Chu Qian and Ye Feng have been unconsciously affected. Jane has hardly been affected because of the particularity of her body structure. She stared at her two companions and sighed helplessly. Behind her, she stretched out her hand and slapped Ye Feng in the face, making his face red and swollen.

"Ah! What are you doing!!!"

Ye Feng got angry at once. He stood up and glared at Jane.

"Better?" Jane looked at him calmly. "Keep quiet and communicate with lips."

"... OK." Ye Feng will do it obediently in the chair. He covers his face thoughtfully and says to Jane, "we've been recruited, haven't we?"

"It should be."

"Damn it, this thing works too quickly. We haven't stayed here for 24 hours." Ye Feng was a little surprised. He never expected that the mysterious instruments in this prison could control a person's character so quickly. He recalled what had just happened. He didn't know himself or Chu Qian at all.

Speaking of Chu Qian, Ye Feng turned and looked at Chu Qian sitting next to her. Because Jane didn't give her a few big slaps in the face, Chu Qian was still in that kind of confused and silly state, just like a silly sister who didn't worry about the world. Chu Qian happily sat in a chair and said hello to every prisoner passing by.

"What should we do with her?" Ye Feng asked, pointing to Chu Qian.

"You can try slapping her in the face," Jane said.

"I dare not..."

"I won't do it anyway," Jane said.

"..." Ye Feng said helplessly, "I'll do it in a minute, Jane. Why doesn't xinhengzhizi seem to be affected?"

"Maybe she grew up on Mars when she was a child. There was some variation in her body that we didn't see, so she would hardly be affected." Jane analyzed, "and all her attention was focused on looking for his brother. Maybe it was because of her mind that she wouldn't be changed like you."

"Maybe, in a word, it should be a good thing," said Ye Feng.

"I don't think so." Jane frowned. "Did you find it? The guard looked at Shin Heng Chi Ko with a strong sense of vigilance. I think it's because she didn't behave like other prisoners at all. She was too obvious."

"Is this why you pretend to be silly? Don't want to be found out that you won't be affected?" Ye Feng suddenly stared at Jane.


"What should we do next?" Ye Feng couldn't make up his mind. All the plans they had made before couldn't be implemented now, which made Ye Feng feel very embarrassed.

The original plan of Ye Feng and zhenma is as follows: after they are put in the prison of the justice society, they secretly search for the location of Xin hengzhiyan. If they can't find him, they will bring the prison to a standstill by creating chaos. Ye Feng and others take advantage of the chaos to search for the figure of Xin hengzhiyan in the confidential area.

But the problem is that the prisoners in this prison of the justice society are all amiable and good neighbors. They hardly know anything else except giggling and greeting everyone. This makes Ye Feng's previous plan completely useless, let alone chaotic. Just slapping these people in the face may not wake them up - ah! You can try!

Ye Feng immediately stood up and walked in front of a passing fat man. With all his strength, he slapped the fat man with more than 200 kilograms and lay down. When he stood up slowly, what was waiting for Ye Feng was not a burst of abuse or severe beating, but the concerned eyes of the fat man.

"Does your hand hurt? Sorry, I should have laid down earlier so that your hand won't hurt too much." the fat man said to Ye Feng with a swollen face.

"...... I accept your apology." Ye Feng sat in his seat with an expressionless face. He held his face in his hand and said helplessly, "it seems that the big slap is only useful for those of us who have not been deeply affected." Ye Feng said, slapping Chu Qian in the face and waking her up from her confusion.

"What's the matter? Why did you hit me?"

"Well, this is what a normal person should have." Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He patted Chu Qian on the arm and introduced the situation.

"Well, let's hurry." Chu Qian said. Chu Qian felt a panic at the thought that she might lose her shape and become a greasy fat aunt. She didn't want to make herself happy and fat.

"We'd better get the new hengzhizi back. If she catches the attention of the guards, it may cause unnecessary trouble for us." Ye Feng said, "let's take a long-term view. Damn it, I'm in a mess now. I'm not good at this kind of thinking thing at all. I'm just good at Yin people."

With some effort, in a corner of the square, Ye Feng found xinhengzhizi. When they found her, xinhengzhizi was talking to a small man with scar on his face.

Of course, the little man just smiled foolishly. He was indifferent to all the questions xinhengzhizi asked him. He looked like a robot who can only giggle.

