Jane waited patiently for a quarter of an hour in the delivery room. Chu Qian and Xinheng Zhizi climbed out of the pipe. They were all a little exhausted. This journey was very physical exertion.

"What's the situation? It seems very lively outside." Chu Qian looked out of the window.

On the playground, there are groups of people chasing each other in full swing. Usually, several fat men and women in prison uniforms chase after people in guard clothes, sparing no effort to abuse and chase.

"What's the situation? Have you had a party?" asked Xin hengzhizi.

"Sister, we destroyed the equipment for holding James. Now the prisoners in the prison will no longer be affected by James," Shin Heng Zhiyan explained.

"So they all began to release themselves one by one?" Xin Heng Zhizi smacked his tongue.

"This is a good situation for us," Jane said. "Hey, look, is the man running here Ye Feng?" she suddenly saw something and quickly asked others to come to the window.

"It's really him." Chu Qian said excitedly.

In the process of scurrying around, Ye Feng stretched out his feet from time to time to make a mix, tripping the people who were running around, while he turned his head and left as if nothing had happened. He didn't look at the end of the people who had been cheated by him. His face was still hung with a beating smile, which made Chu Qian and others laugh.

"Who is this man?" Xinheng Zhiyan asked Xinheng Zhizi.

"It's my friend. Thanks to his money and efforts, my sister, I can finally find you." Xinheng Zhizi said, "we'll meet later. You must be polite to him, okay?"

"This man, I can't see through his fate." Xin hengzhiyan said dimly.

"Normally, no one can see Ye Feng's future," Jane said casually. "He himself is a bug."

Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi nodded in deep agreement and thought Jane's evaluation of Ye Feng was very pertinent.

As for Ye Feng, who is in the vortex of chaos, he doesn't notice his every move at all. He is clearly seen by Jane and others who are higher.

"He looks happy." Chuqian make complaints about it.

"There's no time to make him happy, hey!" Jane shouted. The people on the playground were stunned, but except a few people, they looked for the direction of the sound. Most people continued to bury their heads in what they were doing, what they should run away, what they should chase.

But Ye Feng recognized whose voice it was. He raised his head in surprise and just saw Jane and others standing by the window.

Ye Feng waved his arm excitedly: "Hey! You -"

"What an idiot! What are you yelling about..." Jane sighed helplessly and motioned to shut up and hurry over. Ye Feng ran to the building.

As the guard building was almost blocked by the prisoners who rushed in, Ye Feng had to use the most direct way to go upstairs: climbing the stairs. With the help of windowsill and pipe, I finally came to the room where Jane and others were located.

"Hey, are you all right? This boy is your brother?" Ye Feng asked, pointing to xinhengzhiyan. "He looks different from you."

"Can you speak?" Xin hengzhizi glared at him.

"Well, we'll chat after we go out." Jane looked at the chaotic scene and said to Ye Feng and others, "now we must get in touch with Edlin immediately, let her communicate with the people of the justice society and rescue us from here."

"Yes, it's a top priority." Ye Feng said solemnly, "if the commotion is calmed down in a while, it's hard to get out. Is it possible for the people of justice society to find out that you caused the commotion?"

"It should be able to find out," Jane mused. "After all, we destroyed many surveillance cameras along the way. There must be pictures taken of us."

"It's hard to handle. If it's not handled properly, it will easily lead to disputes between the shield holder alliance and the justice society." Ye Feng pondered, "Well, let's separate. Xinheng Zhizi and Xinheng Zhiyan and I go to find a phone that can contact the outside world. You and Chu Qian go to the monitoring room and try to destroy the relevant evidence. We can't leave a handle on the justice society. Is it clear?"


Jane and others nodded.

"OK, act now."

Ye Feng and other soldiers divided into two ways and began to deal with their own affairs.

Ye Feng, xinhengzhizi and xinhengzhiyan ran in the corridor, aimlessly searching for rooms after rooms. Some of these rooms did not install telephones at all, and some installed telephones, but they were all internal lines and could not contact the outside world.

"Damn it, I don't believe TM. I can't find a mobile phone that can contact the outside world. Don't these people use mobile phones? That's enough!" Ye Feng grumbled angrily.

"There is a satellite phone in an office on the top floor that can get in touch with the outside world." Shin Heng Zhiyan suddenly said, "this prison is surrounded by a special protective force field. Ordinary mobile phones and telephones can't be used normally, and there are none in all those rooms."

