Captain victory is in a good mood.

Under his administration, the shield bearer alliance has been developing rapidly and has become the largest hero organization. Moreover, he has always felt that a difficult problem has been solved, which makes him a little proud.

One of the things that Captain Shengli always resents is that he doesn't have any extraordinary ability. And because he doesn't really want to make his body reach an extraordinary level through extreme exercise.

Therefore, his strength has always been a stem, which has been ridiculed by countless people.

Even a clown who was not afraid of death jumped out and said that Captain victory was a new type of Hero: Command hero. Although this idiot has been killed by him in some secret way, it has become a worry of Captain victory: he needs to make others recognize that he is a worthy hero.

But what makes captain Shengli very helpless is that some known sera that can obtain super physique do not work for him. He tried many times, but without exception, he ended up in failure.

In particular, others will face great life-threatening risks, even once or twice. In the long run, Captain victory doesn't think he will always be lucky.

However, the emergence of n96 makes him see a new possibility.

Even if he still can't get super strength, his subordinates may become an unimaginable Superman at a very low cost.

N96 is actually the code name of the sample, the monster accidentally found in an abandoned laboratory. N96 looks like a zombie or something. But very different from the zombies described in the film and television dramas, its own strength is very strong, even stronger than some famous heroes.

At least in captain victory's view, on this planet, people who can kill the monster unharmed can be counted with one hand.

After paying a great price, Captain victory finally sent someone to take n96 back to the new headquarters building of the shield bearer alliance. N96 was detained in the cell specially designed and transformed for it at the bottom. It was absolutely safe and it was absolutely impossible for n96 to escape.

Captain victory needs to study its secrets. What made him very excited was that the monster was an ordinary human male without any particularity. But I don't know what kind of transformation he has undergone. He has become such a terrible monster and has unimaginable strength.

For captain victory, all he needs to know is the secret of this magical transformation. If he can master this secret, he can not only raise his strength, but also build an invincible team. In this way, the shield bearer alliance will not only become the most influential hero organization, It will even become a greater existence. Power, what he pursues is an invincible power. If he can achieve mass production of capable people at a lower cost, the shield bearer alliance and himself will become the most important people on the planet!

In fact, the person with mass production capacity has always been a dream approved by countless people. However, due to the extremely low success rate of the day after tomorrow transformation and the very harsh eye on the physical quality of the experimental body, this assumption has not been able to become a reality. Even if one or two succeed occasionally, the original goal can not be achieved at all.

So even if there is a little possibility, Captain victory will try his best to fight for it. After research, when the host of N64 was human, it was only a very ordinary adult male, and even some sub-health. However, after becoming N64, its strength was very terrible, which made captain Shengli very excited. At least in terms of host, there are not too strict requirements!

The current research work is being carried out in an orderly manner. To the surprise of those researchers of Captain victory's shield bearer alliance, n96 is not an irrational monster. On the contrary, it has intelligence beyond ordinary people. And captain victory felt a little uneasy that n96 was able to talk to humans. It could talk. It also knew all its experiences before it became a monster. It always claimed that it was still a member of humans and should not be treated like this. But when it calmed down, from its deep and terrible eyes, Captain victory saw the destruction, which made him feel cold and murderous.

After the study is completed, n96 must be completely removed.

Captain victory had already made this concept in his mind. However, one of the current problems that is difficult to overcome is how to ensure that others maintain human body structure and humanity as much as possible in the process of transformation.

If you just copy a monster like n96, it's very simple. Just let n96 bite. After being infected by it, any creature will have a mutation similar to it and become a terrible and abominable monster.

But Captain victory is not pursuing such a situation. What he needs is perfection, only the enhancement of ability, not the uncontrollable power in exchange for losing his human identity. What he needs is controllable ability.

It's not easy.

The research has been carried out for more than half a year. Although considerable progress has been made, the most critical problem has not been solved. Although captain Shengli was worried, he believed that one day his talented researchers could find a perfect answer.

