"That's right." Ye Feng said, "but jenma has been monitoring the core personnel of the armed front who are still lurking in the justice society. They must not realize that they have been exposed. This is our advantage. We can monitor their every move. We must act as soon as possible before they find out."

"But what should we do?" xinhengzhizi's face was full of sadness. For her, she realized that her brother might not be able to get rid of the sea of suffering, which was even more painful than killing her. She eagerly looked at Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, I --"

"Don't worry, you can adapt to the next action immediately," said Ye Feng. "It's a little fun. I knew from the beginning that I had to go on this trip."

Edlin asked, "go for a walk? Where?"

"Go to prison."

"Are you going to prison?" Shin Heng Chi Tzu glared.

"Yes, and I'm not alone, but also you. Well, take Jane, too. She shouldn't be busy lately?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin.

"Jane? She's not on duty," adlin said.

"Well, just us. Chu Qian must want to go," said Ye Feng. "The four of us may have to do some damage. Xinheng Zhizi, do you miss being a bad person?"

"Be a bad man?" new hengzhizi was forced on his face.

"You don't seem to have been a good man. Forget it, you can understand at that time." Ye Feng said, "we still have to go back to the place of luoshengdu. Although it used to be my home, I don't have much nostalgia for it. After all, the memories there give me are bad things."

"What are you talking about?" Adelin looked at him helplessly.

"Don't worry, honey, I'm just going to fulfill a dream in the past." Ye Feng said with a smile, "go to the prison of the justice society."

Facts have proved that although the justice society has been declining, its control over the holy city of Los Angeles is still covering up the sky with one hand. Ye Feng, Jane, Chu Qian and shin Heng Ji Ko have only been at leisure in luoshengdu for a week, and have been most watched by the people of the justice society. They returned to Los Angeles once again in a short time. In order to avoid being recognized, they ordered several human skin masks that can be confused with the real. With the help of "little brother", these human skin masks are enough to cope with any inspection. If you put these masks on the back, they won't come off unless they fall off automatically at the time limit. This is to ensure that they won't pay a small price‘ The craft of "little brother" can still be trusted.

After careful camouflage, Ye Feng became an ordinary looking middle-aged man, while Jane, Chu Qian and Xin hengzhizi became less attractive women. Although their bodies are still extremely hot, they can't appreciate these beautiful places under loose clothes.

Under the cover of darkness, they ransacked the shops at several points. Of course, this is just a show, in order to attract the attention of the justice society. However, in order to avoid doubt to the greatest extent, they did loot this kind of behavior, but the stores they looted have been bought by Gemma in advance.

In short, the four of Ye Feng played at home in their own shop and successfully attracted the attention of the justice society.

Although jenma and others were dissatisfied with Ye Feng's plan of getting nothing without going into the tiger's den, they didn't put forward any objection in the end. In fact, this is the simplest and most efficient way to solve the problem. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the three women who acted with him was above Ye Feng. As long as he didn't die, they wouldn't have any problems.

If they were not worried about solving the problem in a more violent way, like Gatsby being rescued from prison, Ye Feng and they would be able to replicate the same action.

But Ye Feng absolutely doesn't want to attract too much attention. He knows a simple truth: the gun hits the head bird. Standing in the spotlight is easy to be watched.

Ye Feng's plan was very simple. He committed a crime, was arrested, and was put in the prison of the justice society. He tried to find a new hengzhiyan, and then acted according to his wits.

If forced, Ye Feng will use violence to solve the problem. However, Adelin cooperates with him outside - in Ye Feng's plan, Adelin will tell the people of the justice society that Ye Feng four are agents who secretly break into the enemy's interior and were arrested in the prison of the justice society for a secret task. I don't know if this statement can make the justice society jump out of trouble, but after all, Adelin is the chief of the shield bearer alliance. Her words still have a certain influence. As long as she unswervingly asks the justice society to release people, Ye Feng will eventually be released

And highlight the importance of new hengzhiyan. But by that time, adlin should have led the shield alliance to wipe out the armed front.

Yes, for once and for all, Ye Feng and Edlin decided to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - they were listening to the every move of the core personnel of the armed front lurking in the justice society - to destroy the armed front in one fell swoop!

Just in order to prevent the justice society from thinking ill of Shin Heng Zhiyan - his prophecy is too rebellious. In Shin Heng Zhizi's words, his brother is a monster - Ye Feng will never let the justice society have time to respond and let them make blocking actions.

