But Ye Feng couldn't help in the end.

Because Dick didn't carry out his action.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Feng looked at Dick in surprise. "Spider woman man, they were ambushed by other zombies?"

"HMM. the leader is the steel wolf."


"It seems that the steel wolf thinks spider woman's plan is too terrible, so it decides to find other like-minded zombies to stop spider woman's plan." Dick said. "They did a very successful job. In the end, Zhan Zun escaped with spider woman's head."

"In other words, we can rest easy?" Ye Feng said excitedly.

"Of course not. How can there be such a good thing."

Dick, who has always been pessimistic, has also confirmed this time.

In fact, the spider woman man successfully ambushed by the steel wolf is no big deal at all.

Zombies are not that easy to dry to death. The reason why Zhan Zun must break through with spider woman man's head is that even if there is only one head, spider woman man can still live.

To some extent, it is still alive.

It can think and speak, and it even has an uncontrollable impulse to kill people. This instinct is not a necessity for survival, but it does exist.

With the passage of time, those who are infected with the zombie virus gradually find that when they control themselves and don't let themselves be driven by the idea of killing, as long as they can survive a critical point, they will regain their reason and escape the controlled situation.

With the emergence of this discovery, more and more infected people began to force themselves to restore their reason. In addition to those zombies who had no reason at the lowest level, more and more zombies who wanted to return to their past life tried to make their own contribution to the world that had been completely destroyed.

Although there are almost no human survivors in the world, this is also the most important factor for these zombie capable people to finally recover their reason: there are no humans to eat them.

This is actually a very ironic thing. These zombies controlled by the zombie virus in their bodies can recover their reason because they have no one to kill. This is ridiculous.

A group of zombies, especially the capable zombies, after witnessing their actions, some of them could not stand their sins and chose self destruction. Although zombies are not easy to die, their head is still their most fatal weakness. As long as the head is completely destroyed, the zombie will never survive.

Although they are not really alive, as long as their heads are completely damaged, they will not be able to move, and they will die forever like the human beings killed by them.

But not all zombies want to restore human identity. Some - a large part - gather around the matrix N64. They have only one idea: kill all creatures within their sight.

But one thing that made Dick feel very interesting was that there seemed to be no killing between zombies. This is particularly evident among low-level zombies who do not have much sense. These zombies even don't let go of mice, but they are not interested in their companions who are zombies.

In fact, except that a small number of zombies with high intelligence will kill each other, the vast majority of other zombies will not have such a problem. Only those zombies infected by capable people will preserve almost most of their intelligence.

"--- they are really idle." Ye Feng watched the fierce battle on the ground with boredom. Both sides of the battle were zombies, but one side was the Liberals led by N64 and the other was a group of former factions led by steel wolves.

As the name suggests, liberals want to liberate nature.

The former faction wanted to find a way to cure the virus in the body, so as to realize the identity of human beings in the past.

In short, one side is free, the other is still tangled and doesn't want to live as a zombie.

Anyway, Ye Feng couldn't understand what the zombies were thinking. In fact, he doesn't care. If Dick Ferrai hadn't left here, Ye Feng would have wanted to leave this damn parallel universe.

"You have to find something to do," said Dick. "If there is no difficulty, you have to make it!"

"Who do you think will win?"

"Of course, it's the zombies of N64," Dick said. "N64 can control all low-level zombies. Even with the sea of people tactics, it can kill the unrealistic zombies of steel wolves."

"Do you think their ideals are unrealistic?"

"Of course, they have become such ghosts. It's impossible to go back to the past, they can't, and the planet can't." Dick said disapprovingly. "Do you know how many parallel universes will be destroyed in a second? How many earth explosions in parallel universes will be? Their struggle is meaningless. This is just their fate."

"What would you do if my universe had undergone a similar great change?" Ye Feng looked at Dick curiously.

"What else can I do? It's cold," Dick said. "If I can manage it, I can't manage it. Anyway, your broken universe is not the first universe I gave up."

"... all right. Look, Dick, it's going to be a winner."

