Facts have proved that in every organization, there is always a person like plant man who is capable and can't do without him, but almost everyone hates him. After he plays his role, he'd better consciously stay cool, but the problem is that if he can know himself clearly, he won't be hated by others.

Ye Feng doesn't hate people like plant man. After all, such people can make Ye Feng feel better about himself.

"Hey, man, what are you waiting for?" Ye Feng said lazily. "Come here and cuff our hands. Do we have to do it ourselves? We're just a few dirty little thieves, don't you think?"

"Shut up, I'm in charge here!" the plant man pretended to be angry. He hated the feeling that the dominant power of speech was in other hands, and this man was still the bad man he was about to arrest and send to prison.

Why don't they feel fear? Monk Zhang Er of the plant Xia couldn't touch his head, so he could only continue to watch Ye Feng with vigilance.

"Are you an idiot?" xinhengzhizi finally couldn't bear it. She said, "idiot, come and catch us, you fools!"

The stubborn temper of the plant man came up. Although he didn't know why the four people were eager to be tortured, he realized that these people were not procrastinating. They really wanted to be arrested.

What's going on? Can't even criminals go on? Can only go to prison to make a living? The plant man felt like an idiot, teased by the three women and one man.

Of course, the plant man's hunch is correct.

"Do it!"

With a wave of the big hand of the plant man, the action team members walked in front of Ye Feng. He himself quietly walked out of the room and stood at the door, always vigilant.

When Ye Feng was firmly handcuffed and escorted out of the room, the plant man was relieved. He ordered his men to take Ye Feng to the prison in the mountain area of luoshengdu. Somehow, he felt a sense of urgency and tension. It seemed that the danger would increase by one point without staying for another minute.

After all, he had never met such a strange criminal. It was like falling into a trap. In fact, it was precisely because the plant man "interfered" in this process that Ye Feng and other talents sat in this room for several days. For those too obvious traces left by Ye Feng on the scene, the plant man's attitude is distrust and thinks it's a trap. It is precisely because of his meaningless caution that both sides wasted a lot of time.

If he knew that it was the plant man who let them waste a few days in vain, Shin Heng zhiko would not be able to control his anger and directly explode and kill the plant man.

Sitting in the fully sealed carriage, Ye Feng four people seem very leisurely. Chu Qian was in the mood to sleep. Jane is bored playing with her hands.

Xinhengzhizi looked at Ye Feng, his eyes full of complex emotions, gratitude, uneasiness, tension and excitement. Ye Feng smiled at her and said nothing. There is no doubt that their every move is under the surveillance of the people of the justice society. Now the best way to deal with it is not to say or do.

Only when they finally set foot on the land of the prison of the justice society will their action be successful. Of course, in Ye Feng's view, this operation has been almost successful. They are on their way to prison. Of course, on the way to the prison, the plant Xia still pretended to interrogate Ye Feng. In the face of his interrogation, Ye Feng and others "confessed" to what they had done, and almost did not hesitate to accept the fact that they had reformed since they were put into prison. This makes the plant man more difficult to understand. Although Ye Feng's four people are just dirty little thieves in his eyes, he has never seen such a cooperative person. If everyone is like Ye Feng and the four of them, the work of the justice society will be much less difficult.

Of course, the plant man would not have thought if he wanted to break his head. Ye Feng's purpose is to enter the prison. If he can realize this, it can only show that he is as crazy as Ye Feng. Facts have proved that such crazy people are still rare. Except Ye Feng, there may be only those real crazy people

There was nothing to say all the way. When the plant man and Ye Feng rushed to the gate of the prison, the plant man and Ye Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After entering the prison, waiting for Ye Feng and others is a thorough inspection. However, because the technology of human skin masks on their faces is very high-end - the handwriting of "little brother", their true identity has not been revealed.

Jenma has prepared a false identity for Ye Feng, and the justice society can only find these carefully designed materials. Without fear or danger, after all personal belongings were confiscated, the four Ye Feng carrying changed prison clothes, accompanied by the guards, entered the huge prison built in the mountains.

It seems inappropriate to use prison to describe this huge building. It's more like a nursing home with no free access, or a campus. There are green plants everywhere, flowers, grass and trees. Among the complex plants, there are all kinds of animals such as cats and dogs. Huangliang even saw several energetic geese chasing a barking dog.

