After opening the door, Jane, Chu Qian and shin Heng Zhizi were surprised by the scene in front of them. The moment they opened the door, countless possibilities came to mind, but the scene in front of them was not in those possibilities.

A roomful of people.

And it's as like as two peas in a room.

Watching this scene, Chu Qian widened her eyes and murmured, "what a heroic mother..."

"Damn it..."

Jane was completely shocked by the strange scene in front of her. Imagine if you open a closed door, and the spacious space behind the door - at least the size of a football field - is full of people. These people in twos and threes wear the same clothes, have the same hairstyle, have no difference in height and weight, and even have the same face, The shock of this scene is enough to make a person with weak mind turn around and run away.

"Are you three here to die?" one of the men asked Jane. While he was talking, all the people who looked the same turned their eyes to Jane.

For Jane and them, this is a new experience. Dozens of looks are watching you together. They can't describe their strange feelings in words.

In short, they carefully watched the dozens of fetal protection, and did not dare to act rashly.

"Who are you?"

"If you dare to come here without even knowing us, are you an idiot? Come here and die! I'm a reckless ghost!" all the reckless ghosts in the room began to roar. For a moment, the empty room was filled with the roar of wild animals.

"Mang ghost?" Jane looked at Chu Qian. "Have you heard of it?"

"No." Chu Qian shook her head in confusion, then turned to Xinheng Zhizi, "Zhizi, have you ever heard of this name?"

"No, maybe it's not very famous," said Shin Heng Zhizi. "If it's really a cruel man, I should have heard of it."

The mang ghosts in the room were very embarrassed and stopped roaring. They were awkwardly stunned in situ and seemed at a loss.

"Cough." the reckless ghost who has been taking the lead in talking coughed a few times, "haven't you heard my name?"

Jane, Chu Qian and shin Heng Chi Tzu shook their heads in unison.

"..." the mang ghost was silent.

In fact, I really don't blame Jane. The three of them haven't heard of the name of manggui. After all, except Chu Qian, Jane and new hengzhizi are not locals. Chu Qian didn't know much about the outside world before she left the hunting Corps. She just studied how to survive in battle.

If ye Feng was present, manggui might not be so embarrassed. He still has an impression of the word "manggui". Before being held in the prison of the justice society, the mang ghost was notorious. He claims to be a regiment. This made him famous. Everyone who had seen his magical ability thought that his strength was incomparably strong. As a matter of fact, he's just a pretense. The strength of the mang ghost itself is actually poor, but with a large number of people, he can still fool many people and make them mistakenly think that he is a strong and cruel character. In fact, it's not the same thing at all. The mang ghost is just a coward with fierce complexion and weak inside, a dog that can only bark

In fact, he can really form a regiment by himself. His ability came from a laboratory explosion, but he was stealing in this laboratory. His bad luck triggered a huge explosion. His body mutated and could be divided.

Although each division is a great pain for him, and will weaken him for a long time. But the split is the same as the noumenon, which is another reckless ghost. Manggui quietly hid for several years, formed a battle group composed of hundreds of his own, and began to undertake various tasks.

He can do anything if he is given enough money.

Because of doing too many evils, the reckless ghosts eventually caused anger and resentment. The justice society used the power of thunder to catch all the reckless ghosts. The five reckless ghosts who surrendered were locked up in the highest level of security in the justice society prison.

The original five reckless ghosts gradually split into dozens of reckless ghosts in front of Jane.

Because no one knows his name, manggui attacks Jane three people in anger. But there is a saying that manggui's own strength is very poor. He was just a thief before his body changed. Even though they have the ability to split infinitely, the ability of the mang ghost itself has not made a qualitative leap. On the contrary, because they have been splitting new individuals, the strength of each mang ghost is very weak. Maybe he can beat a normal man who doesn't exercise much. However, for Jane, Chu Qian and the new hengzhizi, who are full of anger, dozens of reckless ghosts are not enough to see at all.

Ten minutes later, all the reckless ghosts in the room fell to the ground and couldn't stop crying. Jane and Chu Qian are already new hengzhizi. They just sweat. Let alone get hurt. They don't even have a place to rub their skin.

