When Dick finally left the shield bearer alliance, Ye Feng was moved and almost cried. Walking into the street again, Ye Feng's inner feeling is completely different from that a few hours ago.

In his eyes, this parallel universe, which is almost no different from his own world, is so shaky that it may collapse completely at any time.

"Where are we going?" Ye Feng asked Dick.

"Find a quiet place." Dick turned to a quiet dead end. Looking around, no one noticed them. Dick took out his delivery gun and opened a space-time door.

Following him, Ye Feng went in.

When he found that he had returned to Dick's laboratory, Ye Feng was so excited that he almost roared. But when he looked around carefully, he found that this was not Dick's laboratory, at least not the Dick's laboratory next to him.

He stared at Dick without expression: "we are still in the world of parallel universe, aren't we?"

"Of course, it's too hard to come back and forth," Dick said. "And because of the slight difference in the flow rate of time, if we return to your main universe, when something happens here, we'll come back and the cauliflower will be cold."

"... you really don't waste it." Ye Feng said expressionless, "how dare you use your own laboratory?"

"It's really my laboratory to some extent," Dick said without changing his face. "Well, it should be absolutely safe. No one can come in without my permission."

"Really? People in this world have been killed. Are you sure this laboratory is absolutely safe?" Ye Feng said.

"My correction, although I am really an idiot in this world, he was killed not by others, but by himself," Dick said.

Dick is not really sophistry. Dick in this parallel universe is really stupid by himself.

At least to some extent.

For convenience of explanation, this Dick is called 611 Dick - this parallel universe is numbered 611 by Dick. 661 Dick is a special Dick because he did not leave the earth and join the universe like most other Dick.

On the contrary, this 661 Dick is a very homely Dick. He almost never leaves the earth.

It turned out that Dick had to live alone, or something bad would happen. In addition to being more homely, Dick is still an unqualified prodigal son.

Qualified prodigal children should at least pass through the flowers without touching their leaves. But 661 Dick made a big mistake, so he killed himself.

Although Dick is very homey, he doesn't stay in his laboratory all day. On the contrary, he often goes out to have some fun. For him, sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight is his favorite way to decompress. Dick is an obscene man. He seldom takes the initiative to participate in a dispute. After provoking a dispute, he hid in a safe place and watched the two sides pull apart. The dog bit the dog.

He played like this for many years and never rolled over.

But people always have bad luck. Because they have been poisoned by 661 Dick all year round, an anti Dick alliance has naturally developed on the earth in the universe.

This organization has always been very secret. In the whole world, less than ten people know the existence of this organization. But these ten people are all big people who stamp their feet and the whole earth has to shake three times. Although the personnel of the anti Dick alliance will change from time to time, the members are absolute elites, which will not change, and their purpose is very simple. For the same goal, these enemies who are sworn enemies can also work together.

The anti Dick alliance, as its name suggests, is to kill Dick.

But because Dick is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he knows how hated he is, so he never leaves any disclosure about his own safety.

But the human heart, which is not a machine or a program, can always find a person's weakness. It is precisely because of the deep understanding of this truth that most Dick will choose to live alone and put himself on the lonely side, so that his heart can become incomparably strong in the game life.

But as we have said, 661 Dick is a freak among Dick, so he was finally caught because of his character.

In short, 661 Dick was cheated by women.

As has been said before, 661 Dick is an unqualified prodigal son. His dusty heart has fallen in love with a woman, a woman with incomparable wisdom and beauty, and a woman who is simply a copy of Dick's opposite sex. Dick was so attracted to the woman that he felt his heart.

A man who falls in love will undoubtedly become a sad idiot. Even Dick. Not long after falling in love, Dick realized that this woman was a trap specially prepared by the enemy for him. Someone has trained such a perfect woman to fully cater to his thoughts.

It can be said that this woman is 661 Dick's real weakness. As long as he can make up his mind to destroy this woman himself, he will become a strong man without weakness.

But 661 Dick is not a strong man. He indulges in his naive fantasy. He fantasizes that he can know the woman's subconscious intention to kill his deep soul, but it turns out that 661 Dick failed completely.