Therefore, Ye Feng's rescue action and the action to destroy the armed front carried by Edlin must be carried out at the same time!

"We have left so many traces. When will the gangsters of the justice society find us?" Chu Qian rarely complained anxiously. For Chu Qian, she originally wanted to get some air and enjoy the tension and excitement of going out.

But what makes Chu Qian very helpless is that Ye Feng's goal is not to fight, but to be caught by the people of the justice society. So they can sneak into the prison of the justice society.

Although after a long period of time, Chu Qian has to face the disaster of imprisonment, but because this time it is "thrown into the net", her mood is completely different. At least Chu Qian has no fear in her heart.

But the problem is that they have been sitting idle in the safe house in Los Angeles for several days. Although it is a safe house, the location information of this room, as long as those people of the justice society are really investigating their whereabouts, they will find that Ye Feng even made some too obvious traces for the people of the justice society to see.

In fact, even the police in luoshengdu have focused on Ye Feng and others, and the four Ye Feng who have been leaving words challenging the justice society at the scene have not been found by the people of the justice society.

For the first time, Ye Feng realized the frustration that the other party was indifferent when he took the initiative to send it under the eyes of others. He even thought about whether they should appear near the building of the justice society and hold up a big sign that reads "you catch me!!!".

Finally, reason overcame the impulse. With patience, Ye Feng sat in the living room of the safe house with Jane, Chu Qian and Xin hengzhizi, waiting for the people of the justice society who never seem to come to the door.

Ye Feng and others are just a little bored. Xinheng Zhizi is the most anxious person. She even proposed to really make some destructive acts of bad nature, but Ye Feng resolutely stopped them. Their purpose is to save people, not to destroy them. If it turns out that I save people and leave a dead body, Ye Feng absolutely doesn't want to see this situation.

"Someone is coming."

Jane, who had been keeping her eyes closed, opened her eyes and turned her eyes to the door of the house. Following her eyes, Ye Feng and her three men also set their eyes on the tightly closed door.

Sure enough, half a minute later, the old solid wood door was violently damaged by itself, and people suddenly crowded into the room. The leader was the plant man who had just met Ye Feng and others a few days ago. However, because ye Feng's four faces are wearing special human skin masks, and their voices have been processed, so that the plant Xia did not find that the four target characters who appear too calm in front of him are the group who struggled with him a few days ago.

"Hey, guys, are you lax? The movement is too slow, and all the flowers I'm waiting for are thanks." Ye Feng looked at the group of action team members wearing uniforms with the logo of justice society in front of him. He sat lazily in his chair without a trace of tension.

"Uh... You..."

The plant man was forced. He was confused by the strange scene in front of him. Are these people too calm? The plant man thought to himself. He quietly opened the distance between him and Ye Feng and stood where he could escape from the house immediately. He was worried that there was a trap or ambush in the house.

Maybe they're waiting. Plant man thought.

"You must be wondering why we are so calm." Ye Feng looked at the plant man and said slowly, "Don't worry, guys, we didn't prepare surprise gifts for your arrival. It's too hard to do that. And there's no personal resentment between us, isn't it? You're performing your duties, you're working, and so are we. Hey, guys, would you like coffee?"

"Put your hands down!!!" the plant man glared at a subordinate who raised his arms. He still felt very wrong, but his fear had gradually subsided. The people in front of him didn't seem to want to fight. The plant man still wanted to talk rather than do anything about the problems that could be solved through consultation.

If there were casualties, the gains would not be worth the losses. The three women and one man in front of him seemed to be just small thieves who did damage. If he didn't want to take a breath, he wouldn't be able to do such a task.

Of course, due to the plant man's character of falling off the chain at a critical moment, he is hardly allowed to participate in the major actions of the justice society. He is a human chicken rib, tasteless to eat and a pity to abandon.

The plant man didn't realize this at all. He still thought he was an important member of the justice society. But in fact, it was because he was dispensable that the plant man became the person who received Ye Feng and others for inspection in the justice society.

It was beyond Ye Feng's expectation that he could meet this old friend again so soon. Although he didn't like the plant man very much, Ye Feng still didn't hate this person very much. He always met all kinds of people in his life, so it's inevitable not to meet a wonderful flower.

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