In less than half a month, the earth of 611 universe has been eaten up by zombies. Almost all creatures, whether human or other animals, have been slaughtered. Most of them became the victims of the zombies, while a few became part of the zombies.

I don't know the ending is more tragic. In short, the zombie crisis that swept 611 universe and earth turned this originally ordinary blue planet into a hell of life.

Real human purgatory.

Having witnessed all this, Ye Feng had a more intuitive experience of the fragility of a planet and a civilization. An incomparably brilliant human civilization fell directly from the peak to the bottom in just a few days. Ye Feng didn't expect the speed and rapid change

Ye Feng and Dick watched the tragedy. They were very numb and didn't even feel any mood fluctuations.

I've seen a lot. Even if it's cruel killing, there will always be a sleepy day.

At least Ye Feng felt very sleepy.

When Dick, who was tired, was ready to return to maple leaf's main universe, something unexpected happened. Among these zombies on 611 earth, there are a group of very strange zombies. They are attacking their own kind in an attempt to protect the nearly extinct human survivors.

Ye Feng recognized several familiar faces in these strange Zombies: Iron wolf, King Kong man, spider woman man, Zhan Zun and so on. Most of them are hero.

For this situation, Ye Feng and Dick are very surprised. Why do these zombies go against their instincts to protect human survivors from other zombies?

Dick immediately changed his mind and decided to stay in the parallel universe to figure out the puzzle. He took Ye Feng, who was unhappy, to the vicinity of these strange zombies.

"---- damn it, including the civilians just saved by us, there don't seem to be many living humans in this city," said the steel wolf. His head is gone, but it doesn't affect his life at all.

Ye Feng, who was standing in the far corner to observe these zombies, couldn't help feeling the strong vitality of these zombies. His brain was exposed in the air. He was as if nothing had happened.

"Almost everyone has become a zombie," spiderwoman said. "If they can regain their senses like us, maybe the world can be saved."

"Restore their senses, but not so many humans can restore their senses." the King Kong man said angrily, "Don't forget, it is because we attacked enough people that our bloodthirsty desire was satisfied, so that we can regain our reason. Now there are not enough human beings to restore the rationality of zombies trapped in extreme hunger. Our world is over."

Although they were very dissatisfied with the King Kong man's words, the zombie heroes present didn't refute one by one, because what this bastard said was the damn reality they faced.

"What should we do?" Zhan Zun said. He was a very strong big man, at least three meters tall, like a human tank. "I'm a little hungry now."

"You're not really hungry, it's just your instinct to kill," said the King Kong man. "You fat man, can't you sit down for a while? You can eat as much as all of us!"

"Is this my fault? Little man, you'd better respect me. Zhan Zun doesn't like others to talk to me like this." Zhan Zun stares at the King Kong man coldly, and the battle between the two seems to be imminent.

All the zombie heroes around opened their distance and handed over the venue to the King Kong Xia and Zhan Zun. However, they felt very sorry that the two zombies did not fight. The King Kong Xia finally took a soft suit and moved away from his sight.


Zhan Zun snorted coldly and didn't speak again.

"We can't save this planet," said the steel wolf with great grief. "Before long, we will succumb to the desire to kill again because of infinite hunger."

"In that case, let's give up the idea of saving the world," spiderwoman said.

Her words attracted the attention of all the zombie heroes, who turned their eyes to her.

"What do you mean?" the steel wolf asked aloud.

"Now that our world is over, let's go to other worlds," Spiderman said with a smile, which made her look terrible. "Remember the machine found in Dick's old bastard's laboratory?"

"It's the thing like a water gun? Of course, I remember. Wasn't that thing robbed by your shield bearer alliance?" the steel wolf nodded. "Have you finally figured out the function of that thing?"

"Well, guess what that's for?" asked spiderwoman.

While a group of zombie heroes were deep in thought, Dick and Ye Feng, who were hiding in the distance and secretly observing the scene, were shocked, especially Dick, who rarely looked frightened.

"Dick, that zombie woman shouldn't be talking about you..."