He has no way to change the deeply branded woman he loves. He has no courage to kill her. Even if others want to hurt a hair of the woman, he will fall into rage.

661 Dick finally disheartened and admitted that he had failed.

But at the last moment of his life, he decided not to share his things with anyone. He held his beloved woman in his arms, started the self destruction device of his experimental base, and wanted to die with his beloved.

But the scene that made him extremely desperate happened. The woman who knew that she could not kill him committed suicide in the arms of 661 Dick one second before the destruction of the base, which made him realize what it was called "even if you get my people, you will never reach my heart".

661 Dick's destruction, because he left too much human nature in his heart, and for Dick, human nature means danger and destruction.

"--- this 661 Dick is really OK. Although he is some idiot, I really want to make friends with him." after listening to Dick's story, Ye Feng sighed, "at least he is still a man, but you are different. Dick, you are a robot."

"The most NB robot in the universe," Dick said angrily. "I've spent so much time just to tell you a truth: shut up, or I'll crush you myself."

"Er... Are you sick? What you said is that the donkey's lips are not right for the horse's mouth." Ye Feng stared at Dick helplessly.

"In a word, don't die in a woman's arms, you boy. I haven't heard that sentence, gentle country, hero tomb." Dick said solemnly, "even if you play, don't touch your true feelings, otherwise you will die in the hands of a woman one day."

"Compared with being killed by you, I still think it's good to die in a woman's arms. At least it's very poetic, don't you think?" Ye Feng said indifferently. "In terms of death, I'm the most authoritative expert. Believe me, it's not like dying in a woman's doubt to expect meaningless death in bed. You will at least remain in her memory for a long time."

"You boy, you really can't help the mud up the wall!" said Dick angrily. "Don't talk nonsense with you. Go away. I don't want to see you!"

Dick cursed and directly opened a space-time door. A quarter of an hour later, he appeared in the laboratory again with several bags of food in his hand. He put the food on the table quietly, and then left again.

Ye Feng has long been used to Dick's haunting. He solved the problem of eating by himself, happily found two chairs and lay on them.

If ye Feng has learned anything from so many bad things, he knows at least one thing: don't owe your hand.

In Dick's laboratory - even 611 Dick - there are countless dangers. Ye Feng has seen it with his own eyes several times. Dick himself is black and blue by the invention he forgot behind his head. Fortunately, the old bastard's vitality is thousands of times stronger than cockroaches. Otherwise, he doesn't need his enemies to fight at all, and he will kill himself.

Because he clearly knew that even Dick himself could be killed by his own invention, Ye Feng even kept away from these things. For a curious person like him, it's actually a very difficult thing to control his hand. Rivers and mountains are easy to change and nature is difficult to change. However, Dick successfully helped Ye Feng get rid of the stink of turning things around. It can only be said that there is still no pain in place. Otherwise, everyone will remember

Dick left for two whole days.

Fortunately, he bought enough food, and Ye Feng kept an eye on it. He didn't eat it in one breath, so he could barely support it. Although he was extremely thirsty, Ye Feng had to drink the water in the tap water pipe, and he had not been heated and disinfected, but Ye Feng survived these little difficulties.

To some extent, being able to get along alone for a period of time is not a bad thing for Ye Feng. His life is always full of all kinds of people and voices. After careful calculation, he has not enjoyed real loneliness alone for some time.

Sure enough, the indispensable things for men are wine and loneliness.

Ye Feng lay on the floor, looking at the stains on the ceiling and imagining how these traces were generated. This 611 Dick seems to be more human and weak than the dick next to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Among Dick's fallacies, the most irrefutable point he can't refute is that only when people remain absolutely lonely can they have weaknesses that can be used by others.

Although Ye Feng has always sniffed at Dick's various remarks, Ye Feng actually sympathized with Dick's feelings. All people will feel pain, nothing more than two points, people who can't get money.

The latter can be made up through efforts, but some people can't get her heart even if you get her. Ye Feng has been betrayed by his beloved several times. The unforgettable pain made him endure almost all physical pain, because there was no comparability between the two.

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