Ye Feng pulls Xin hengzhizi away from the man and tells her the conclusion he reached with Chu Qian and Jane just now. Although xinhengzhizi didn't want to agree with Ye Feng's statement, her observation over the past few days made her know that these prisoners did have problems and couldn't communicate at all.

"Damn it, what should we do?" Xinheng Zhizi grabbed her hair painfully. She felt close to her brother Zhiyan, but she couldn't see each other. She wanted to go crazy.

"I actually thought of a way to break the game," Jane said.

After she said these words, Ye Feng's eyes focused on Jane. Jane stared back at the three expressionless and organized the language. She said in lip language: "since we can't ask what from the prisoners who have been detained here for a long time, and it's impossible to create chaos by provoking them, we can only rely on our own strength."

"Don't we always rely on our own strength?" Ye Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"I don't mean that, but more concrete action," Jane said. "Since no one will fight because of our provocation, we can only start a struggle internally."

"You mean we pretend to fight and let the guards lock us in a more confidential area?" Jane's proposal brightened Ye Feng's eyes.

"Xinhengzhiyan may be in these areas. At that time, I can feel his location. I'm sure I can sense him as long as I'm closer to him." xinhengzhizi was so excited that she almost said. She quickly slapped herself in the face to make herself more focused.

"Er... You're really cruel to yourself." Ye Feng looked at her and then turned to Jane, who put forward suggestions. "That's a good idea. We just have to pretend -"

"We can't pretend, we must be serious," Jane said. "If we just keep closed for a few days, it will be a waste of time for us. We must let the guards see us as the most dangerous people --"

"We are the most dangerous people," said Ye Feng.

"- but they don't know that," Jane said coldly. "They must be made to realize that we are the most dangerous existence. Let them lock us in the area with the most strict security measures. That place should be where Shin Heng Zhiyan is. If I were on the armed front, I would try to lock Shin Heng Zhiyan in the safest place."

"What do you mean?" Maple Leaf suddenly felt a chill on his back.

"Ye Feng, you are the most perfect sandbag." Jane stared at him and said, "anyway, your self-healing ability has not been used for a long time. It's up to you this time."

"... are you... Serious?"

"You must be serious, Chu Qian and Zhizi. Fight to death. Do you understand? You must not leave room. You'd better beat him into a vegetable. Anyway, if you rest for a few days, he will be alive again." Jane said positively.

Watching Jane, Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi who were walking towards him, Ye Feng slowly retreated until his back was stuck on the solid wall. Ye Feng swallowed his saliva and looked innocently at the three extremely fierce women around him. The faces of the three beauties were all eager to try, which made Ye Feng very uncomfortable.

"Can, can you stop beating your face?"

Facts have proved that Ye Feng's words still played a certain role. At least Jane and the three of them really didn't attack him in the face. At the last moment before losing consciousness, Ye Feng had three sweaty faces in his mind: Jane, Chu Qian and Xin hengzhizi. There were happy smiles on their faces

Am I sacrificing my life for justice? Sure. Ye Feng finally fell into endless darkness.

After Ye Feng fainted, Jane and the three didn't stop. Instead, they fought more happily until a nearby guard found their "atrocities", and Ye Feng was finally rescued. At this time, he was no longer a man. The guard quickly called his colleagues and corona the three Jane. They were sent by the guards to the area where dangerous prisoners were detained. This area is the real prison. It is heavily guarded and holds really dangerous prisoners with unforgivable crimes.

Ye Feng was sent to the medical room for the first time. The medical staff on duty in the medical room thought it was a medical miracle when they saw that Ye Feng was still breathing. If another person bears these injuries on his body, there is no doubt that this person is dead and there is no need for rescue at all.

In fact, the medical staff on duty disagreed on whether to rescue Ye Feng. Finally, it was Ye Feng's complete breathing and heartbeat that made the medical staff rise their determination to treat him

Of course, if these medical staff directly give up the treatment of Ye Feng, Ye Feng will be miserable. He will be sent to the morgue, and then wait for an opportunity to be pushed into the incinerator. After all, even Ye Feng can hardly recover from a pile of ashes. In this way, Ye Feng's luck is good. And this can also be confirmed from the side, Jane, how reckless they are

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