The justice society has its own prison dedicated to those they consider worthy of detention.

These people include their enemies, even their own people.

This prison is very legendary. It is reasonable to say that such a building should not be allowed. However, due to the special nature of the justice society, all this has become possible. Moreover, because the prison did play an important role, after its completion, the crime rate of the whole city of Los Angeles dropped sharply. This makes people living in Los Angeles more determined that the prison of the justice society can let them live a peaceful life, so people spontaneously began to donate money to the prison.

Due to people's donations, the prison has become larger and stronger, which makes the crime rate lower and lower. The most important thing for rich people is safety. Luoshengdu has attracted more rich people, and these people have made donations. Such a virtuous circle has led to the prison of justice society becoming more and more luxurious.

For all those detained in the justice society prison, their life is relatively superior. At least more freedom and better treatment than people in other prisons.

There was even a time when the prison of the justice society became a refuge for some people who wanted to take the initiative to enter. At least for maple leaf for some time.

"---- I offended many people at that time, and I don't know it was the bastard who started it. They were united and ready to kill me." Ye Feng said angrily. Even after so many years, he can still recall his humiliation like a rat crossing the street. In fact, that time was an unforgettable past in Ye Feng's heart, It was one of the most lost periods of his life.

"I don't want them to press me step by step. In the end, I will be at the end of my rope. The only choice in front of me is to be killed by them or find an absolutely safe place to hide." Ye Feng said, "at that time, my was still too weak and there was no room to return when I was bullied."

"You're not strong now. If they didn't support you, would you dare to act recklessly?" jenma said dismissively. Returning to the home of the new capital, the little girl was completely relaxed, and make complaints about her poisonous tongue and Tucao's properties.

"...." Ye Feng was speechless, so he had to act as if he didn't hear, and then talked, "At that time, I had an idea and thought of the prison of the justice society. I've heard a lot about that place in my living room. I heard that the public security inside was very good. Although freedom was restricted, it was my most urgent goal to survive, so I almost immediately decided to turn myself in to the justice society, hide in that prison and wait for the limelight to pass. And the justice society has been around all the time In their eyes, I'm an unforgivable sinner to trouble me -- "

"You are," said Gemma. "Do you need me to remind you that you still have more than a dozen rewards on your head?"

"-- I'm innocent." Ye Feng explained weakly, "At least I've lost my way. In a word, just as I was about to turn myself in to the justice society, a turning point occurred. The bastard who took the lead against me was suddenly killed by his enemy, and the small league, which was already in constant civil strife, immediately collapsed. I took advantage of the chaos to kill some of the bastards who hated me most and I hated them most, and then the mob became birds and beasts directly Scattered. Although these bastards fight alone and are not my opponents, they unite and still make me suffer. Since then, I have fully realized an indestructible truth: many people have great power. Only group fighting is the king, and one-to-one can't solve any problems. "

"... it's the first time I've heard people talk about advice so tall," Jemma said sarcastically.

"In a word, I've said so much and just want to elaborate a little." Ye Feng said solemnly, "that's the prison of the justice society. It's very difficult to deal with. It's undoubtedly a very difficult thing to save a specific person."

"It may be so for others, but for us, it's just a matter for sister Edlin to say a word," jenma said disapprovingly, "If the man from the armed front is telling the truth and Xin hengzhiyan is hidden in the prison of the justice society by the armed front, we just need to ask sister Adelin to contact the people from the justice society and say that Xin hengzhiyan needs help.

"They just owe sister Adelin a favor - sister Adelin introduced us to them, and we helped them find the moths lurking inside their organization - the guys of the justice society will certainly agree to sister Adelin's request. Unless there is a tumor in the brains of people on the armed front, I don't believe they have Shin Heng Zhiyan The fact that I grew up on Mars tells the people of the justice society. "

"You're right, but -"

"Nothing, but it's just an ordinary prisoner. The people of the justice society won't overreact to shin Heng Zhiyan," jenma said. "Unless -"

"Unless what?"

"Unless I predict the wrong situation," Gemma murmured, "the particularity of Shin Heng Zhiyan's identity has been known by the senior management of the justice society. If so, it will become a little troublesome..."

"Is it possible?"

"It's possible," jenma said. "Although you have disguised Ge Dazhuang's death as a car accident, his sudden death will certainly arouse the vigilance of the remaining armed front personnel lurking in the justice society."

