It must be said that it is very strange to look at yourself from the perspective of a bystander.

Even if he has had a similar experience before - Dick always goes crazy from time to time and wants to kill himself in the parallel universe. Therefore, when he has to, Ye Feng has seen himself in several parallel universes. He has to admit that he is sometimes very annoying

Ye Feng doesn't deal with himself in the parallel world very well, because in one point, Ye Feng and Dick are very similar: they are extremely narcissistic. Perhaps as like as two peas, the most disgusting person is a self similar existence. Even to some extent, this person is himself. Although Ye Feng and dick in different parallel worlds, or everyone, have slightly different characteristics due to different experiences, in essence, they are just different manifestations of the same person. Ye Feng once met a scholar, Ye Feng. How many degrees do you have, but it's still annoying

Looking at the one who is rushing to the elevator with a lot of documents, Ye Feng has an indescribable sense of dislocation. And he felt a kind of desolation.

Ye Feng in this parallel universe is undoubtedly an unimportant little role. Through simple observation, Ye Feng can feel the sadness in his heart.

Ye Feng, who has joined the shield bearer alliance, is only a low-level employee. Because of his lost self-healing ability, he has never been able to find it back - dick in the universe is dead. As for his decadent appearance with Ye Feng, he has become a fat house that can't perform field tasks.

Yes, Ye Feng watched as he became a fat house that would gasp after a few steps. His grief and anger were simply beyond words.

"Did you see his big belly? If it wasn't for his belt, it would definitely hit his feet!" Ye Feng said angrily to Dick next to him.

The old guy was gloating and seemed very happy about the experience of Ye Feng in this parallel universe.

"First of all, he is not you. Although you are highly similar, after all, you and his experience are not exactly the same." Dick said solemnly. "Second, you are not much better than him. In the final analysis, you are all Ye Feng, but your luck is many times better than this unlucky guy, so you have the capital to look down on him."


When he needed to open a door that only people inside the shield bearer alliance could enter, Ye Feng realized that this might be the reason why dikra came. After telling Dick what he thought, Dick just shook his head contemptuously: "do you think there is a door in the world that dick can't open?"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"It's boring to watch interesting things alone," Dick said solemnly.

"... you are idle."

After entering the lower three floors of the shield bearer alliance, Ye Feng found that the personnel here seemed to be researchers in radiation suits. Dick understood the vigilance in Ye Feng's eyes and said to him, "don't worry, we'll be fine. With me, no virus can hurt you."

"Virus?" Ye Feng keenly caught this harsh word, "that's why you observe this parallel universe, a powerful virus."

"Your boy is really OK. After staying with me for so long, he has learned to draw inferences from one instance?" Dick said reluctantly, "yes, almost."

"Did you get the virus?" Ye Feng squinted at Dick.

"Of course not me!" cried Dick discontentedly. "Am I the kind of idiot who hurts others and doesn't benefit myself?"

"I'm not sure. When you go crazy, who knows what you'll do," said Ye Feng.

"Anyway, I didn't do it!!!"

Facing Dick's angry face, Ye Feng just shrugged and continued to keep up with him.

Dick seemed to be very familiar with it. He took almost no detours and came directly to a metal gate. He put his hand on the verification panel and the metal door opened.

"Won't you be seen by that surveillance camera?" Ye Feng reached out and pointed to a surveillance probe on their head.

"Don't worry, I've hacked in. No one will find us." Dick said without looking back. "The person who designed this system is an idiot. It's not challenging at all."

Following Dick into the metal gate, Ye Feng found himself in a white area, which he had never been to. This is obviously the secret area of the shield bearer alliance headquarters building of the parallel universe.

The level of people walking around here is obviously very high. Ye Feng noticed that there are several familiar faces. In his main universe, these are the core experts of the shield bearer alliance and have mastered the most important core technology.

Why did they all get together? Ye Feng was very puzzled. Anyway, in his main universe, these technical masters did not deal with each other. One by one, they could even use mutual hatred to describe their relationship. Even Edlin could not reconcile their contradictions.

