Jane, Chu Qian and shin Heng Chi Tzu, without accident, were locked up in the area where dangerous prisoners were being held. The normal prisons in this area are almost the same, with iron doors and windows, and everyone is held in separate rooms.

Before being put into prison, Jane and the three of them were interrogated separately. Jane has different views on why they suddenly beat their companions so inhumanely.

Jane's answer was very brief: I'd love to.

Chu Qian made up a very complicated story and finally succeeded in stun the guards who interrogated her.

Xinhengzhizi didn't miss any chance to find herself. She insinuated to the guards who interrogated her to inquire about the whereabouts of her brother xinhengzhiyan. What made her somewhat helpless was that the two guards who interrogated her ignored her in the face of her temptation.

After being held in prison, Jane found the area very strange. There are no patrol guards in the three story building of Nuo da. When she tried to open the door of the cell and go out, she found that the door was not locked. She just pushed it gently and opened the door. She hesitated for a moment and finally got out of the cell.

When she came to the narrow corridor, everything around her was quiet. Jane suddenly felt a palpitation. There seemed to be something wrong, but she couldn't find anything wrong for a moment.

She believed her intuition very much. For the first time, Jane mobilized all her senses, stood in the corridor where she was the only one and watched the change.

In this way, about five minutes later, a cell door was suddenly kicked open from the inside, and a strong man roared out and rushed to the position where Jane stood.

"Well, it's like exercise before dinner." Jane smiled and raised her hand with a punch.

Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi, who belong to different floors, also met the same situation, and they also began to scuffle with their respective enemies.

What Jane three don't know is that the prison in this prison is not as simple as it seems. Its operation theory is as wonderful as that prison outside.

All the prisoners locked up on the third floor of this place are ferocious criminals who the guards believe cannot be disciplined or changed. They were locked up by these people and didn't let them out of the building, but they didn't design any control measures inside the building. The reason is very simple: dogs bite dogs.

Rather than spend huge amounts of money to control these prisoners, let them live and die. Don't you like sabotage? OK, let's have enough fun.

Although the building looks nothing special, its internal structure is very strong. Even the magnitude 8 earthquake shook the whole building. Let the prisoners live and die in it. Of course, the guards will guard the entrance and exit of the building. Only they can let people out.

But generally speaking, people who go in are rarely likely to come out.

Clapped her hands and Jane wiped the blood off her body. The idiots who came for her have fallen down the corridor. It's time to get down to business. Jane began to search along the corridor, cell by cell, trying to find someone who matched the appearance characteristics of Shin Heng Zhiyan.

Of course, along the way, she will face the provocation of many people who don't know how to live or die. In the face of the provocation from these idiots, Jane usually just smiles, then takes all the orders and knocks down all the people in the way.

Chu Qian's situation is similar to Jane's. If the other party doesn't take the initiative to provoke her, Chu Qian usually just passes by and focuses on looking for Xinheng Zhiyan's whereabouts.

On the contrary, xinhengzhizi, who should be the most urgent, completely released his nature after entering the building. Whether he shot at her or not, xinhengzhizi beat down everyone standing within her sight. The whole building, which has been quiet for some time - the last big scuffle was more than half a month ago. At that time, after the battle, the residents of the whole building were reduced by two-thirds - was once again immersed in a sea of "joy".

Jane, Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi are busy there, while Ye Feng lies leisurely on the hospital bed and lives a life of clothes, food and mouth. For Ye Feng's rapid recovery of consciousness, the medical staff in the infirmary were puzzled one by one. Even if he can survive, he should have a high probability of becoming a vegetable. Why did he recover his mind without 24 hours?

Ye Feng seemed very surprised - this was agreed between him and Jane in advance, and people should not doubt him - as if a miracle had happened to him. In the process of lying down, Ye Feng was not idle. He gave full play to his ability behind his mouth and soon became one with the staff in the infirmary. Ye Feng is still very pleasing to some extent, if he can make complaints about his own love Tucao.

Ye Feng did this, on the one hand, to amuse himself and kill time. Another very important factor is that he needs to try to get in touch with the outside world, so that he can tell Edlin the specific time to rescue them. Otherwise, if the whereabouts of xinhengzhiyan have not been found, Edlin will rescue them, and the whole plan will come to naught.