"Er... I suddenly want to provide for the aged here." Ye Feng said with emotion.

"This place is really outrageous," jenma said with emotion. "It's too humanized. No wonder there has never been a record of prison break. Who wants to go out after coming here?"

"If you go out, you can only take risks again in order to get better. If you stay here, you can live a comfortable life." Ye Feng said, "no wonder the prison of justice society can raise huge donations every year. With the existence of this prison, the wives of luoshengdu can really live a more stable life..."

In the open field, there were prisoners in uniform. Different from the prisoners Ye Feng met in other prisons, the prisoners here want to be friendly neighbors one by one, with kind smiles on their faces. Ye Feng's four people are particularly obvious here, because only their dishes are the same as those guards, with nervous expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter with these people?" Ye Feng asked softly.

"Who knows." new hengzhizi stared at everything around her expressionless. Her eyes had been patrolling back and forth. Ye Feng knew what she was looking for. She was looking for her brother.

"Hey, don't worry, we still have plenty of time." Ye Feng said softly.


To Ye Feng's surprise, their cell was like a big hotel. Each prisoner has his own separate room, which is about 45 square meters, with independent bathroom, one hall and one room, in which all kinds of household appliances are available. Of course, there is no kitchen in the room to prevent prisoners from fighting with knives, hot pots, bowls and pots. All the prisoners eat in the canteen.

Moreover, all the furnishings in the room are fixed in a specific position, and the things that can be picked up in the cell are extremely limited. Except for the non lethal quilt, almost only the pillow is really enough to pick up, and all the things in the other rooms can only be used but can not be moved.

In fact, you don't even need to touch. You can control all the electrical appliances in the room just by using words. This discovery made maple leaf extremely speechless. Although he knew that the investment in this prison was provided by the tycoons living in luoshengdu, seeing that the justice society really spared no effort to improve the lives of prisoners, Ye Feng could only say that it was too nm strange.

If you can't get along one day, it's a good choice to come here to provide for the elderly. Ye Feng sat on the bed in his cell and thought.

Although they are prisoners, every prisoner - as long as the risk level is not particularly high, can have great freedom. In addition to not leaving the prison without authorization, they can go to almost any place that is not strictly controlled. And no guard will look at you.

Of course, this is also because a small chip is implanted in each prisoner's wrist. This small chip can lock the prisoner's position, monitor the prisoner's every move, and directly start the electric shock function of this small chip through a remote way to directly subdue the prisoners under constant discipline.

So few prisoners make trouble, which will only make themselves ask for trouble. In such a superior environment, daily life is eating, drinking and wandering. To tell the truth, there is really no need to die by yourself.

In fact, Ye Feng saw several familiar faces in the prison, either dealing with him or fighting with him. In short, these former old friends all looked like inflatable balloons. Their original strong bodies were all gone, but they looked like a happy middle-aged fat uncle, which made Ye Feng sigh and have a superficial understanding of the horrors of the prison.

This prison does the opposite. Instead of strict rules or high-pressure control, it uses a comfortable life to erode the violence and desire in the hearts of prisoners, and uses this leisure life to change a person from the inside out. This kind of change is slow and gradual, but once it happens, no matter how stubborn and violent people are, they will eventually become the same kind of happy people and slaves to a comfortable life.

Killing with a blunt knife is the most terrible. Ye Feng suddenly realized that the concept of this prison is actually very terrible.

After working in her cell for a while, Ye Feng went out of the cell and knocked on the doors of Chu Qian and Jane. Both of them were in their own room, while Xin hengzhizi didn't answer the door. She should have gone out alone.

Because the prisoners could not come to each other's room, Ye Feng had to go to the public lounge to chat. Not sure whether their words will be monitored, they just silently read each other's lips. Fortunately, all three of them still master this skill, and only Ye Feng is a little careless.

"This place is really an evil door." Ye Feng said silently, "do you see? These people are once famous people. They have been locked up for a few years. They have become fat one by one. Look at that aunt. She seems to be a red spider!"

"Really." Chu Qian looked at the round aunt and said with emotion, "these people have really changed. I can't recognize them."

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