After a quarter of an hour, Jane asked Chu Qian to hand her the clothes. After changing her clothes, Jane moved her body.

"What's up? Why don't we take a break." Chu Qian looked at Jane anxiously. Jane's shape was really a little miserable at the moment. She was a little worried.

"I'm fine, and zhiko can't wait," Jane said with a smile.

"I'm fine, Jane..." Shin Heng Chi Tzu blushed. "Why don't you take another break? I've been here for a few minutes."

"No, let's go. You two keep a safe distance from me. I'll go first. If it's absolutely safe, you two will keep up," Jane said.


Jane pushed open the metal gate and walked into a very narrow room. Even a slim person like her can only barely move forward by leaning sideways.

If people with claustrophobia enter this too narrow corridor, there is no doubt that they will be scared to move. Jane simply doesn't have so many problems. Although she has some mobility difficulties, there seems to be no trap in the narrow corridor.

After moving patiently for five minutes, Jane could see a red door at the end of her walk. She turned back and shouted to Chu Qian and Xin Hengzhi, who were still standing by the door, to let them follow.

In fact, Jane's worries are a little superfluous. The narrow corridor was not built to prevent intruders at all. The only purpose of its existence is not to let James leave his office.

In fact, the designer naively believes that no one can break through all levels and come here. They deliberately built the passage so narrow that fat James could not leave his "cell".

Although this is completely meaningless, James has never raised the idea of leaving the warden's office. The life of eating, drinking and sleeping at any time is completely enough for him. He doesn't want to return to the original world at all. He is very satisfied with everything now.

This is the fundamental reason why the passage is so narrow: don't let a fat man escape his life.

From the beginning, the members of the justice society were not prepared to let James leave his office. In addition to the passageway used to transport materials, this narrow corridor is the only way for James to leave the warden's office deep below. His huge body can't leave at all. Similarly, the channel used to transport goods is designed to be the size that James can't pass through.

"It's still the old rule. Stand away and I'll see if there's a mechanism." Jane said to Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi behind her in front of the red metal door.

After Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi pulled apart, Jane held her breath and reached out to hold the door handle. She twisted hard and the door opened.

"Hello? Who are you?" a little boy's voice sounded.

After hearing this sound, xinhengzhizi ran all the way, rushed past Jane and rushed directly behind the door. Jane and Chu Qian were shocked. They left and rushed in with her. After entering the dark room, they saw xinhengzhizi holding a teenage boy. They were excited and couldn't speak, but kept crying.

"Is he Xinheng Zhiyan?" Jane asked aloud.

"No, yes, he is Zhiyan, my brother." Xinheng Zhizi burst into tears. She looked at her brother's face indefinitely. "You have grown up so much that your sister can't recognize you."

"My sister is still as beautiful as before." Xinheng Zhiyan said shyly.

After several years of separation, it was a great joy for them to meet again. Chu Qian and Jane are also moved. Chu Qian's tears are swirling in her eyes, and she is about to flow out.

"That's nice," she whispered. "Jane, I'm so moved."

Jane patted her hand, a little sad and laughing.

He is not tall, only about 165cm, and his body is a little thin, but his eyes have a wisdom that is not consistent with his age, so you have to take a high look at him.

"Why are you here? Zhiyan, I heard that this is the office of the warden of this prison." Xin hengzhizi wiped his tears and looked at his brother in confusion.

"This is indeed the warden's office, but the warden is special," said Shin Heng Zhiyan.

"Special, how special?" Jane asked.

"James - the warden - is the most important prisoner in this prison," Shin Heng said. In a few words, he explained James' ability and his importance to the whole prison.

In the process of xinhengzhiyan's explanation, Jane noticed that there was a strange machine in the middle of this huge room. There is also a huge figure in this machine, which looks like a hill.

"What's in there should not be warden James in your mouth." Chu Qian said with some fear. She hid behind Jane and secretly looked at the huge and strange instrument.

"Yes, it's him," said Shin Heng Zhiyan. "My job is to take care of his life, and this place, nominally the warden's office, is actually the strongest cell in this prison."