No different from the results of previous frontal battles, the steel wolves had the upper hand at the beginning, because they had more abilities than the N64. However, with the deepening of the battle, the most deadly mace of N64 is gradually revealed.

With the existence of N64, countless zombies rushed to the steel wolves, which made them a little difficult to parry. Soon, these zombie heroes could only escape without their armor. Several unlucky people didn't run away and were directly hit by N64.

"I think N64 will become the real master of the planet in a short time." Ye Feng said with emotion, "do you think N64 is a little out of the concept of zombie now?"

Compared with the first time he saw N64, Ye Feng found that there were some obvious changes on the maternal zombie. It now has silver white skin covering the whole body and reflects dazzling light under the irradiation of the sun. Although it looks like other zombies, it has grown an exoskeleton similar to a helmet, which can protect its key: head.

"This monster is still evolving. I really want to see what kind of existence it will become in the end." Dick said in a trance. He has been paying close attention to every move of N64, but he has to admit that he can't understand the monster's action more and more.

In other words, N64's intelligence is constantly evolving.

"Should we kill the N64 in the cradle before it becomes more powerful?" asked Ye Feng.

"It's too late. I'm not 100% sure to kill it now," Dick said. "Anyway, they are at most a disaster to the planet. Mankind has been extinct. I think it won't be long before the zombies will regain their senses and start a new society, which is just composed of zombies."

"Uh... Will it develop like that?"

"Who knows? Anyway, I've seen a world dominated by mice," Dick said casually. "Those mice have been able to rush out of the galaxy."

"Uh... Okay."

The universe is so big that everything is strange. After hanging around Dick for so long, Ye Feng clearly knows that his imagination is limited. At least he has never imagined how an alien race that doesn't need to shit can solve the problem of going to the bathroom.

The protracted battle between liberals and former liberals began. If Dick did not guarantee that the time flow rate of 611 universe was different from that of Ye Feng's main universe, he would never allow dick to stay on this already riddled planet.

Although he was also curious about which of the two mourners would win in the end.

But it has nothing to do with him.

Dick had been staring at 611 Dick's lost delivery gun taken by the shield bearer alliance. But he never received the signal that the space-time door was opened. This shows that whether this thing is in the hands of the zombies or not, they have at least not understood how to use this black technology.

This made Ye Feng and Dick a little relieved.

In fact, after getting used to today's lifestyle, Ye Feng really found a little fun. He doesn't need to be involved in these bad things. Instead, he hides high in a safe place and watches the dog bite between the two groups of zombies. It's much more interesting than watching a movie or TV series.

In particular, these zombies have a lot of patterns, which never bored Ye Feng.

What makes Ye Feng feel particularly ridiculous is that these zombies staged a Infernal Affairs.

Yes, the zombie version of Infernal Affairs. Both sides put their own zombies in each other's camp, and even Ye Feng, who has been secretly observing, saw such a ridiculous scene: there are five members in a capable zombie team of N64, all of which are zombies of the old school. The five members do not know each other's identity and have been playing with their teammates who are actually on the same front.

On the one hand, this is because the former faction is not as united as the Liberals led by N64. There are too many small branches, and the struggle is on the N64 side.

On the other hand, these zombies usually think about it one by one. Sometimes their humanity occupies the commanding heights, and they join the former faction. Sometimes they suddenly realize that they are actually an abominable monster and will abandon themselves and throw themselves into the team of the parent N64 again.

In a word, these ugly zombies have dedicated Ye Feng a very wonderful farce, so that he can find a scene worthy of recreation every day.

As for Dick, Ye Feng doesn't know what the old bastard has been busy with. But there is no doubt that he must be preparing for some action. One day, it was mysterious. Ye Feng didn't know where he was staying.

But he can always find Ye Feng's position.

With the flying blanket given by Dick, Ye Feng can go anywhere he wants. He usually follows N64, because there is usually a very interesting scene wherever the zombie goes. Although these things are not funny from the perspective of the parties, Ye Feng is in the position of observer. From the perspective of an outsider, some things seem very funny, even extremely absurd.

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