Of course, Jane and her party are the culprits causing chaos in the prison.

It took them a lot of effort - the instrument used to trap James was very strong - to get the fat man named James out of the instrument.

Of course, Jane, of course, they didn't want to rescue him. In fact, James didn't want to be rescued at all. After Jane and her party broke the instrument that imprisoned him, there was no change in his dull face. Because there are too many wrinkles on his face, Jane and others can't even tell whether he is awake or sleeping with his eyes closed.

Xinhengzhiyan knew James' habits better. He analyzed it for a few eyes and concluded that he was sleeping.

Jane took the lead and climbed directly up the food delivery pipe. She held Chu Qian's magic artifact in her hand - the shape of a drill bit, and opened a straight path. The more she got to a narrow place, she chiseled out a passable way with brute force.

This scene surprised xinhengzhizi and xinhengzhiyan.

"Sister, who is this big sister?" Xinheng Zhiyan asked.

"She is not human..." Xin hengzhizi could only answer him like this.

After working for about an hour, Jane shouted to Chu Qian and others at the bottom: "OK, you climb up."

When Chu Qian climbed up along the passage, Jane, who had entered the delivery room, was listening carefully to the nearby noise, but to Jane's surprise, she didn't hear the sound of the guard, and the building was particularly quiet. When she went to the window of the delivery room and waited for Chu Qian and others to come up, Jane found the root of the problem: it turned out that all the guards had rushed to the prison playground and were trying to stop the growing unrest in the prison.

Jane was as like as two peas in the James's rescue. Although James's opinion never showed concern, the development of the situation was exactly the same as they expected. The strange prison finally restored its original appearance, without James's suppression, all those prisoners who knew silly laughter. One by one, they began to recover their nature.

As for the guards whose armed front is hidden in this prison, they are in a very bad situation. These people usually enjoy humiliating prisoners in prison. In the past, you slapped him in the face and he would care about whether your hand hurts, but now these idiots have recovered their nature, but the memories of the past have not disappeared.

When these prisoners are no longer under control, what they want to do for the first time is not to escape, not to escape, but to return the humiliation they have suffered in the past ten times to the guards. This kind of anger that has been squeezed for a long time, once it breaks out, will be incomparable terror and burn everything.

Leaning against the window, Jane happily watched the dog biting scene on the playground: the prisoners in the prison were scuffling with people on the armed front disguised as guards.

"The noise is loud enough. It's time to think about how to get out of here," Jane muttered softly. She kept abreast of the movements in the nationalist prison. She looked down and saw several prisoners trying to climb over the high wall and return to the normal world.

They were all very strong - although they were all big bellied - and after a few jumps, they were close to the top of the fence.

Seeing these three people are about to jump over the fence. But the accident happened suddenly. It seemed that there was a wall invisible to the naked eye that blocked the three people from running towards themselves. The three of them fell straight to the ground like insects hit by flies. Jane noticed that the three people had lost consciousness in the air.

"It seems that it's hard to break through with external forces," Jane whispered.

Jane is waiting for Chu Qian to climb up from the channel, while Ye Feng is busy in the infirmary. Because he wanted to get in touch with the outside world, he tried to contact Edlin by phone in the infirmary. But what makes Ye Feng feel extremely collapsed is that the phones in the infirmary are internal phones and can't get in touch with the outside world.

As for the medical staff who were saved by him, one by one had endless questions, trying to ask him why he recovered to this level in such a period of time. It was almost impossible to see that he was a seriously injured patient. Ye Feng asked these chattering people for a mobile phone, but the words of these medical staff almost made Ye Feng angry.

"No, why do we need a phone in prison?"

The unlucky medical staff working in this prison work for a week in a row, and then rest for a planet. This cycle repeats. Before they enter the prison, all their personal belongings will be stored outside the prison.

Let alone mobile phones, their underwear is distributed first every time they enter the prison.

Ye Feng asked, "go to work for a week at a time? Aren't you afraid that your daughter-in-law and girlfriend will wear a hat for you when you're away?"

