At the end of the corridor is a door.

"Can't there be another idiot behind?" Xin hengzhizi stared at the door helplessly.

"Who knows," Jane shrugged. "If it's another idiot, we'll teach him another lesson."

"Well, let's go." Chu Qian opened the door and went in.

Behind the door is a space covered with green. After Jane and others entered, they thought they had crossed into a primitive jungle. After carefully looking at the space, they found that it was a space similar to a greenhouse covered with vegetation. Compared with the space where manggui was located, this place was actually much smaller. In particular, the gloomy plants fill almost all the space.

A man with disheveled hair, like a savage, was sitting on a stake with his back to Jane.

"Another idiot." xinhengzhizi said helplessly, "Hey! Can you understand people?" she shouted to the savage.

"You shouldn't have come here," said the savage in a rough and crazy voice. He didn't turn around and still sat motionless on the stake.

"Get out of the way, don't fight." Xin hengzhizi said impatiently.

"Hey, why?" said the savage. "Have you ever heard of the name rain ghost?"

"Rain ghost?", "rain ghost?"

Xinhengzhizi and Jane stared at each other in confusion. Chu Qian took a breath. It was obvious that she knew the name.

"Are you the rain ghost?" she asked.

"You know me?"

"How could it be that the rain ghost died more than ten years ago," Chu Qian said.

"Yes, the surprised rain ghost indeed died twelve years ago, but another muddleheaded rain ghost has been living here, waiting for death," said the savage.

"Since you know you're living a miserable life, why don't you clean up your death?" asked Shin Heng Zhizi.

"Because I haven't lived yet," said the rain ghost.

"... it's really an irrefutable reason." Jane sighed helplessly. "Aren't you going to let us pass?" she looked at the door blocked by the rain ghost.

"If you defeat me, you can let you go." said the rain ghost.

"Is this man powerful?" Jane looked at Chu Qian. "Listening to his tone, it seems that he is not an ordinary person."

"It's very powerful. When I heard about the name, I was a little girl. Our regiment commander had a fight with him and said his strength was really good." Chu Qian said, "our regiment commander rarely praises a person's strength. He can say this, which shows that the strength of the rain ghost is really very important. Jane, we should pay more attention. Eh?! Zhizi, don't rush so fast!"

Xinheng Zhizi didn't listen to Chu Qian at all. She rushed straight to the rain ghost. The rain ghost has been sitting with her back to them. Xinhengzhizi will never miss such a good opportunity. Now her mind is full of things about xinhengzhiyan, and she doesn't want to waste a little time on the road.

Chu Qian and Jane see that the new hengzhizi has rushed over, as long as they also attack together. Just when they were ready to help Xinheng Zhizi to prevent her from being injured by the rain ghost, Xinheng Zhizi had rushed behind the rain ghost. Mercilessly, he was a big flying foot and went to the rain ghost's head.

After a dull crash.

The rain ghost flew out directly. After falling to the ground, he just twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

"Er..." Chu Qian and Jane were stunned. "What's going on?"

Xinhengzhizi also had a mask on her face. She didn't know what had happened. The three people were stunned for half a minute, then walked carefully to the rain ghost's side and touched the rain ghost's body on the ground with their toes.

"Oh, don't try to touch porcelain, I have a witness!" Shin Heng Zhizi muttered.

Chu Qian squatted carefully next to the rain ghost's body and checked it. She found that the rain ghost had completely fallen into a faint. Xin hengzhizi just knocked him unconscious.

"This, this is too weak to withstand the wind." Xinheng Zhizi said, "I swear, I only used three levels of skill just now." she raised her arms to Jane and Chu Qian, "really, I just want to test him. Who will try his best as soon as he comes up?"

"Chu Qian, what's going on?" Jane looked at Chu Qian. "Didn't you say his strength was extraordinary?"

"Er... It may be an impostor," Chu Qian said. "He may not be a rain ghost at all."


Chu Qian, Jane and shin Heng Chi Tzu stare at the body of the rain ghost who is dizzy on the ground.

In fact, this weak chicken is really the rain ghost who was surprised more than ten years ago. But after more than ten years of imprisonment, his strength has retreated to an unimaginable level. Moreover, the ability of the rain ghost could not be brought into full play in this closed space. His skill was ordinary, coupled with degradation and inability to exert his ability, so he was put down by xinhengzhizi.

