In fact, Dick's transmission place is a secret laboratory of Dick 611. After observing the parallel universe, he has been closely watching the changes of the 611 universe. When he saw 611 Dick killed by love, he felt helpless and moved his crooked mind.

961 Dick is not idle. He just enjoys it in order to peep into the lives of other Dick. Although there are also reasons in this regard, it is more because he needs a safe house, or a safe universe.

Every Dick has attracted the hatred of countless people because of his own character, 961 Dick is no exception. Although he thinks no one can do anything about him, countless examples are in front of him, and countless Dick have died in his own conceit. So 961 Dick needs a back hand for himself. When he needs him to run, he has a place to go.

A parallel universe without Dick is undoubtedly a perfect haven. If there is any big trouble, 961 Dick can go directly to the 611 universe and continue his leisurely life here.

Since the parallel universe is regarded as his own back garden, 961 Dick has always been very concerned about the 611 universe, but he missed the big event in the 611 universe because he was busy with one thing recently.

After being finally transmitted to the earth of 611 universe, 961 Dick found that 611 Dick's laboratory had become a mess and empty. Even on the corridor street, it was a dilapidated scene.

961 Dick couldn't deeply understand the ruins that he saw with the naked eye through the screen. A sense of desolation of the end surrounded him.

There are rotten bodies everywhere, which makes 961 Dick feel a little surprised. This infernal scene is real, which makes 961 Dick very unhappy.

This is no longer a perfect haven.

While he was immersed in the desolate scene of the end, n96 slowly approached 961 dick with several of its capable zombies.

In fact, 961 Dick had already noticed the proximity of these things. But he hasn't done anything to stop it. This is based on his conceit of his strength, and he also wants to find someone on this earth to ask what happened on this planet when he didn't pay attention to the universe.

"Hey, friends, you know what happened - I'll go..."

961 Dick found that the figures close to him seemed very wrong. How did they look like this ghost?

961 Dick was stunned. N96 and other zombies would not miss such a good opportunity. They rushed towards 961 Dick immediately.

Thirty six strategies are the best. 961 Dick did not hesitate to press his random transmission belt. At the moment when n96 caught him, he disappeared.

"Don't look like a shy little girl, friend." n96 said coldly, watching 961 Dick disappear from the front station.

961 Dick was immediately sent to a city. He looked at the devastated world. 961 Dick secretly blamed himself for his recklessness. He came to this world with obvious great changes without understanding what happened. He was still too anxious.

But before he could think about what to do next, 961 Dick was covered with a sticky mucus. It's spit man. He smelled 961 Dick's human breath and found him!


961 Dick scolded angrily. He tried to get rid of the sticky liquid, but the more you struggle with this special viscous liquid, the more viscous it becomes.

"It's a man! A living man with delicious aroma!" spit man's excited saliva, a pair of eyes protruding from his eyes, staring at 961 Dick, looking impatient.

"How come all humans in the world have become monsters?" 961 Dick looked at the spitting man who was coming to him.

"You're not from this world? It's strange." spitting man looked at 961 dick with interest.

"I'm not local."

Although it was about to become a dinner in someone else's stomach, 961 Dick still maintained Dick's usual demeanor: he owed his mouth.

At the critical moment here, Ye Feng and Dick arrived.

They turned the spitting man into a pile of dregs and asked someone to kill a large group of zombies who were being driven by the wind. When there was no more drooling sound of zombies around, Dick and Ye Feng came to 961 Dick, who was tightly bound by viscous liquid, like a big zongzi.

"Man, you're here in time. Come on, untie me quickly. I want to thank you well. Er, thank myself -"

Before 961 Dick finished speaking, Ye Feng grabbed the transmission gun from 961 Dick under Dick's sign. Then Dick directly injected a tube of nano robot into 961 Dick's body to prevent his transformed body from helping him out of his control.

Dick took all the devices off 961 Dick and put them in his pocket. He knew where he would hide the life-saving device, so 961 Dick could only watch Dick search all his devices and instruments.