"Gemma, why don't you let me wipe out the garbage of other armed fronts? At least tell the justice society their true identity and let them intervene." Ye Feng asked.

"Because we caught all the people lurking in the justice society at one breath, it will only make the armed front respond immediately." zhenma said, "only one person died. Maybe the idiots on the armed front will investigate for some time, instead of transferring Xinheng Zhiyan."

"Also..." Ye Feng thought that jenma's idea was very correct. "If all the people lurking in the justice society died, the people on the armed front would pick up Xin hengzhiyan from the prison of the justice society at the first time."

"Yes, we must be vigilant against this situation." jenma said solemnly. "From the analysis of the current situation, we should still have enough action time. As long as everything goes well, Zhizi and your brother xinhengzhiyan will soon get out of the sea of suffering."

"Well, thank you for your help. I won't forget it." Shin Heng Zhizi solemnly bowed to the people in the living room. She thanked these people who had never made a living for her from the bottom of her heart. She knew it was difficult to repay these kindness, but she would protect these people for the rest of her life.

"Well, well, now that we have determined the next action plan, we'll take action." Ye Feng turned and walked to the door, "I'll go to Edlin to discuss this matter. Zhizi, come along."


After he and Huang Liang left home, they hurried to the headquarters building of the shield bearer alliance. The traces left by the last outbreak can still be seen on the building. Adelin's office has been destroyed forever. The decoration style of the repaired floor is very different from that before, which is more in line with Adelin's simple aesthetics.

There was nothing to say all the way. When Ye Feng knocked on the door of Edlin's office, Xin hengzhizi looked particularly nervous, which inevitably made Ye Feng feel a little funny. She was like a wrong pupil standing outside the headmaster's office waiting for criticism. She was nervous, nervous and uncomfortable.

"Please come in."

"It's me, dear. Are you busy?" Ye Feng pushed the door in and smiled at Edlin, who was working at his desk.

"Not very busy. Why are you here?" Edlin stood up and welcomed Huangliang and xinhengzhizi to the reception area in the office. "What's up?"

"Well, I need you to do me a little favor," said Ye Feng. In a few words, he passed on Gemma's plan to Edlin, who immediately agreed.

"No problem, it shouldn't be troublesome. Give me a few minutes and I'll think of a foolproof excuse." Adelin went back to her desk, took the mobile phone on the desk, looked through the mobile phone address book, considered what she wanted to say, and then called the high level of justice society.

Sitting on the reception sofa, Ye Feng leisurely looks at Edlin standing in front of the landing window. He especially likes to quietly look at the figure of Edlin at work, especially charming.

Xinhengzhizi was not as leisurely as him. She pressed her lips nervously, and her hands subconsciously became fists. For new hengzhizi, these minutes were so long, especially when she heard Adeline's questioning voice, her nervous tension immediately tightened again for a few minutes, almost breaking.

Ye Feng also saw that something was wrong. He glanced at Xinheng Zhizi and motioned her to keep calm. Then he stood up and walked towards Edlin's position. As soon as he walked behind her, she had hung up the phone and put her mobile phone back on the desktop in some anger.

"What's the matter? It didn't go well?"

"Well, it's not going well." Adelin frowned, turned around and said apologetically to Xinheng Zhizi and Ye Feng, "the other side didn't agree with my request. It was good to talk, but when I said Xinheng Zhiyan's name, the other side immediately stopped the dialogue, and his attitude immediately became cold."

"No discussion?" asked Ye Feng. His heart tightened and he realized that he wanted to solve the problem in a simple way, which seemed to be a dead end.

"I'll try again, but Ye Feng, maybe you have to prepare for the worst," Adelin said. "The other party's attitude is very firm. It seems that they already know the particularity of Xinheng Zhiyan."

"No." Maple Leaf shook his head, "If the people of the justice society really knew the importance of Shin Heng Zhiyan, he would have been transferred to a safer position rather than locked up in that prison. It must be a trick played by the bastards on the armed front. They may have disguised Shin Heng Zhiyan's identity for another reason, so that the justice society will not hand him over easily. HMM... what's the matter The situation is a little tricky, and we must make a decision at once. "

"Otherwise, once the people on the armed front lurking in the justice society know that we are paying attention to xinhengzhiyan, they will jump over the wall," adlin added.

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