The ability of rain ghost is to control the weather and call the wind and rain. To some extent, his ability is very rebellious. It's just that it takes space to exercise this ability. If the rain ghost can go to an open place to fight with people, it is difficult for him to overcome the existence, but as long as he controls it under the ground, he can't exert his special ability and control the changes of the weather.

In fact, it was because of his carelessness that he took the initiative to walk into an underground bar that the rain ghost was caught by the people of the justice club. When the people of the justice society were aware of this information, they made a decisive move. They were stunned to control the rain ghost after paying a huge loss.

Then the justice society imprisoned the rain ghost in this prison. Due to his strong personal strength, he was finally imprisoned in an underground building hundreds of meters deep on the ground, and his action was strictly prohibited.

In this way, under the degradation day after day, the rain ghost has changed from a famous figure in those years to a waste that has been kicked by new hengzhizi.

Leave Jane, Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi who are three faced and ignorant. What is Ye Feng doing here?

The wounds on his body have begun to scab, and the broken bones have healed as before. However, the people in the infirmary don't know about the improvement of Ye Feng's condition. Ye Feng needs to add several wounds to his face from time to time in order to hide that his body is healing quickly.

Although he still pretended to be seriously injured, Ye Feng's mouth was not idle at all times. As long as he could catch any opportunity to communicate with others, he would not let go.

Ye Feng wants to know the latest developments in the prison through the words of the medical staff, and then choose how to make the next decision according to this information.

He knew very well that Jane, Chu Qian and shin Heng Zhizi had only one foreign aid. If he could not rescue them in time, their situation would undoubtedly be very dangerous.

However, Ye Feng is not too worried about the situation of the three of them. Huang Liang knows that the three of them are female Superman and can take good care of themselves.

What Ye Feng needs to do is to send a message to Edlin outside at the right time to let Edlin get them out of prison in time.

From the staff of the infirmary, Ye Feng hasn't heard any useful news. What he is sure of is that if Jane and her three make a big mess, there will be news to the infirmary, and even some unlucky guards will become Ye Feng's sick friends.

Lying in the hospital bed with nothing to do, Ye Feng only eats and sleeps. He is the only patient in the ward, which makes Ye Feng a little bored.

In fact, the Infirmary of the justice society has never had any patients, and medical staff rarely have jobs. This is also when Ye Feng was sent. Even if he was no longer in adult shape, the medical staff who were like treasure finally chose to treat Ye Feng.

It's also very boring to be idle all day. It's a precious opportunity for every staff in the infirmary to find someone to practice and show their professional skills. Therefore, they almost put all their medical skills on Ye Feng.

Anyway, Ye Feng's injury is heavy enough, and his body can stand the toss. Why not?

Ye Feng is leisurely in front of the patient, but Edlin has encountered some small problems. The people on the armed front finally reacted. They took the initiative to cut off contact with the core members lurking in the justice society, which made Edlin unable to easily grasp the whereabouts of the armed front branch.

Due to the actions of Ye Feng, Adelin could not directly tell the true identities of those people to the justice society. She had to use some relationships and relationships to "invite" these four people from the justice society to the headquarters of the shield bearer alliance.

The justice society did not respond to the sudden disappearance of these employees. After all, these employees are not even members of the justice society. They are only engaged in security - working as security guards in the justice society is almost the safest security work in the world. Cleaners are not important, so their sudden disappearance did not attract the attention of the justice society, Even after several days, some people realized that their colleagues were missing.

After taking the four men to the headquarters of the shield bearer alliance, adlin personally interrogated them. At first, these people were all clank and refused to speak. In this regard, adlin's response is to be reasonable and emotional, and instill positive energy and chicken soup into the four brothers 24 hours a day.

Yes, Edlin won't let these people sleep. Once they want to sleep, put up a high decibel noise so that they can't rest.

In this way, after less than three days, the psychological defense line of the four eldest brothers completely collapsed, and they provided all the information they had, knowing everything and saying everything. Using this information, adlin wiped out almost all the strongholds of the armed front at one stroke. Except for a few rotten fish and shrimps, almost all the leadership of the armed front were controlled by the shield bearer alliance. The organization of the armed front, which lasted for decades, finally ushered in its end.

Adelin is very satisfied with the brilliant achievements of the shield bearer alliance. Now all her attention is on Ye Feng. Adlin didn't know what their current situation was and whether they had found Xinheng Zhiyan. She anxiously waited for the contact from Ye Feng or a few words from Luo Shengdu, but there was no, everything was very calm, and there was no news of any major events. Edlin can only wait anxiously. She hopes Ye Feng and them can come over safely and don't make big mistakes.

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