In fact, "looting and killing" has shown that this short haired woman is the target of the mission he once pursued. But he hid well and didn't show it. He was sure that xinhengzhizi would not recognize his appearance, so he kept a state of trembling, but he didn't speak.

"Do you know what you're guarding?" xinhengzhizi asked aloud.

"Er... You didn't know anything, so you broke through the pass?" "looting and killing" stared at Jane and her three people in surprise.

"You just need to answer our questions," Jane said. "Is it difficult? You're a little worried. We won't do it yet?" she snapped her fingers and was so frightened that she stopped talking at once.

"Well... Of course not." "after hesitating for a moment, loot decided to say," behind that door, "he pointed to a metal door," is the warden's office of this prison. "

"The warden's office? Are you sure?" xinhengzhizi asked hurriedly.

"Anyway, this is what I observed." "no one told me what was behind the door, but my hearing was good. I inferred this conclusion through a few words."

"So it's just your guess?" Jane asked.

"Eight or nine is inseparable from ten."

"All right," Chuqian shrugged. "Jane, he can't seem to say more valuable information. Let's do it directly."

"OK." Jane nodded.

She, Chu Qian and shin Heng Chi Tzu walked toward the "looting and killing" that fell to the ground‘ With a frightened look on his face, he climbed backward and kept shouting, "I've told you what you want to know. What else do you want?"

"It's very simple. I just said, break your arms and legs." Jane said calmly.

"... can't we discuss?" 'looting and killing' forced out a smile.

"No. do it."

In a burst of screams and the sound of fractures, 'looting' was treated with great emphasis by Jane and her party. They placed the fullest respect on him and used ten percent of their strength.

'looting and killing' really didn't lie to Jane and them. Behind that door is really the warden's office. As for why the warden's office is built on the ground, and the three "watchdog" of reckless ghost, rain ghost and "looting" are protected outside his office, it is because the warden is an extreme coward.

The coward's name is James. He is a worthless man. Before he became the warden of this prison, he was a senior otaku.

How senior is he? He hasn't been out of the house for more than two years. He hasn't even washed his hands for a year, let alone his face. The reason why such a fat man who has almost become a disabled man can become the warden of this prison is very simple. He has a good sister.

James's sister is also a fat man. But the same fat man has a completely different fate. Although James's sister looks ordinary and overweight, she can't stand people's life. Well, with this golden body, she was stunned to be transferred to a golden turtle son-in-law. The aesthetic of the rich second generation may be because of his unfortunate childhood. He is very different. He just likes a real daughter like Sister James. A good-looking model can't see it.

Even though he was opposed by everyone around him, the infatuated rich second generation was stunned to go to James's sister as his wife. In this way, one person gets the Tao and chickens and dogs rise to heaven. James himself suddenly became an upper class man, but his otaku attribute and timid character remained the same.

Following his sister and brother-in-law, James came to Los Angeles to settle down. After coming here, his life took a major turn. The reason is that his brother-in-law gave a large sum of money to the justice society to build a prison.

Yes, it was with this money that the justice society built this prison. When the staff of the justice society made frequent contact with James' brother-in-law, James accidentally entered the vision of the justice society and others. They came across that James was actually a capable man. He can always send out a magnetic field of negative energy to act on the people around him, making them stand aloof from the world and be as timid as him.

After learning that James had this characteristic, the justice society carried out a series of research according to his characteristics. Finally, they customized a special instrument for James. As long as he sat in the instrument, the instrument can double the magnetic field power of his negative energy and affect more people.

Only those with strong personal will and character, or wearing the equipment developed by the justice society, can resist James's influence in front of him.

The people of the justice society find James and hope he can be the warden of the prison. James himself is not very interested in this job. In fact, he is almost not interested in anything. He is even lazy to enjoy life. He eats and sleeps every day.

However, James's sister thought that it was not a long-term plan to let her brother stay in the bedroom all day. She agreed to the request of the justice society. In this way, James became the nominal warden of the justice society prison. He has only one thing to do in his day's work: he stays in the special instrument and doesn't need to do anything at all. When the time comes, food will be delivered, and his food, drink and Lazar are in the instrument.

