"Father, no, I let you down." spider woman man said to n96 in fear. She didn't dare to look at n96's face.

"Try again."


Zhan Zun took spider woman man's head and went to the glass container and began to take a chance one by one.

Ye Feng and Dick sat in the ruins of the corridor and watched the scene in front of them bored. For fear of causing unnecessary accidents, they dared not spread the atmosphere, held their breath and sat motionless on the broken metal block.

Just waiting for things to turn around, I didn't think that spider woman man would really run into a blind cat and a dead mouse.

The series of numbers it said actually worked. The glass container slowly opened and revealed the transmission gun inside.

The scream of spider woman man's joy made Ye Feng and Dick very helpless. He shouted to the zombie companions around him, "it's shocking that he used the pet dog's birthday as the password? This bastard is really a genius."

Genius is useless? Ye Feng thought depressed. You ate that bastard yourself.

Dick immediately stood up. He entered a series of numbers. This is the key most Dick used to start the transfer gun. But to his great shock, the delivery gun did not respond.

When Ye Feng saw the frightened look in Dick's eyes, he knew something had gone wrong. Something must go wrong. Ye Feng had no luck with this.

In fact, when he followed Dick into the ruins of the shield bearer alliance's underground laboratory, he was ready to face extreme situations. Dick did not disappoint him again.

Compared with Dick's panic, Ye Feng was very calm. He showed that he pointed to the transfer gun surrounded by the zombies such as n96, and then pointed to the transfer gun hung around Dick's waist. Finally, he pointed to himself.

Dick immediately understood Ye Feng's plan. He immediately nodded and took off the transmission gun at his waist. He looked at Ye Feng. Ye Feng took a deep breath, then made an OK gesture to him. Dick stretched out his finger and counted down three times. Then he opened a time-space door in front of him.

The sudden flash attracted the attention of the group of zombies more than ten meters away. They turned their heads and looked at the side of the corridor. Although they couldn't see Dick's body, the shining space-time door still firmly attracted their eyes.

At the moment when they were stunned, among these zombies, a space-time door suddenly appeared. Its appearance directly cut off the two zombies. Ye Feng jumped out of the time-space door and grabbed the 611 Dick transmission gun on the expansion.

Get it!

But the next second, he felt an irresistible force uploaded from the transmission gun in his hand. Ye Feng looked up and saw that n96's calm face without lips and nose was staring at himself. N96's hand firmly grasped a section of the transmission gun and the grain silk did not move.

This scene is actually quite strange. Ye Feng is in an invisible state, and the transmission gun is held in mid air by n96. Other zombies are completely unaware of what happened.

But Ye Feng felt that n96 could see him, or at least feel his existence. The kind of eyes that seemed to see through the soul in his eyes made him shudder.

Ye Feng immediately realized that he couldn't get n96 at all. In this microsecond time, countless schemes flashed in his mind, but they were rejected by him.

Ye Feng realized that he could only gamble!

Without hesitation, he released the delivery gun and returned directly to the space-time door. After coming out of another space-time door in the corridor, he shouted, "Dick, open another door and run!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Dick opened another time-space door, rushed in with Ye Feng in a hurry, and disappeared completely.

After breaking through the time and space gate, Dick and Ye Feng fell on the tarmac on the top floor of a skyscraper and couldn't help wearing rough clothes.

"Damn it, maple boy, it fell short this time!" Dick yelled, "I knew your boy was unreliable!"

"Can TM blame me?" Ye Feng choked. "It's the damn n96. It's too terrible. I can't compete with its power at all, and I can realize that I'm stealing the delivery gun..."

"Damn it, not only didn't we get it, our existence was exposed -"

"Who told you that we failed?" said Ye Feng angrily. "I left a small thing on the transmission gun."

"What little thing?" Dick became interested at once. "I knew you were tricky."

"Are you praising me?" ye Fengbai glanced at Dick. "The button bomb is powerful enough to destroy the transmission gun, and maybe kill one or two zombies."

"Yes!" Dick patted Ye Feng on the shoulder excitedly and clapped his palm red.

Let's move back to the moment when Ye Feng and Dick left the underground laboratory.

