After the rain ghost's farce, Jane and the opposite sex embarked on the journey again. Another dark corridor, another mysterious iron door.

"Enter?" Jane asked expressionless.

"Go in."

Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi are both powerless. After the torture of two neuropathy, mang ghost and rain ghost, they don't have much left.

When the door was opened, there was an empty hall. The room is about the size of a football field. A man stood in the middle of the room with his back to his.

"Hey, don't waste your time and do it quickly," Jane shouted at the back of the strange man.

"You --"

"Shut up." xinhengzhizi impatiently interrupted the man, "I don't have time to play with you. Hurry up, whether you lie down or we beat you down and choose one."


"Er, what? As like as two peas, you're not being shut up, you don't understand people." Aragaki Chiko said with no interest. She rushed directly to the man's back and was just like the way he had knocked the ghost down. He rushed behind the man and pointed at the back of his head.

However, different from the rain ghost, the man's flexible forward somersault directly avoided the heavy foot of new hengzhizi. At this time, the man's face has been facing Jane and her party.

Jane and Chu Qian immediately exclaimed after seeing the man's face.

"Is it you?"

"Do you know me?" the man's face was full of confusion. At least he didn't know the three women in front of him.

"Who is he?" xinhengzhizi returned to Jane and Chu Qian. The skill shown by the man just now has aroused xinhengzhizi's vigilance. After a face-to-face meeting, she knew that the opponent should not be too despised and should be taken seriously.

"He is' looting and killing '." Chu Qian whispered in Xinheng Zhizi's ear.


"Another identity of 'looting and killing' is adlin's ex husband," Jane added softly.

"He's adlin's ex husband." Shin Heng Chi Tzu almost screamed out. Fortunately, she finally suppressed the volume of her speech.

"Plunder and kill" stood aside and continued to stare at what the three women he had never seen were whispering. From their prison uniforms, it is not difficult to see that they are prisoners of the justice society like him. Just, how did they come here? According to the guards, ordinary prisoners can never reach this area. Did they get lost and happen to come to this place? No

"Looting and killing" was a little uncertain for a while. And this was the first time someone could break his boring life. He was not in a hurry to do it, but wanted to see what medicine was sold in the gourd of the three women.

'looting and killing' wants to have some fun. He is so boring.

"What are you muttering about?" he couldn't help asking.

"You're looting?" Jane asked.

"Yes, it's me. Have we met before?" "looting" looked at Jane three curiously.

"No, no, it's the first time we've met." Chu Qian also looked at "looting and killing" curiously. "It's different from what Ye Feng described. It looks like a dog."

"Ah?" after listening to Chu Qian's words, "plunder and kill" the whole person was stunned, "am I like a dog?"

"Well, indeed, the way Ye Feng described it was disgusting. I didn't expect that the 'killing' of real people was not what he said." Jane said to herself.

"Ye Feng? Are you Ye Feng's friends?" "looting and killing" immediately became gloomy. "Now there's a reason for me to kill you. You know Ye Feng that bastard."

"You really don't get along," Chu Qian said. "After all, your former wife is now mixed with Ye Feng. Ex husband brother -"

"Don't call me ex husband!"

"Plunder and kill" rushed straight to Chu Qian, but he was just halfway there when Jane, who charged at him, kicked him to the ground.


The "plunder" who fell to the ground tried to stand up, but he tried several times and finally failed to stand up. He held the abdomen kicked by Jane and kept struggling and wailing on the ground.

The shock in his heart at the moment of "looting and killing" was nothing to add. He never thought that one day he would be kicked by a woman. For a close combat master like him, even in the most terrible nightmare, he didn't expect this scene to happen.

"You -- what are you --"

"You're right. We're Ye Feng's friends." Xin hengzhizi said leisurely. It's comfortable to have powerful teammates around!

"But you're here --"

"We are different from you. We came in voluntarily," Jane said. "No wonder Ye Feng couldn't find your whereabouts. So you hid here."

"Ye Feng has been looking for the whereabouts of this man. Why?" Xinheng Zhizi asked, "shouldn't he hate this man the most?"

"Ye Feng really hates him." Chu Qian said helplessly, "but compared with leaving this person behind, Ye Feng still thinks that erasing him from the planet is the best solution."