And the n96 is becoming more and more cooperative.

Although it became more and more silent and almost stopped communicating with researchers, on the contrary, it no longer showed too much resistance to the research itself. Being locked in the cell seemed to make it gradually quiet. Captain Shengli was very satisfied with this change.

After all, no one wants to hang a crazy monster in the building where they work and live. It's uncomfortable to think about it.

According to the daily schedule, Captain Shengli, accompanied by several core researchers, came to the bottom again to see the state of n96.

"- - chief, n96 hasn't said a word for 42 consecutive days," said a bald female researcher, "and hasn't eaten for more than 7 days."

"Haven't eaten for a week? How is it now?" Captain victory asked.

"I don't see much abnormality, but you know, it's only interested in living people -"

living person!!!

When Ye Feng, who stood in the corner and held his breath, heard what the strange looking woman said a few meters away, he immediately widened his eyes. He turned to Dick and found that the latter's facial expression had not changed at all. It was obvious that Dick had known about it for a long time.

"Haven't you found that n96 is interested in other kinds of meat?" Captain victory frowned.

"No, except for living people, it doesn't show interest in any other kind of food." the female researcher said excitedly, "we are still studying what kind of energy it depends on. The current research results show that n96 can actually absorb energy directly from light and air. In fact, it doesn't need to supplement energy by eating."

"Then why does it have an almost crazy obsession with living people?" Captain victory said in confusion.

"I don't know. It still needs to be studied."

Captain Shengli observed n96 in the room for a while. Surrounded by the researchers, he left here after a while. When everyone left, Ye Feng couldn't wait to ask Dick, "is what that idiot just said true?"


"That monster." Ye Feng pointed to the zombie code named n96 squatting in the corner of the cell. "It's really only interested in human flesh."

"That's right," said Dick.

"My God! Don't take it lightly, will you? It's a monster that eats human flesh!!!" Ye Feng looked at the zombie in horror, "my God! I'm just a human shaped Bento it can't enjoy!"

"Maybe, but I remember hearing you say that your meat can't even eat the living dead." Dick said indifferently. "In fact, imagine that it might be a better ending to be eaten as dessert by itself. Do you want to be infected by it and become the same monster as it?"

"I always have a question. Infection is also through being bitten by it, is it?"

"Of course."

"Then why are some infected into zombies, while others are eaten directly as food?" Ye Feng asked puzzled.

"It depends on his appetite," Dick said. "If he is hungry and sorry, he will treat you as food. If he happens to have finished eating, he may only bite you and make you the same existence."

"... well, it depends on its appetite." Ye Feng looked at Dick helplessly. "What do you want to see? Do we just watch them playing with fire?"

"Of course, this is their world. Everything depends on themselves."

"Cut, don't say these high sounding words. I don't know yet?" Ye Feng said contemptuously. "Your favorite thing is to occupy the magpie's nest."

"Well, you see through," Dick said without blushing. "In fact, this n96 is a monster studied by Dick in the world."

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He just looked at Dick silently with the eyes of "I knew it was so.".

"Don't look at me like that. It's not my fault," Dick said. "Well, at least it's not my own fault, but another one. I won't bear the black pot for another failed me killed by the enemy. In short, it really has nothing to do with me. I swear to God."

"Forget it, it's useless for you to swear to God?" said Ye Feng unhappily. "Since it's the basket you poked --"

"It's not me, it's me in the world!"

"- you have the responsibility to deal with this problem," said Ye Feng. "Hurry up, you kill the monster, and then we will leave this damn parallel universe and go back where we come from."

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"


"You can't solve the mess you left behind?"

"I've said it 800 times. It's not my responsibility!" roared Dick. "Although dick of the parallel universe is a complete loser, I really can't do anything about the big trouble he left. Who knows how he made such a monster."

"You really can't solve it?" Ye Feng looked at Dick's expression suspiciously.

Dick said naturally, "of course, otherwise why should I be a bystander?"


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