N96 looked at the missing space-time door and was so distracted that it didn't find the button bomb that Ye Feng attached to the transmission gun in its hand.

To the effect that there is a price to pay.


The violent explosion completely shattered the ceiling of the precarious lower laboratory. Except for a few tall and strong zombies, most of the zombies turned into mud in the landslide.

Zhan Zun survived by relying on his strong body, and even suffered some skin injuries. As for the n96, it was unharmed. It stared at the conveyor gun that had been turned into debris in its hand. It still didn't say a word and couldn't see the mood change.

The most unlucky one is spider woman man. There was only one head left. At the moment of the collapse, it was directly smashed by a large ceiling. The brain melon seeds were like a ripe watermelon, splashing red and white on the ground and completely burping farts.

Noticing the complete death of spider woman man, n96 frowned slightly. It turned to the few zombies who were still able to move, motioned them to keep up with its steps, and n96 slowly walked to the ground.

Dick and Ye Feng didn't see this scene, but this small victory alleviated their depression to some extent.

What they don't know is that n96 completely remembers Ye Feng and Dick because of this episode. This caused a lot of trouble to Dick and Ye Feng in the later development


611 universe, a very interesting universe.

Dick of 961 universe, referred to as 961 Dick, has observed the development of this parallel universe for some time. Although he needed to go out from the planet where he lived for a period of time because of a small thing, so that he could flawlessly estimate the development of the 611 universe, as soon as he returned to the laboratory, he immediately turned on the multi-element detector to observe the changes of the 611 universe.

To 961 Dick's surprise, the earth in 611 universe has completely changed into a very strange look. The whole planet doesn't know what kind of blow it has suffered. It seems to have been completely destroyed.

This greatly triggered 961 Dick's planet.

Without hesitation, he immediately used the transmission gun to input a long string of coordinates of the 611 universe into the transmission gun, and then opened a space-time door to this earth shaking universe.

Briefly explain the situation.

In addition to Ye Feng and dick in his main universe, another uninvited guest came to this 611 universe: dick in 961 parallel universe, a dick who has not understood the situation.

The place Dick sent to was so undead that it was very close to the nest where n96 and other zombies were located, which made 961 Dick attack 961 Dick's position with a group of zombies less than five minutes after he stepped into the earth of 611 universe and was still collecting necessary data.

Of course, part of the reason is that n96 has remembered Dick's smell, and our new 961 Dick didn't think we should hide his smell or trace. In his opinion, he is still walking sideways on the destroyed earth.

But the cruel reality is that in front of the evolutionary mother zombie n96 all the time, 961 Dick really doesn't have the strength to walk sideways

Especially when he was unprepared, he brought almost nothing with him and directly transmitted it to 611 universe. Because dick of this earth was dead, he paralyzed 961 Dick's vigilance.

To the effect that it will bring bad luck. And our 961 Dick still didn't find the danger approaching him. He didn't realize that earth shaking changes had taken place in the world during the period he didn't pay attention to, which was completely beyond his imagination.

Who could have thought that this blue planet would become such a miserable world in less than a month.


When Dick was being approached by n96, Dick and Ye Feng, hiding hundreds of kilometers away, actually knew that there was another outsider in the universe.

"Damn it, why is there another Dick?" Dick muttered in a low voice.

"What does it mean to have another one?"

"I don't know that dick from the parallel universe came to the earth of 611 universe. He is now in a city less than 800 kilometers away from us." Dick looked down at the data. "The low earth orbit satellite I launched has locked his signal source. Damn, it's all right. What are you doing here? Looking for death?"

"You launched a satellite?"

"It's not one, it's a total of 36. But it doesn't matter." Dick looked up at Ye Feng with a bad smile on his face. "N96, with its little brothers, is rushing to the Dick's location. And the idiot hasn't realized it yet."

"You are really willing to go out and become an idiot?" Ye Feng sneered.

"He's him, I'm me, a completely different individual," Dick said disapprovingly. "Well, maybe not completely different, but there's still a big difference."

"What's the difference? You don't want him to be more annoying?"

"No, my temper is better," Dick said expressionless. "I haven't sewed your damn mouth up until now!"

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