"Help us!"

A tragic cry for help attracted the attention of more than a dozen guards. They looked at the entrance of the stairs and saw a woman holding a man with a bloody face.

And a very beautiful woman.

The charming woman was staring at the guards standing upstairs and aiming her weapons at herself with pleading eyes. Her face was covered with stains and looked like running away.

"Stand there!" the Mediterranean leader in the guard pointed his electric shock gun at the woman. The woman was startled by him. She immediately froze on the stairs, neither up nor back, and just froze there.

As for the man she helped, it seemed that he would die at any time because of the air intake.

"Please, help us!" the woman screamed.

"Don't move, you damn prisoner!" said the Mediterranean coldly.

"Captain, you are a woman who has no power to bind chickens. Are you overreacting?" said a thin man like a monkey. He did not hide the greedy eyes in his eyes. He kept looking at the woman.

"Don't be cheap to me, you boy!" the Mediterranean said angrily, but after the reminder of his subordinates, his defensive heart gradually put down. The thin monkey is right. She's just an unarmed woman, and she has an oil bottle that will hang up at any time. There's no need to look like a great enemy.

"Help me, sir." it seems that the guards put down all their weapons, and the woman bravely stepped up several steps. She struggled to help the seriously injured man. The guards saw that several very ferocious wounds on his face were bleeding out, and their guard heart was weaker. She was just a woman, The man is on his way home.

"Did I let you move?" the Mediterranean scolded. "Stop. You unkind prisoner!"

"Sir, please do something good, just my husband." the woman said sadly, "he's dying. Please help him."

"You all deserve to die!" said the Mediterranean. "None of the people locked up in this prison is a good cake. You can't die. It has nothing to do with me. Those who know better should leave quickly. Don't let me do it. Do you hear clearly?"

"Sir, if you leave, my husband and I will die," said the woman.

"Boss, the man is going to die anyway. Why should we push such a beautiful woman to those crazy prisoners?" the thin monkey said to his ears, "Why don't we save them? Anyway, we're not going to save the man. As for the woman, hey, who knows when the rescue team will come, boss, don't you want to be happy?"

"You mean, I eat meat and you drink soup behind me?" the Mediterranean narrowed his small eyes. "It's good to think."

"Boss, come first, and then let the brothers have a share." the thin monkey smiled.

"I think so." the Mediterranean looked up and said to the woman standing on the stairs, "you can come up and leave your dying husband at the bottom. I look at the bad luck."

"Sir, please show mercy and save my husband. I beg you."

"Shut up, either come up or die with him!" said the Mediterranean coldly. "You choose."

The woman struggled for a while, and finally put her husband who had fallen into a coma on the stairs. She walked up the top floor alone, head down and slowly step by step.

Under the gaze of more than a dozen ill intentioned guards such as the Mediterranean, women walked towards them step by step, like a panic lamb, from one hell to another.

What the guards didn't notice was that the woman with her head down had a cold expression on her face, and the corners of her mouth were rising slightly

Lying on the stairs, Ye Feng could hear how xinhengzhizi killed the unlucky guards one by one from the fighting upstairs with his eyes closed.

Originally, he wanted to help, but after hearing a scream from above, Ye Feng gave up the idea and lay comfortably on the cold stairs, waiting for the end of the battle.

The injuries on his body and head are all true. In order not to let the idiot guards see that the injuries on his body are fake, Ye Feng agreed to let Xinheng Zhizi give himself several times. They are all those terrible wounds with bleeding, but they did not cause much damage.

Ye Feng has become an expert in this field. He knows that the injury will cause serious bleeding. But in fact, his blood should be in vain. These idiots don't pay much attention to her at all, but always focus all their attention on Xinheng Zhizi. Ye Feng has been doing his best, but no one pays attention to him, This made him very unhappy.

This made Ye Feng's original plan unsuccessful.

If ye Feng's plan is followed, xinhengzhizi will help him disguised as seriously injured to the top floor, and then the two people will kill all the guards by surprise.

However, although these guards didn't see that Ye Feng didn't really do much, they still maintained a certain vigilance, or they were mentally disabled. In short, they just let Xinheng Zhizi go up to the top floor alone.