As for the action of Adeline, it is much smoother than that of Ye Feng. With the assistance of Kobi and Audrey, the shield holder alliance has swept the branches of the armed front around the world with a destructive momentum.

Almost all the organizations invaded by the armed front joined in the grand suppression operation. The situation is very good. As commander-in-chief, adlin only needs to focus on the current action. By monitoring the core figures of the armed front lurking in the justice society, adlin hardly needs to worry about finding the enemy's hometown. The only thing she feels helpless is that some of the action members of the shield bearer alliance can't be assigned, and there are too many targets to attack. Sometimes it's inevitable to take care of one thing and lose the other, Let some members of the armed front who heard the news catch the gap and flee and hide.

Of course, this is a little happy distress. Adelin is sincerely satisfied with the results of the front action, which is very helpful to improve the popularity of the shield alliance. She believes that after this hearty victory, more people of insight will join the shield alliance to make the organization that exists for justice develop better.

What Aileen was most worried about was the action of Ye Feng and the four of them. It's really going deep into the hinterland. If there's any accident, they can only rely on each other. Even if Edlin wants to rescue, he can't get there.

However, out of trust in Jane and Chu Qian, Edlin expected that the trouble caused by Ye Feng and Xin hengzhizi would not threaten their own safety... Right?

Adlin is still a little worried.

After a scuffle, Jane, Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi met. The three of them summarized the current situation and found that they did not find the whereabouts of Xin hengzhiyan.

"I've asked several 'kind' passers-by. They say this is the tightest place in the whole prison. There is no higher security level than this place." Jane frowned. "I don't think those people will lie to me."

"Yes, I heard a similar statement," said Chu Qian, with an excited expression on her face. The fight just now had overindulged her addiction. The most relaxed person at the moment is Chu Qian.

"Damn it, is there anything we missed? It's impossible. I checked every cell I entered." Xin Hengzhi frowned.

"Look again." Jane finally made up her mind, and the three continued to search for the whereabouts of Xinheng Zhiyan.

After a careful search, they really found us. In a bathroom compartment on the first floor, Jane reached out and knocked on the wall. She found that the wall was hollow. This discovery made her very excited. She went up with a big foot and kicked the thin wall down.

Following Jane, Xinheng Zhizi and Chu Qian walked into the big hole in the wall. Inside is a dark corridor. They walked for a few minutes and came to an iron door.

"Go in?" Jane looked at Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi behind her.

"Go in." xinhengzhizi said firmly.

"OK, then go in." Jane no longer hesitated and opened the iron door in front of her.

When they entered the iron gate, they found that there was a downward staircase in front of them. It was very dark, as if it were a monster's mouth. Jane wanted to go back, but she still managed to walk down the stairs. She didn't know what was waiting for them, but she had to move forward.

After walking in the dark for about five minutes, although the slope of the stairs is not very steep, there is no doubt that they are already under the ground. At the thought of this, Jane's heart beat faster. Fear of the unknown is an uncontrollable instinct. Jane is also human, and she will be afraid.

If Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi suddenly disappear behind her, Jane will collapse. Simply, the sound of their footsteps gave her some comfort, so that she could continue to step forward into the unknown darkness.

When she finally saw a beam of light, Jane felt an inexplicable attraction. She accelerated the pace of progress. Gradually, the beam of dim light gradually became clear and bright. A metal door appeared at the end of the road, and those lights leaked out from the gap on the door.

"It seems that someone is waiting for us behind the door," Jane said. "I feel the existence of people."

"You can feel it through a door?" Chu Qian asked.

"My perception is not weak," Jane said.

"All right."

In fact, only Ye Feng knows Jane's real strength. Jane usually hides her strength, and she is a quiet person. In addition to her love of food, it is difficult to see too many emotional changes in Jane. Jane enjoys today's life very much. She is relaxed every day. When her friends need her, she will stand up and do what she can.

For Jane, these friends around her are her family and her most cherished existence, so no matter what Ye Feng asks her to do, she won't hesitate. For Jane, the existence of Ye Feng is very important. He is the noble man of her life.

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