After several hours of observation, Ye Feng really saw many familiar faces he had dealt with before in the prison of the justice society.

Golden Tiger, a cold-blooded killer transformed by human body, once fought with Ye Feng when competing for mission targets. The super alloy finger tiger he used made Ye Feng suffer. Of course, the result of that fight was that Ye Feng fled. Later, Ye Feng heard that Jin Hu broke down in an operation and was arrested, but he never thought that Jin Hu had been arrested in this prison.

Not seen for several years, the cold-blooded killer Jin Hu with an inch of head has become a fat man with long hair and beard. He is happy and nods at Ye Feng who has been looking at him. Due to Ye Feng's disguise, Jinhu didn't recognize him at all. Ye Feng was surprised that he was so polite to people he met for the first time.

Bereavement whip is a mercenary with a heart of stone. Ye Feng has dealt with him more than once. They have been teammates and enemies. They are the master who once made Ye Feng love and hate. He is the kind of person who will be very comfortable if you make friends with him. But if you stand on the opposite side of him, I'm sorry, you'll have to suffer.

Ye Feng once saw the behavior style of bereavement whip. He hardly leaves any face. Whoever stands in front of him will be ruthlessly killed by him. Ye Feng once saw the bereavement whip brutally kill his old friend, just because the old friend wanted to invite him to dinner. And that's not part of the bereavement plan.

Because of such a small thing, he can kill.

But when he saw the bereavement whip again in prison, he didn't become a fat man with a big belly, but the kind smile on his face frightened Ye Feng. In Ye Feng's eyes, his smile was more ugly than crying. But the bereavement whip himself didn't seem to realize this. He kept that weird and scary smile and said 'hello' to everyone he met, just like a robot.

There are so many people like this that Ye Feng can't help feeling in a trance. Is he in prison or a mental hospital? Why is every prisoner laughing? Why do these cruel people who once killed people become amiable fat people one by one?

Why is that?

"Something's wrong," Jane said silently. "Ye Feng, do you feel strange?"

"Of course there is." Ye Feng wants to cry without tears. "There's something wrong with all the people here!"

"I feel a strange magnetic field," said Jane frowning. "I have this feeling only after I enter the prison. Ye Feng, perhaps these people's state at this time is not formed naturally."

"You mean --"

"Yes, there should be something here that can change people's behavior patterns and make everyone assimilate into the same kind of person, such a non aggressive person." Jane said thoughtfully, "I've seen similar things in Dick's laboratory. Maple leaf, do you still have an impression?"

Hearing Jane's reminder, Ye Feng really recalled that he had seen something similar in Dick's laboratory. This instrument can assimilate people into the same character and facilitate Dick's management. He always puts this machine on the planet he has just conquered, so that those who are still dissatisfied with him can become his slaves.

what the hell! Ye Feng exclaimed in his heart. Is there a similar instrument here? No wonder these old guys seem crazy one by one.

"What you said is very reasonable. Damn it, we can't stay here too long. Who knows if we have been affected." Ye Feng said anxiously.

"Don't worry, a few days should not have too much impact on us." Jane said. "This magnetic field is not particularly strong. I think it may take a long time for this impact on character to occur, and quantitative change leads to qualitative change."

"In short, we must act immediately to avoid long dreams. By the way, where's xinhengzhizi? Do you know where she went?" Ye Feng asked. He looked around for xinhengzhizi, but he never saw her.

"Who knows." Chu Qian said, "she must be looking for her baby brother in full prison, but I think she is wasting her efforts. If we estimate it well, the people on the armed front must have arranged Xinheng Zhiyan in a place that is not easy to contact, not where we new miscellaneous criminals can go."

"Yes, but xinhengzhizi must be busy for a moment," said Ye Feng. "I hope she won't make trouble for herself."

"Trouble?" Jane said. "There's trouble in this place? It's too calm."

"Yes......" Ye Feng smiled helplessly.

The atmosphere of this prison is more peaceful than that of the nursing home. Ye Feng suspects that the guards here may not have faced violence for some time.

Ye Feng did not try to find the whereabouts of Xin hengzhizi. Anyway, this prison is not dangerous. As long as xinhengzhizi doesn't lose the city and die by himself, no one should hurt her.

