The daily life of liberals is usually composed of eating and beating the old school. They have completely degenerated into monsters, so they live freely.

The old school is very twisted.

Although they have become zombies, they still don't want to easily succumb to their inner killing impulse. On the one hand, they want to fight themselves and don't want to be a inhuman monster. On the one hand, they have to fight with the zombies of the liberals. Secondly, they have to try to develop a serum that can cure the zombie virus, hoping to really return to the human society of the past.

In short, this is a group of zombies with ideals, while liberals have accepted the reality and have focused on the future.

Dick is not optimistic about the old school. He thinks it must be the N64 that finally wins.

"- they have become a more efficient species, with less energy consumption, stronger physical function and sharper wisdom. Yes, maple boy, they are an evolution based on human beings."

"But that's a group of man eating monsters!" Ye Feng couldn't accept Dick's theory, although he knew Dick was right.

He's always right. Ye Feng thought depressed.

In fact, both liberals and former liberals have learned of the existence of a device that can lead to a parallel universe, and both sides have done their best in the competition for this device.

"It's really worth their crazy search for the transfer gun," Dick said. He was also very distressed about it. Although he was still unable to determine the specific location of the transfer gun, Dick could at least be sure that no zombie started it, "That means that these monsters can eat freely. I don't think many parallel universes have the ability to resist their invasion."


"In fact, humans evolved from animals. Because they are superior to other animals in power and intelligence, they rule the blue planet and hunt other creatures for food. Now these zombies have stronger strength and wisdom than humans. The only difference between them and humans is that they are uglier. Do you think they are evil, that one It's because your mind is too narrow. It's just that you're still human. "Dick looked contemptuously at Ye Feng in deep thought.

"You are a madman." Ye Feng finally came to his conclusion.

"Maybe, I'm really crazy." Dick didn't mind at all.

When there were no more human survivors on the planet, the liberal zombies began to feel tricky. Led by spider woman man - it had only one head and needed to be held - they went to a secret laboratory once affiliated with the shield alliance.

But all this was noticed by Ye Feng and Dick who were observing in the dark. They had been following the team, but they didn't dare to get too close.

"The bastard N64 seems to have evolved again. If we are too close, I doubt it will perceive us," Dick said helplessly. "Maybe the sky is its limit."

"Don't blow it," said Ye Feng angrily.

They have been flying high in the sky 200 meters away from the ground. A line of N64 zombies on the ground trek through the ruins like little plastic people. It looks like a sense of escape from the wilderness at the end of the day.

Although this doomsday is caused by them

"Dick, shall we just kill it later, or --"

"Kill it directly? What's wrong with your brain? Who can you beat those monsters at the bottom?" Dick said angrily.

"No, you're still there."

"Me? I'm not free to fight with a group of zombies," Dick said, rest assured. "As long as I can lock the signal of the transmitting gun, I'll detonate it directly from a long distance."

"Er... Can you do it?" Ye Feng looked at him hesitantly. "I mean, it's 611 Dick's delivery gun, not yours."

"Take a bet," Dick said. "As far as I know, most Dick will set the self destruction password of the transmission gun to the same line of numbers." Dick said disapprovingly, "unless this 611 Dick is ill."

"He can make such a big mess. Do you still think he is a normal person? I mean, he is a normal Dick?" asked Ye Feng.

"Yes, you have a point." Dick touched his beard. "Let's talk about it then. Take one step at a time."

"... can't you rely on music?"


It's not Dick's style if it's reliable.

Watching the N64 line of zombies enter a collapsed building from a distance, Ye Feng looks at Dick. With helpless shaking his head, they quickly land on the ground and start the stealth mode.

Although Dick thought that if he walked too close, N64 might be aware of their existence. But to their deep relief, this scene did not happen. They were far behind the zombies, about 20 meters away, controlling their voice and breathing, just like walking on a steel wire rope.

Ye Feng felt his heart was about to jump out.

When N64 and other zombies came to a huge metal gate, Ye Feng and Dick watched their backs from a distance, waiting for things to happen.