Anyway, I'm still alive, and there's no one else. 961 Dick could only comfort his broken heart.

"We're all Dick. You should --"

"Just because we are all TM's damn Dick, I won't take you lightly." Dick said to 961 Dick angrily, "what are you doing in this universe? Don't you think there's enough trouble? Shut up. From now on, I'm your only hope."

"What the hell happened here?" 961 Dick asked.

"Are you blind?" Dick said unhappily to himself in another parallel universe. "Zombie virus ravages the earth. Except for some humans who have become zombies, others have been killed."

"Billions of people -"

"Yes, it's all dead."


Dick was stunned and his expression returned to normal. Although such a world-class disaster seems very terrible to others, it is the same thing in the eyes of well-informed Dick. After all, many Dick have personally triggered the disaster of the century

"What should we do now?"

"Who knows, salad, we must determine whether the dead dick in the world and the conveyor gun he made are complete and usable. If so, we must destroy it," Dick said.

961 Dick immediately understood the seriousness of the matter: "are those zombies going to invade the multiverse?"

"Well, their clever little brains have come up with this idea. To tell you the truth, me and this idiot." Dick stretched out his finger to maple leaf. "Just destroyed a transmission gun yesterday."

"How many do you expect?"

"What do you think?" Dick threw the question back to 961 Dick.

"Well..." 961 dickello pondered, "there are at least three more."

"That's the best case," Dick agreed, "Generally speaking, most Dick will ensure that there are five functioning transfer guns on him, in the laboratory and in a secret vault.611 when Dick was dying, I believe that one transfer gun was buried for him, maple boy and I destroyed one, and at least three transfer guns remained in a corner of the planet. Its One of them is probably hidden in an unknown secret vault. We won't take care of it first. "

"At least we need to find two?" Ye Feng calculated.

"Yes, there is a long way to go," Dick concluded.

"Damn it, I'm so idle that I'm involved in such a complicated thing." 961 Dick cursed in a low voice, "incident x?"

Dick looked at him expressionless: "x incident."


It's the first time Ye Feng has acted with two dicks at the same time. Generally speaking, after two dicks meet, there is only one result: one or all of them die.

Ye Feng had been to other parallel universes with dick before and had seen him fight with his own life and death. Although he was surprised to see that the two Dick were working together for the same goal this time.

"If it weren't for the pressure of Dick's alliance, do you think I would be happy to cooperate with this old bastard?" Dick said contemptuously. "Absolutely impossible."

"Speechless make complaints about the old three?" Ye Feng's silent Tucao Dao.

961 Dick said discontentedly, "old and immortal, you have no right to say me. In the final analysis, you just want to use my wisdom to help me. You'd better keep your mouth clean --"

"Smart wisdom? I seem to have a lower IQ than you." Dick said more contemptuously. "Old bastard, do you eat too much shit and paste your brain seeds, otherwise how can you say such stupid words?"

Well, it's not cooperation. Although there is no life and death fight, quarrels and bickering are inevitable.

In the scolding of two menopausal old men, Ye Feng reluctantly followed them through one time and space door after another, walking through a secret laboratory of the dead 611 dick on the earth of 611 universe, trying to find the trace of the delivery gun.

Both Dick know themselves very well, and they both have a very bad hobby and often observe themselves in the parallel universe. The unlucky 611 Dick who has died is their favorite Dick. The reason is very simple. This 611 Dick is the dick who doesn't want Dick the most.

Facts have proved that it is the strange character characteristics of 611 Dick that led to his final self destruction. This is not only his own tragedy, but also the tragedy of the planet. After 611 Dick's death, his research led to the destruction of the planet. I don't know whether those who entrapped him thought of this result.

Because he is very familiar with this 611 Dick - always prying into his life, he is very familiar with the location of his secret laboratory, Dick and 961 dick in Ye Feng's world. The two Dick summarize the information and draw a distribution map of 611 Dick's laboratory.

According to this map, two Dick and a leaf maple started their long journey.

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