Ye Feng's answer was Dick's constipation like expression: "it should be the delivery gun developed by 611 dick! Damn, he gave this thing to an outsider? This bastard!"

Watching Dick is equivalent to scolding himself, but Ye Feng has no idea of schadenfreude. This is a big crisis in the multiverse. If these zombie heroes master the means to shuttle freely in the parallel universe, it will be difficult for NIMA to clean up.

"What should we do?" Ye Feng asked Dick.

"Don't panic. First listen to what these monsters are going to do."

In fact, the most flustered person is Dick himself

"- you mean that thing like a water gun can open a door through time and space?" the King Kong man said excitedly, "really?"

"Yes, the research on that thing has always been the top secret of the shield bearer alliance, which is more confidential than the existence of N64," spiderwoman said. "Lei Ren is personally managing it."

"So even captain victory doesn't know?" the steel wolf asked abruptly.

"Yes, only a limited number of people know the actual use of that thing," spiderwoman said. "Think about it, if we can use this thing, we can kill wantonly in the endless parallel universe. We don't need to limit our inner desires at all, because for us, human beings are endless."

"Your idea is really very good," said Zhan Zun, who hasn't opened his mouth. "I can finally eat. Zhan Zun hates the feeling of hungry."

"Don't worry, big man, you'll be full."

The words of these lost heroes frightened Ye Feng and Dick. In fact, although these zombie heroes still retain the memory of human time, the virus has not only changed their bodies, but also changed their hearts.

Their attempt to save human survivors after regaining their senses is just a result of inertia, but in fact, they don't regard themselves as a member of human beings. No, they are higher beings, predators, and human beings are their food

This change in mentality is from the inside out. These zombie heroes, in the final analysis, are a group of monsters that exist only to kill. But they are more terrible than those ordinary monsters, because they also have reason

"It's making a lot of noise," Dick said angrily. "Incident x happened."

"X event?"

"The crisis threatening the parallel universe is called X event by Dick," Dick said. "This is the 5234th x event I have experienced. Damn, I knew it would never end."

"Er... You have experienced so many x events?" ye Fengmeng forced to look at Dick.

"That's right. Damn it, I have to solve this mess. Like more than 5000 times before." Dick said irritably.


"What? Why?"

"Why do you have to intervene?" Ye Feng asked incomprehensibly, "aren't you the best at evading responsibility? Especially it's not all your responsibility."

"It has nothing to do with me!" Dick stared at Ye Feng angrily. "I can't help it. Who knows if this crisis will threaten the security of the universe in which I live!"

"Uh... Okay."

"Although I am no longer a member of the dick League, I have no way back in the face of the X crisis." Dick said helplessly, "I don't want to be approached by the execution team of the dick League, because I didn't try to stop the X crisis."

"Dick League? Firing squad?"

"Didn't I mention it to you?"

"It seems to have said..." Ye Feng recalled in confusion, "that is to say, you must go through this muddy water?"

"That's right."

"... send me back to my main universe." Ye Feng said expressionless.

Not out of Ye Feng's expectation, Dick directly rejected his request: "impossible, don't dream."


"Don't look at me like that. Don't worry. You won't have an accident if I'm here," Dick said pretending to be relaxed. "And maybe that zombie virus can't infect you at all. After all, you're not from the universe."

"... are you sure?"

"You go and get bitten by a zombie. Try it."

"... why don't you try?"

"Respect the old and love the young."

"Get out."

Dick really started his action. His plan was very simple. Kill spider woman man.

It was the snake hearted female zombie who came up with a plan to invade the universe with a delivery gun, so Dick's idea was very clear: kill the plan in the cradle.

Ye Feng approved of Dick's plan with both hands. Although the spider girl man of the main universe, who had a relationship with him, was later proved to have died long ago. Ye Feng had nothing to do with her, but his inner disgust with spider girl man did come from the main universe to the 611 universe.

For this more evil female zombie, Ye Feng agrees with Dick's practice very much, so he should kill this scum by thunder! To this end, he even volunteered to help Dick. You know, with Ye Feng's character, he can take the initiative to help Dick, which is a rare small probability event.

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