Even if she is alone, in the face of a dozen idiots who are nothing and completely relax their vigilance, it is no less than a wolf into the sheep. Dealing with this group of smelly fish and rotten shrimp, it can't be easier.

In less than three minutes, the attic was completely quiet.

Ye Feng got up reluctantly from the steps. He patted the dust on his clothes and walked lazily upstairs.

"Can't you do it gently?" he stared at the dozen people lying on the ground. Almost all of these twisted guards were interrupted by Xin hengzhizi, which made Ye Feng smack his tongue slightly.

"It's not a good man anyway," said Shin Heng Chi Ko. "My brother said that except for one who is not on the armed front, the rest of them are."

"Isn't that the unlucky guy?" asked Ye Feng.

"I don't know. I can only say that he shouldn't play with bastards." Shin Heng Zhizi said disapprovingly.

"... OK," said Ye Feng helplessly.

"Your brother, he - ah, it's really time for you to appear." Ye Feng was surprised when he watched the figure of Xin hengzhiyan appear in the attic. But it was relieved to think that he had the power of prophecy.

"I'll show you to a satellite phone," said Shin Heng Ji yen. "Let's go. It's in the room at the end of the corridor."

"I think you must know what that room is for?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Contact room."

"Oh... Okay."

First put Ye Feng down. Let's move our eyes to Jane.

Jane and Chu Qian are having fun in the guard building. During the journey to find the monitoring room, whether prisoners in prison uniforms or guards in uniforms, as long as they stand in front of them, Chu Qian and Jane are waiting with heavy fists and feet, like two fearless bulldozers, running amok in the corridor of the guard building.

From the fourth floor to the third floor, after turning the third floor upside down, they came to the second floor again. After almost everyone on the second floor lay down, there was still no shadow of the monitoring room. Last resort - in fact, Jane and Chu Qian had a great time. They came to the first floor of the guard building.

The first floor is the most chaotic. People inside the building want to go out, but people outside the building want to go in, which makes the whole floor blocked by the crowd.

In the face of this almost impossible situation, Jane and Chu Qian took the simplest and direct way to lay down all the people in front of them and let the back step on them.

In fact, this is very effective. Wherever they go, almost no grass grows. Gradually, both prisoners and guards, after seeing the figures of Chu Qian and Jane, they are very conscious to give way, which makes them a little unhappy.

It's not fun.

In this way, Chu Qian and Jane found the monitoring room without fear and danger. After kicking open the metal door dozens of centimeters thick, Jane and Chu Qian drove the two staff hiding in the monitoring room out of the room, and they began to delete the relevant video information.

These two people are not very good at computers. Jane can barely operate them. Chu Qian is completely ignorant. However, the interactive system of the video storage system in the monitoring room is not very friendly. Jane poked a few times and realized that she could not understand it in a short time.

In the face of this situation, Jane shrugged and said to Chu Qian, "smash all this."

"All smashed?" Chu Qian's eyes glowed.



Chu Qian summoned her magic weapon, turned it into a glittering bat, and then began her crazy destruction.

"Good, that's it. Yes, work harder. Love, you've done a good job." Jane stood at the door with her arms in her arms, lazily watched Chu Qian, and tore down the whole monitoring room with her bare hands.

In less than five minutes, the original clean and bright monitoring room was in a mess as if it had been run over by a tank car by Chu Qian.

"It's really fun." Chu Qian wiped the sweat on her forehead. "I don't know what happened to Ye Feng."

"Come on, let's meet them," Jane said. "I hope there will be some blind people coming to our trouble on the way back." she said with a smile.

"Yes, I've just warmed up," Chu Qian said.

However, to their great regret, almost all the people who are still guarding the building have learned to behave well. Seeing their figures from a distance, they will turn around and run away. No one is willing to let them get close to Jane and Chu Qian no matter what they say.

I'd rather risk being killed than run to them again. This makes Chu Qian very sorry.

"I'm just getting excited," she muttered.

"You've been at home too long," Jane said helplessly.

"Ye Feng won't let me go out," said Chu Qian. "If only I could go out often to get some air like you or Kou Bi." Chu Qian said.

"He's also for your own good," Jane said. "I'm different from Coby. We're suffering from fatal injuries."

"Also." Chu Qian said, "Ye Feng is very relieved that you go out to perform the task. It seems that I have to strengthen my strength to reassure him."

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