"There are thirty doors," Dick said. He had made clear the internal structure of the laboratory under the building with his scanner. Now he was a little gloating to see how the zombies faced the alloy doors.

Soon N64 they gave the answer: dismantle it by hand.

Ye Feng and Dick were stunned. Zhan Zun, whom they had seen several times before, actually smashed through one alloy door after another with two fists, shaking the whole underground laboratory to pieces.

N64 and other zombies just stood aside to enjoy Zhan Zun's performance. Although it was dusty, they were very calm one by one. It seemed that they were not surprised by the incredible scene in front of them.

Before becoming a zombie, Zhan Zun was a person who was good at power. When he was infected with zombie virus, his body was further developed, which made his power reach an unimaginable level. At least it was a piece of cake for him to dismantle the base by hand.

He may have been just a human bulldozer before, but now he is an indiscriminate human heavy tank. This description is not exaggerated at all.

In half an hour, the 30 alloy doors were completely lost. Zhan Zun rolled over all the way and finally entered the room where the shield bearer alliance used to place 611 Dick's delivery gun.

As for Dick and Ye Feng, who were stunned aside, there was only one idea left: destroy the transmission gun and leave the damn universe immediately!

Tanima is terrible!

Ye Feng and Dick quietly followed behind the zombies. With the help of the dust in the air, they carefully restrained their voices. With a fluke in mind, they slowly approached to a distance of less than ten meters from the N64 line of zombies. This is already the limit they can approach. A little forward, Dick worried that he would attract the attention of the N64 zombies.

Dick's delivery gun was in a glass container in the middle of the room. A stunned zombie went straight to it and held out his hand to try to take the transfer gun out of the glass container. But as soon as its claws touched the transparent cover, its whole person turned into a piece of dust and melted into the air in a flash of electric light.

This scene not only startled the zombies on the N64 side, but also stunned Ye Feng and Dick. They had a plan to secretly take the delivery gun before the zombie. In this way, don't take it away, just touch the container a little, and the nickname will be lost.

Ye Feng gave Dick a look: what now?

Dick shrugged: cold.


Dick tried to start the self destruction process of the transmitting gun, but the self destruction signal he sent didn't work, which made him a little helpless.

He shook his head at Maple Leaf and motioned to see how the situation developed first.

Spiderwoman, who was held by N64, opened her mouth and said, "what an idiot. I've told you not to touch it before!" she cursed loudly, "father, only thunder can cancel this device. But you know, thunder has died."

"Can't you disable it?" N64 said.

It was the first time that Ye Feng felt an irreconcilable sense of disobedience when he clearly heard the voice of N64 at such a close distance. The N64's voice is too soft. It's like he's afraid that if he speaks louder, he will shock others to death. In short, it's a very long soft voice, which makes people feel good about the N64 zombie.

Damn it, does its voice have some kind of mind control? Ye Feng shook his head and cleared his mind of wishful thinking.

"I can try, father, but I can't guarantee that I can remove it." spiderwoman said carefully. "I remember that I should need a code word. Lei Ren didn't say it to me, but I think I can infer it."


In the next few hours, there was a very funny scene. Zhan Zun holds spider woman man's head - N64 sits aside to rest - facing the container with the transfer gun, while spider woman man is constantly trying to say a sentence that may be a password.

It may be one of the most knowledgeable people in the world, or one of the zombies, but it ran into big trouble when guessing the password.

It's very embarrassing that Lei Ren is dead.

It was very unlucky. When the zombie virus swept the world, he was on vacation on an uninhabited island. When he drove his motorboat to a nearby coastal city for shopping, hundreds of zombies came and chewed him away, leaving no bones and dregs.

Lei Ren, the No. 1 figure of the shield bearer alliance, died in this unknown way in 611 universe.

Although to some extent, it may be a good thing not to become a capable zombie, for Lei Ren, he certainly hopes to survive, even at the cost of becoming a monster.

But God likes to joke like this. Some people who don't want to be zombies become zombies, while those who want to survive become dust

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