"How do you know this?" Ye Feng looked back at him in surprise.

"You forget, my brother has a strong ability to predict," said Shin Heng zhiko.

"Well, it's too convenient..."

Although Xinheng Zhiyan has pointed out the way forward for Ye Feng, this way is an extremely serious problem. As the manic prisoners rushed into the guard building, almost all the guards with combat effectiveness gathered together one by one and took their hands next to the two stairs on the top floor of the building as the last barrier.

This situation makes Ye Feng very headache. You know, there can be more than a dozen fully armed guards, and he and xinhengzhizi are unarmed, and there is even a drag of xinhengzhiyan who can't help. It's conceivable that it's a fool's dream to go to the top level safely.

Looking at the posture of the guards, it seems that they are determined to stick to it.

Ye Feng doesn't have so much time to spend here. He asked Xin hengzhiyan if there are other bodies and backs that can contact the outside world in the prison, but Xin hengzhiyan said he only saw these, and didn't see the rest.

"... damn it, it's hard to do."

Ye Feng knocked down a fat man who rushed to him. The next few prisoners who tried to beat him were away from him.

"Hard attack is no good." xinhengzhizi also frowned, "it's just looking for death."

"Well... It seems that we have come up with a way." Ye Feng mused.

"What can be done?" said Xinheng Zhizi impatiently.

"Well..." Ye Feng looked at Xinheng Zhizi and suddenly saw a bright light, "I have an idea that I need you to pay."

"What do you want?" Xinheng Zhizi cautiously looked at Ye Feng with a bad smile on his face. "I warn you, I'm a serious man. When you wait for my brother to be away --"

"What nonsense." Ye Feng a black line in his head.

"Then what are you doing?" Shin Heng Ji Ko looked at him.

"It's very simple. Come here," said Ye Feng in xinhengzhizi's ear. "You just need to do this, and then do this, and then do it again. How about it? It's simple."

"OK..." Xin Heng Zhizi looked at Ye Feng, "how can I feel very unreliable..."

"Don't worry, you can definitely succeed. Hurry up," said Ye Feng. "Zhiyan, find a safe place to hide yourself. Can you do it?"

"No problem, I know where to stay. It's absolutely safe. When you're done, I'll find you." Xin hengzhiyan said with a smile, "sister, you have to act like a little."

"I know," said Shin Heng Chi Ko helplessly.


"You say TM is really evil today." a short, thick and fat guard complained to his colleagues. "It's a ghost. These bastards don't usually do this. Why do they bite when they see people like taking rat poison today!"

"Who knows, in a word, the brothers cheer up and must guard here, or we will be torn alive by those crazy people."

"Is it so serious?" said a thin guard. It was the first time he encountered such a posture, and the whole person was stunned. Although the colleagues next to him experienced similar things for the first time, in addition to him, the other dozen people are actually undercover agents who have been placed in this prison by the armed front. For them, life is originally a crazy farce, so they still maintain a minimum sense of normalcy and do not mess around.

That's why they thought of sticking to the top floor.

However, their number was really leisurely, and finally gave up the idea of guarding the two staircases. They piled everything they could move on one stairway and blocked it, and all of them gathered to guard the other stairway. As long as they can stick to the arrival of rescue, they still have a chance of life.

Due to the existence of weapons and equipment in their hands, at the beginning, a large number of prisoners attacked them. However, after suffering a heavy loss, the prisoners learned well and no one wanted to be a leader. In this way, the pressure they faced became less and less, and almost no prisoners tried to attack the top floor. In fact, as long as these prisoners unite and send them a few more times, these guards will be broken in one fell swoop, because they don't have much ammunition in their weapons, but they are really lucky. After several waves of beating back the rushing crowd, no one dares to take risks, which gives them breathing space.

Of course, there is still a sporadic person who is not afraid of death and wants to take a chance, but these people are all knocked down by the guards. There are many people with great strength. It's not easy to catch a dozen people beating one.

Gradually, the top floor became the safest and quietest place in the guard building. Almost no prisoners would come to the top floor, which made the dozen guards see the hope of surviving. For them, being able to survive the arrival of the rescue team of the justice society is a victory.

Anyway, they are people on the armed front and their nickname is the most important. As for other things, they have nothing to do with them. Their only task is to protect the personal safety of the boy named Xinheng Zhiyan. However, since they can't even protect their own personal safety now, they are not in the mood to protect the safety of others.

It would be nice to survive. What kind of bike do you want?

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