"Where on earth is this?" Jane asked a reckless ghost by kicking him in the head. "Speak, don't pretend to be dead."

"Er... I don't know where this is. I'm just locked here and guarding the door." manggui pointed to an iron door in the corner of the room, "I must stop all intruders, or intruders who come here by chance. As for what is behind the door, I don't know and don't want to know. I can't leave this room. I tried, but I just died in vain."

"Have you tried?"

"Well, once I want to pass through that door, I will be killed by all kinds of traps, burning, clicking, and even big stones." mang ghost said helplessly.

"Why don't you go out through the big iron door?" Chu Qian pointed to the door where they came in.

"It's no use. Even if I go out from there, I can't leave this building. I've died many myself and tried any way." manggui shook his head. "No one can live and leave this building."

"That's because your own strength is too weak," said Shin Heng Zhizi. "Why did the people of the justice society catch you? You're nothing at all."

"You're right, you're right." manggui didn't dare to retort, but nodded repeatedly.

In fact, Aragaki Chiko as like as two peas, the fact that a mang can do so much evil is actually not based on strength, but on the momentum of the dozens of people who stand up together. Even if someone who can kill dozens of wild people with his own strength will be in the mood for the first time he meets him.

Moreover, the reason that two fists can't beat four hands and a hero can't stand many people is very obvious. Few people can kill even a reckless ghost on their own, even if a single reckless ghost is not very strong. But once they use their wolf tactics, reckless ghosts can bluff people for some people who don't have real skills.

As for his attempt to escape from here, it was a long time ago. For at least half a year, manggui stayed here honestly. On the one hand, his life is still leisurely compared with his days of hiding. On the other hand, his prison sentence is about to pass, as long as he keeps quiet and works for the justice society A obedient watchdog, he can soon return to the outside area. Where life is more comfortable, he has already lost the greed of a villain under the subtle influence.

For manggui, he just wants to stand on the last post and start enjoying his retirement.

In fact, due to the influence of several years, the reckless ghost, who is not firm in will, has become a man without much brain like the prisoners outside who only know how to be happy. Of course, it is precisely because he has been splitting, so his brain disability has not reached a high level.

No more as like as two peas of the same rash ghost who fell on the ground, Jane and Chu Qian and Aragaki Chiko headed for the little door in the corner of the room.

"Listen to that idiot, it may be dangerous to pass through this door." Chu Qian stood at the door and said with some worry.

"I'll try it first," Jane said and went straight to the door.

Xinhengzhizi wanted to reach out and grab Jane to prevent her from acting rashly. But Chu Qian grabbed xinhengzhizi and said to her, "Jane is different from us. I heard Ye Feng say that she was directly thrown into space once and was unharmed."

"Directly thrown into the sky? Not wearing protective clothing?" Shin Heng Zhizi looked at Jane's back in surprise.

"No, I heard I was wearing a vest," Chu Qian said.

"... what kind of people are you?" murmured Xin Hengzhi.

Under the gaze of Chu Qian and Xinheng Zhizi, who was a little worried, Jane pushed open the door and walked directly past. When her figure passed through the door, a series of huge sounds kept ringing. After two or three minutes, the noise stopped.

"Are you all right, Jane?" Shin Heng Ji Ko shouted.

"I'm fine, but my clothes are broken. Find me some clothes to bring," Jane replied.


In this way, several reckless ghosts very consciously contributed their coats. Chu Qian and Xin hengzhizi took two coats, pushed open the door and walked into the back of the door.

After their bodies disappeared, the hearts of dozens of mang ghosts lying on the ground relaxed. They lay on the floor in a big shape and talked to each other. Some even fell asleep. It was really big.

Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi went through the door and came to a messy corridor. They took the clothes they handed over, and Jane put on her coat. Although her clothes were a little sad, one was missing, the other was missing, but she herself was intact. Except for some stains on her face, she had no other changes.

"What have you done?" Xin hengzhizi looked at the mottled marks in the corridor.

"Nothing, just triggered all the traps," Jane said lightly. "Well, let's go on."

"The word" on the road "sounds unlucky." Chu Qian said with indifference. "You'd better use it to move forward."

"Well, just listen to you and move forward," said Jane, unable to laugh or cry.

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