He slept in his cell. This quiet environment without any sound made Ye Feng's sleep quality quite high. In the last week, he had been waiting for the people of the justice society to arrest them, so Ye Feng didn't sleep very well. But after a night's deep sleep, Ye Feng felt that his mental state had recovered to his best state, and he was confident to face any challenge.

But the problem is that they will not face any challenges. If they just stay in prison, drink tea and sit around, they are just wasting their time. For Ye Feng, he was completely shocked by the harmonious and friendly atmosphere in the prison of the justice society. Unlike other places he had taken, this is a loving tea party. Everyone is relaxing and enjoying a peaceful life. Even if they shouldn't have enjoyed such a life, their nature won't tolerate such a boring life, But all this happened, so strange, but so harmonious. No one was dissatisfied. On the contrary, everyone abandoned those ideas, but stayed here in peace and prepared to enter the leisure life of retirement in advance. All this is too simple and contrary

Ye Feng has made progress to the next stage, and Adelin is also nervously carrying out a sudden attack on the armed front. For evil organizations such as the armed front, adlin has always wanted to eliminate them through the power of the shield bearer alliance.

She had never found the right opportunity before, and this time, she thought the time had come. In fact, her judgment is very correct. Because a core member lurking in the justice society suddenly died unexpectedly, which greatly disrupted the internal management of the armed front. In fact, although Ye Feng and others disguised it very well, the people on the armed front never accepted that GE Dazhuang died in a car accident.

The accident was too sensitive. Ge Dazhuang was an important person who had been lurking for nearly ten years. His sudden death was a major event that must be paid attention to for the armed front. In particular, who will succeed him as the next person to sneak into the justice society, which triggered a heated discussion.

In fact, no one wants to be this unlucky guy. Although hiding in the justice society means that even if all the branches of the armed front outside are destroyed, this person will not be affected, but everyone with a clear eye sees that this relative security is exchanged for a miserable life like a prison.

It's better to live in precarious danger than to live in fear. You can eat meat and drink. Because of this, the top leaders of the armed front had a fierce quarrel over who would become Ge Dazhuang's successor.

It's funny to say that in order not to become the core members of the organization, these people are crazy biting each other

It was in this case that the action team of the shield bearer alliance led by Adelin began to strike accurately at various strongholds of the armed front.

Thanks to the core members of the uneasy armed front who are still lurking in the justice society, it is precisely because of their recent frequent contact with the branch that they exposed these distributed location information to Gemma, who has been monitoring their every move, and Gemma gave these valuable information to adlin.

Edlin led the most elite people, and Audrey, Kirby and Rihanna were all in the action team, which made the suppression operation go very smoothly. For the bad guys on the armed front, this is a coming doomsday without warning. The exterminated people among them almost don't know why they hide well. Suddenly, the people of the shield bearer alliance are like divine soldiers falling from heaven, beating them to the ground.

In just a few days, the branches of the armed front scattered all over the world were destroyed one by one by the thunder action of the shield bearer alliance, and a large number of wanted criminals were arrested. This is a huge victory. Although there are still many remnants in resistance, the action of Edlin has fully won valuable time for Ye Feng and others in the justice society prison.

Of course, the four of Ye Feng don't know anything about what happened outside. They are living a comfortable life in prison. There is still no new hengzhiyan. New hengzhizi is still trying to find her brother's position every day. She said she has telepathy with her brother. New hengzhiyan is indeed near here, but she hasn't done anything to confirm his position.

Since xinhengzhizi said that he might find the exact location of xinhengzhiyan, Ye Feng and Jane fooled around with her. Ye Feng, zhenma and Jane rarely returned to the state of idleness. They didn't need to think about work or even cooking. Even the cell was specially cleaned. They lived a life of putting on clothes to open their mouth, For Ye Feng, this kind of happy life can only be described as strange. He often has a sense of dislocation. He doesn't know whether he is on vacation or on a rescue mission. His life in prison is so comfortable that he can't afford to do anything.

Finally Jane regained her senses. She found Ye Feng and Chu Qian and said to them seriously: "we must take action. If we do nothing like this, you will eventually be assimilated."

"There's nothing wrong with assimilation. Assimilation is good. Live here all your life. What do you say, Chu Qian?" Ye Feng looked at Chu Qian happily.

"... I don't know."

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