As long as they can lock a target and let Kobi attack, everything will be done. In the face of absolute power, any plan and strategy are meaningless, and can't play much role except increasing the unexpected events that the plan may face. Because ye Feng is used to being cautious, his thinking can't turn around, but in jenma's opinion, it's the only thing What is troublesome is the process of locking the target.

As for the discovery of the target, it's a little fun for Kobi. She can handle it easily.

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