"Well," said Xinheng Zhizi suddenly, "it's really in line with Ye Feng's brain circuit. And this idea is still very reliable. There's no man who wants to fight a weak woman as soon as he comes up."

"Are you weak women?" make complaints about lying on the ground.

"I said yes, why, do you have an opinion?" Xin hengzhizi stared at "looting and killing".

"No... no..."

As for how "looting and killing" got to this point. It can only be said that this matter is still the ghost of Ye Feng. Although he doesn't know the end of "looting and killing", this matter is really closely related to him.

The cause of the matter is actually what Jane said: Ye Feng wants to erase "looting" from the planet. However, "looting and killing" is a top killer after all. He pays great attention to protecting his whereabouts. Therefore, it is not easy for Ye Feng to find "looting and killing".

After trying many methods, Ye Feng still took the whereabouts of "looting and killing", which annoyed him very much.

It was jenma's words that reminded Ye Feng: why do you waste your energy looking for him? Just let him come to you.

In a word, wake up the dreamer!

Yes, why waste your energy to find him? Just let the bastard "looting and killing" throw himself into the net. So Maple Ye carried out a series of actions.

First of all, he released a series of high reward missions on the forum of the assassin alliance, and successfully attracted the attention of "looting and killing" with these missions.

After a bargaining session, Ye Feng disguised himself as a task publisher and entrusted the series of tasks to "looting and killing" for him to deal with.

The targets of these missions are some villains with good strength. Ye Feng disposed of these residues and moths through the hand of "looting and killing". After a series of games, he finally won the trust of "looting and killing"‘ 'loot and kill' regards Ye Feng as a client who can cooperate for a long time.

This is right in Ye Feng's heart. For Ye Feng, spending money to kill the bad guys is only one of his purposes. His real purpose is to turn the "looting and killing" around.

Finally, Ye Feng started to kill.

He pretended to entrust "looting and killing" with a task. When "looting and killing" went to the task site, he was waiting for more than a dozen ambush men of hero organization who received the news from Ye Feng.

This directly caught him unprepared for "looting and killing". Even though his own strength was very strong, he was left alone to face hundreds of heavily armed combatants. His end can be imagined.

But what Ye Feng didn't expect was that his move to kill with a knife didn't fully work. "Looting and killing" was indeed trapped in a tight encirclement and caught, but he didn't die. Instead, he was locked up in this prison by the justice society as their watchdog.

"Looting and killing" never guessed the real identity of the man who killed him. As for Ye Feng, he had long forgotten the man "looting and killing".

"What shall we do with this man?" Shin Heng Ji Ko looked at Jane. She stretched out her hand and pointed to the "looting and killing" on the ground. A eager expression made him very afraid.

These three women are not crazy women, are they‘ 'loot and kill' looked at Jane three people with fear.

"After all, he is an old acquaintance of Edlin. We can't treat him too much," Jane mused.

"Looting and killing" quickly said, "no, that's right. Although Edlin and I are divorced, we are still friends -"

"Let you speak?" xinhengzhizi glared at "looting and killing", and the latter didn't dare to say anything at once. After being locked up for so long, "looting and killing" has changed a little. The once ruthless tough man has become greedy for life and afraid of death. On the one hand, it was because of the influence of the prison on him, on the other hand, it was also because the blow was too heavy for him, and the "looting and killing" had completely collapsed.

"As you said, we have to give Edlin a face after all -"

"Jane, you don't want to let this man go?" said xinhengzhizi discontentedly. "It's too cheap for him. I don't think he looks like a good man."

"He's really not a good man. But it doesn't matter," Jane said. "I decided to kill for Edlin's face -"

"Thank you. You must thank Edlin for me."

"- let's discount their arms and legs," Jane said.

"Uh... No..."

"That's a good proposal, Jane. If you can, let me do it." Shin Heng Ji Ko said excitedly. Somehow, when she saw the face of "looting and killing", she was angry.

In fact, Shin Heng Chi Tzu forgot that "looting and killing" had chased her and her brother. However, the "looting and killing" at that time wore a mask. She didn't know that this person was the one who made her suffer at the beginning. Her sixth sense had been trying to guide her to remember this.

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