"Do you think we can find a girlfriend like this?" one of the little fat men asked.

"... yes."

"What do you want a cell phone for? It's impossible for anyone to come in from the outside," said one. "No one can enter this prison unless the people of the justice society open the door."

"Is it as exaggerated as you say?" Ye Feng muttered.

"Of course," the man continued, "this prison can be ranked in the number all over the world. In terms of security, it has almost no dead corner. There has never been a record of successful escape of prisoners."

"Of course not." Ye Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Before the riot began, the prisoners here were all good gentlemen and good neighbors, just those idiots who only knew giggling. Do they know what 'escape' means?"

"Er... Of course I don't mean that. I mean, the security force here is very high." the man said, "after all, you saved our lives just now. I don't want you to die in vain. And it won't be long before the guards can control the situation."


"Control chips have been implanted in all people's bodies," the man said. "Even our staff have been implanted with controllable chips. As long as the guards remember, they can directly corona the prisoners. None of these prisoners in a frenzy want to run and have to fall to the ground."

"Why hasn't this happened yet?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Maybe the guards forgot to have such an insurance," someone answered. "As you just said, the prisoners in this prison will only giggle. Suddenly, in the face of this situation, maybe the guards didn't react for the moment."

"Uh... Could this happen?"


This is the case with implementation. Most of the guards forgot that the prisoners were implanted with a chip that could be controlled remotely. Using it, they could quickly control the situation. Those guards who remember this matter are in trouble. Some are being chased and intercepted by prisoners, and some have even forgotten where to put the controller of the control chip, which has plunged the whole prison into chaos.

It can only be said that a comfortable life has passed for too long. Suddenly, in the face of this chaotic situation, except for a few guards, the rest are in disorder. They know to rush around one by one, rather than trying to solve the problem.

Of course, after all, most of these guards were infiltrated into the prison of the justice society by the armed front. These people were originally a mob. Once faced with the scene of a large group of thugs coming towards themselves, they were in a panic. They had almost no other thoughts in their minds except that their parents hated them and only grew two legs for themselves.

"Damn it, where can I get in touch with the outside..." Ye Feng stamped his feet anxiously.

"Do you have to contact the outside?"

"Of course."

"You can go to the guard building. Those guards stay in that building when they rest. I believe that the only thing in this prison that can get in touch with the outside world can only be in that building."

"Thank you, little fat man. Please point it out to me." Ye Feng said excitedly.

"See? Even the four story gray building." the man went to the window and pointed to the moving rectangular building.

"Well, I see." Ye Feng turned and walked to the door of the infirmary. Standing at the door, he hesitated, and finally returned to the window. "You block the door and wait for rescue. Believe me, this commotion won't last long. Do you hear clearly?"

The medical staff nodded again and again.

"OK, I'll go down from here. Bye, everyone." after that, Ye Feng directly turned over and jumped out of the window. It was only three floors high. For Ye Feng, it was just a small thing. He rolled and landed flexibly and limped towards the guard building.

"Who on earth is he?" several medical staff gathered together on the windowsill and watched Ye Feng's back.

"In short, not ordinary people."

"With your nonsense, he walks so handsome."

"Don't be a flower maniac, elder sister. He won't like an old sister in her fifties."

"Who do you say is old? Who do you say is old? It's called maturity. You little fart know farts!"

"OK, OK, old sister, you're right. Hey, I don't know how long we can hide."

"This is not the time to chat. Hurry up and pile everything at the door. Don't let the mob rush in!"

"OK, let's help!"

It turned out that they were all in vain, because no other mob paid attention to them, and everyone was chasing after the guards who didn't do anything. These prisoners who have become round one by one have endured all kinds of humiliation from the guards in the past time. In fact, because they will never suffer retaliation, the guards are very excessive one by one, and their actions are absolutely unbearable for another person.

They never thought of this day. The prisoners who would not resist anyway finally recovered their nature and became a person. Once such a day appeared, it would be the end for the guards who did not do anything.

Every man must pay for what he has done.

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