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dick said disapprovingly: "these people have no princess's life, but they have princess's disease. They don't have much ability. Instead, they are dissatisfied with a bottle and half a bottle. In this universe, they don't deal with each other. It's common for them to trip each other, but this crisis is more serious and can't allow them to be angry."


"Disaster may be more appropriate."


"In short, if it's not handled well, the whole planet will have to eat melons," Dick said lightly.

"Since it's so dangerous, why did you bring me here? Let's go quickly." Ye Feng has backed out. He doesn't want to lose his life in other parallel universes. It's not worth dying.

"Didn't I say everything? With me, you TM won't have an accident," Dick said irritably. "And we can leave this parallel universe with a teleport gun at any time. Shut up!"


Ye Feng dared to look at Dick angrily, but finally closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Following Dick's skill, the two quietly walked to a door with danger signs. Dick unlocked the door and went straight in. Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, but still stubbornly followed up.

The space behind the door is not very big. It is less than 50 square meters, with only a few chairs. I don't know what switch Dick pressed. The wall on Ye Feng's left side suddenly became transparent. He could see the room on the other side.

"This seems to be a cell," Ye Feng said aloud.

"That's right," said Dick. He stretched out his hand and pointed to a human creature in the room. It curled up in the corner, bowed its head and hugged its knees. Maple leaf couldn't see its appearance.

"Is that a man?"

"People? Used to be."

"Used to be? What kind of answer do you have?" Ye Feng said in horror, "yes or no?"

"Before, not now."

"What is it now?"


"A zombie?" Ye Feng was blindfolded. "Are you talking about a zombie? That's the kind of zombie in the movie?"

"It's similar to the zombies you see in movies and TV dramas," Dick said casually. "It's just more powerful. It's so powerful that you can't imagine."

"Er... You're scaring me, aren't you?" said Ye Feng.

"No, of course not. Why do you think I want to be an observer?" Dick asked back. "Of course, because I think it might be better."

"It's because you're afraid, isn't it?" Ye Feng said expressionless.

"It's called self-knowledge," Dick said.

"Since you can't handle this thing, we'd better leave this parallel universe quickly so as not to cause trouble," said Ye Feng.

"Don't worry, I'll leave here when I have to. Don't remind me." Dick said. After seeing Ye Feng's pale face, he added, "don't worry, I'll take you with me unless I have to."

"... thank you for your comfort."

The creature that dick called a zombie in the observed blank room - if it is still a creature - began to move slowly. It gradually stood up and seemed to feel someone observing itself. It walked in the direction of Ye Feng and Dick.

Until now, maple leaf saw the appearance of this thing for the first time. It was once a person, and some residual traces can be seen from its facial features and body structure. However, it is completely different from the concept of human beings. Due to the change of body structure, this creature seems to be more suitable for walking on four limbs than standing upright.

Moreover, the muscles of its face are exposed, exposing muscle fibers. Its skin is like melting. There are not many residual skin on the body, which looks particularly ferocious and terrible.

What makes Ye Feng feel most unacceptable is that this kind of thing has no lips. His sharp fangs are so exposed, which makes people feel unspeakable fear.

In a word, this is a complete monster.

"Er... I feel it seems to be looking at us." Ye Feng said with lingering fear. He subconsciously stepped back two steps, as if the monster could touch him as soon as he stretched out his hand.

"It's impossible," Dick said calmly. "It's single-sided glass, and it's the top glass that can prevent earthquakes. Don't say it can't see us at all. Even if it can see us, there's nothing we can do."

"Really, Dick, I feel the monster is really terrible. We'd better get out of here," said Ye Feng.

"Your boy is really a waste." Dick didn't mean to leave the room, but sat leisurely in a chair. "What's your hurry? Today's routine observation meeting hasn't started yet. Be patient."

"Routine observation meeting? What?" Ye Feng asked, "is it difficult to observe it?" he stretched out his hand and pointed to the zombie monster.

"Of course, what else can you observe?"

"What kind of evil taste is it? Observe such monsters every day?" Ye Feng frowned in disgust. "Are they all lovers of heavy taste horror films?"

"Don't you look like your old friend," Dick said teasingly. "Captain victory comes here every day to see it."

"Make complaints about his disgusting villain's style." Ye Feng Tucao said, "I know that Ya is past hope."

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