James has no dissatisfaction with this almost imprisoned life. For him, life is a prison that will never end. Perhaps only at the moment of his death will he be free from the torture of life.

James spent five years in prison.

In these five years, great changes have taken place in the outside world. His sister died of obesity. After losing his sister, James broke off contact with his brother-in-law. In this way, he has no place or relatives to rely on. James, who had lost almost everything, stayed in the warden's office in the prison more wholeheartedly and lived in a muddle every day.

As for why he should be placed tens of meters below, I am willing to be very simple: safe. As long as James is safe, the prisoners in this prison will continue to be influenced by James and become people who don't care about everything. Such prisoners are simply too easy to manage. There will be no conflict between them, they will not take the initiative to cause trouble, and they will not think about escaping from prison. It is undoubtedly the most effective way to turn these vicious criminals into people who eat, sleep or giggle.

This is the core reason why the justice society prison is different. It is precisely because of the existence of James that the prison can operate normally and become the safest prison.

In order to ensure James' absolute safety, the only way to James' office is the road guarded by reckless ghosts, water ghosts and "looting". If you want to come here, you should first enter the three storey building. The prisoners in this building are all criminals with strong willpower. They are bloodthirsty and have strong resistance to James. These people were originally a major concern of the justice society, but because of James, they can control these people to a certain extent. Although these extremely ferocious people will not become stupid idiots like other ball valves, their ferocious nature will be limited to a certain extent. Even if they are still very aggressive, at least the prison guards can stand off with them for a while, at least they will not be knocked down by these people. And to a certain extent, maintaining their aggressiveness can still play some roles, such as making them an obstacle avoidance.

Only by defeating these people and then accidentally finding the way to the bottom, can outsiders enter the bottom. After that, he had to face the battles of reckless ghosts, water ghosts and "looting and killing" before he could come to James's warden's office.

As a matter of fact, it is not the reckless ghost, the water ghost and the "looting and killing" who are not capable of fighting. These three are difficult opponents to deal with the vast majority of intruders. In particular, their own strength is not weak.

But Jane, Chu Qian and shin Heng Chi Ko, none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. Together, they can walk across the planet. Reckless ghosts, water ghosts and "looting and killing" are not enough.

It can only be said that the people of the justice society calculated thousands of calculations, and did not expect that three super powerful people would come here at the same time and accidentally want to go to James's warden's office.

"How could it be the warden's office?" Xinheng Zhizi said discouraged, standing at the door.

At this time, the "looting and killing" had fallen to the ground and turned into a pool of non-human things. Jane still obeyed her words and didn't kill him, but left a breath for him.

"It's all here anyway. Let's go in and have a look," Chu Qian said. "I don't know if your brother Xin hengzhiyan is at the end of the road."

"Chu Qian is right. Zhizi, don't give up too early. You two wait for me. I'll see if there is a mechanism behind the gate." Jane stood in front of the metal gate, carefully stretched out her arm and held the door handle.

When Jane's hand touched the metal gate, a series of electric currents flickered on her body, like poisonous snakes with blue light.


Xinhengzhizi exclaimed. Subconsciously, she was going to stretch out her hand to drag Jane. Chu Qian was still in a hurry and grabbed xinhengzhizi's arm.

"Don't be silly!" Chu QIANJIAO shouted, "Jane, she'll be fine. It's you. You want to be electrocuted?!"

"Will Jane be all right? Oh, by the way, even the vacuum environment can't kill her..." Xin hengzhizi's idea still hasn't changed. In her eyes, Jane's strength is indeed very strong, but she still hasn't got rid of the fixed thinking that Jane is a physical fetus.

Just as Chu Qian said, the high-voltage current flowed on Jane. Although the flames splashed, Jane herself had nothing to do, but her clothes were scorched.

"Fortunately, I prepared some clothes for you." Chu Qian said, "Jane, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, but don't get close to me now. It's only safe when the current flowing on me is eliminated from the body." Jane said easily. The nano robots in her body are her strongest barrier against all injuries. They exist. This little thing can't hurt Jane at all.

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