"In other words, this James is very important?" Jane's eyes burst into light.

"That's right," said Shin Heng.

"How did you come here?" Shin Heng Chi Tzu asked him, "how are you doing here?"

"In fact, it's OK. Except that I don't have freedom, every day is safe." xinhengzhiyan said, "at first, I was sent to this prison to stay with ordinary prisoners, that is, to live in a separate single room outside. But before long, I was brought here." xinhengzhiyan pointed to the empty room, "After I was brought here, I was told to stay here to take care of James. However, he is not a difficult person. In fact, in the few years I came here, he hardly said a word to me. He doesn't need to talk. As long as he presses the button, I will send the food into the instrument."

"Why do you need your existence?" Chu Qian said. "The people's Congress of the justice society can connect this instrument with the passage for transporting food."

"They may be afraid that James will support themselves to death," said Shin Heng Zhiyan. "He always refuses whoever comes."

"My God, that is to say, someone must look after him?" Chu Qian asked.

"Well, I don't know why this man became me," said Xin hengzhiyan.

"It should be the trick of the armed front. They know this is the safest place," Jane said. "By the way, is someone coming to you? I mean the armed front?"

"The guards here are basically people from the armed front." Xin hengzhiyan said, "nominally, this is the prison of the justice society, but those who actually control this prison are people from the armed front. They have been working on God infiltration in recent years, and now they have achieved considerable results."

"You mean the guards of this prison are all from the armed front?" Jane was shocked by the situation.

"Most of them are," Shin Heng said.

"My God, no wonder they can lock you up in this prison and hide you in the warden's office underground." Xin hengzhizi whispered, "it turns out that the armed front has done so much behind the scenes."

"I know you will come back and save me one day, sister," said Shin Heng Zhiyan. "I don't need any prophecy. I also know that such a day will come."

"Of course, I won't leave you alone." Shin Heng Chi Tzu said with tears in his eyes.

"The drama of sister brother love will be staged later. I suspect that the news that we have entered here must have aroused the vigilance of those guards belonging to the armed front above. We must act immediately." Jane said seriously. She looked at Xinheng Zhiyan. "Do you know how to turn off that instrument?" She reached out to the huge instrument in the middle of the room.

"It should be OK. Do you want to throw the prison into chaos?" asked Shin Heng Zhiyan.

"Yes, as long as we can disable that instrument, we can make people on the armed front tired of dealing with prisoners, and we can take the opportunity to get in touch with the outside world and escape here," Jane said.

"OK, I see." xinhengzhiyan ran to the instrument. Xinhengzhizi followed him and went to help.

"Are we going back the same way?" Chu Qian asked.

"Of course not. The guards will catch you," Jane said. "It doesn't mean there's a channel for supplies. We'll go up from there."

"I don't know if we can go up, although we are in good shape." Chu Qian said with some worry.

"Relax, even if it's not spacious enough, I can make a way," Jane said. "As long as you can lend me your phantom."

"Of course not." Chu Qian said, "what kind of weapon do you want to use?"

"Electric drill."



"Something's wrong, something's wrong!"

Several medical staff hurried out of the medical room. After a while, they hurried back. They kept shouting.

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng, lying in bed, no longer pretended to sleep, but looked up at the medical staff.

"There is a riot in the prison!" one of the panicked big sisters shouted to Ye Feng.

"Ah? Riot? Can there still be riots here?" Ye Feng immediately realized that Jane and her three people had caused the current situation. Although she didn't know how they did it, Ye Feng's spirit was boosted, which showed that they had at least a result, whether it was a good result or a bad result, it was a result after all.

Just when the infirmary was in a panic, several thugs rushed in and knocked several medical staff to the ground. Ye Feng suddenly became angry and hit people in front of him? I'm tired of living. He jumped out of the hospital bed and divided three into five by two to clean up several thugs.

"Hey, the tiger didn't get angry. You were my sick cat!" Ye Feng moved his body comfortably. For him, lying motionless on the hospital bed was even more painful than killing him. It seems that Jane should have a result. Sure enough, she is the woman he likes. There is nothing to say about the efficiency of her work.

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