When walking in this subway tunnel, Ye Feng was helpless.

"Do you belong to mice?" he said weakly. "Why do you have to build the laboratory under it? And it's close to the subway tunnel? Are you not afraid of earthquakes?"

"Of course not, that's dick," Dick and 961 Dick said in unison.


This is the twelfth 611 Dick's laboratory searched by Ye Feng and two Dick. In the previous ten secret laboratories, their luck was not very good, and none of the delivery guns were found.

However, fortunately, at least so far, Dick has not found any signs of the use of transfer guns, that is, the zombies on the n96 side still have not found the transfer guns left by 611 dick on the planet. To say the least, even if they have been found, these damn zombies don't know how to use them.

But no one can guarantee that they can't be found or won't be used. Therefore, in an anxious mood, Ye Feng and his party have been trying to race against time.

One dick is annoying enough. It is a great challenge for Ye Feng to act with two Dick at one time. What he needs to endure is not the difficulty that one plus one equals two, but the torture that one plus one is greater than two. He was surprised that he really endured it and acted as a lubricant in the endless quarrel between the two Dick.

Ye Feng is almost moved to tears by his fearless spirit. It's really not easy to live. Sometimes it's better to be a salted fish

Walking in the subway tunnel full of debris, Ye Feng was a little depressed. Looking at the white bones, he couldn't help thinking about what kind of temperament his friends and lovers would be if he had an accident and died in a parallel universe.

They will be very sad. Ye Feng thought.

"Damn it, if these animals get the delivery gun, our universe will be swallowed up," 961 Dick said in a hoarse voice.

"Er... Why?" ye Fengmeng asked.

"The teleport gun has a function of recording the specific coordinates of the open space-time door," Dick explained. "In other words, the space-time door opened on this planet will be automatically recorded by the teleport gun. This is also a preparation for preventing Dick's invasion of other worlds."

"Er... That is to say, as long as the n96 zombies find a delivery gun, my world and your world will be finished?" Ye Feng stared at 961 Dick.

"That's right." 961 Dick nodded.

"Dick!" Ye Feng turned his head and looked at Dick who stood silent. "You TM knew this could happen, and even brought me to this damn place?"

"How could I have thought that such a great change would happen in the 611 universe without Dick. You know, in the almost infinite parallel world, the probability of X event can be almost ignored -"

"You have experienced dozens of X events!" roared Ye Feng. "You said it yourself."

"Well, that only shows that I'm really unlucky. I can always encounter such a small probability event." Dick shrugged without showing any other expression.

"I'll go, man. You've had dozens of X events and lived until now?" 961 Dick said sincerely. "You're so cool."

"Is this something worthy of praise?" Ye Feng glared at him angrily. "Hurry, let's go to the laboratory to have a look -"

Dick suddenly raised his arm and motioned Ye Feng to be quiet.

"How --"

"Shut up!" Dick whispered.

Ye Feng and two Dick looked around nervously at the dark tunnels and the subway passage full of gravel and bodies. Sounds seem to be coming from the beginning.

"It should be - shit!"

Ye Feng screamed, jumped away immediately, and rolled into the tunnel below. The two Dick were very smart and jumped into the subway tunnel. They pulled Ye Feng up and began to run desperately.

Where they stayed before, they were hit by several stones. Zhan Zun forcibly smashed the ceiling of the subway and fell below. N96 led a group of zombies to chase Ye Feng and two dick in the direction of escape.

Ye Fengtou didn't dare to return, but just ran: "shit! How did they find us?"

"Maybe it happened!" 961 Dick said.

"Who knows!" Dick cursed. "All TM run quickly, and the bone shelves behind will catch up!"

"Why should we run?" Ye Feng shouted, "use TM's transmission gun!"

"No, I'm running out of liquid in my delivery gun. I can't use it a few times!" Dick shouted.

"961 where's Dick's delivery gun?"

961 Dick said haltingly, "I didn't expect to stay so long when I went out, so I didn't add --"

"I'll fuck! Can't a dick rely on some music?" Ye Feng shouted angrily.

"He's not completely desperate yet?" 961 Dick asked Dick.

"Still in training. Where's your Maple boy?"

"I've fed the octopus," 961 Dick said casually.

"Is this a joke?" Ye Feng stared at him expressionless.

"I'm sorry, No."


In fact, n96 found Ye Feng and two Dick this time. It was really an accident. After seeing the existence of the space-time gate with his own eyes, n96 immediately focused all his experience on finding a transmission gun that can travel through time and space. Its idea coincides with Dick's idea: search 611 Dick's laboratory.

Because 611 Dick has been on earth, he has established at least hundreds of secret laboratories on earth, some of which he has not been to several times himself. And these labs are built in very tricky places, which is very in line with Dick's dark character.

Let's turn our attention back to Ye Feng and two Dick. The three of them ran directly to the ground along a broken hole. But when they ran to the sidewalk, the three of them were stunned by the scene in front of them: a flood of zombies poured in.

Most of these zombies are capable zombies. They all wear their uniforms, but they have become irrational monsters driven by desire.

For the zombies who have been hungry for a long time, Ye Feng and two Dick are fragrant hot dogs in their eyes, waiting for them to bite away.

Just when Ye Feng and two Dick were ready to fight to the death, the turn happened.

A mysterious man in a cloak suddenly fell from the sky, and the zombies such as n96 who had been pursued immediately turned around and ran away after seeing his appearance. Except for those low-level zombies who have been completely attracted by the smell of human flesh, almost all zombie capable people began to flee.

"I'll go. What does this man do? Is he a zombie destroyer?" Ye Feng whispered.

The next second, he understood why the zombies turned around and ran away. Under the gaze of Ye Feng and two Dick, the capable person flying in mid air waved his hand. All the countless steel bars and iron pieces scattered around him were suspended in mid air. Then, like shells, he hit those irrational zombies one by one and broke them into pieces of blood.

"I'll go, who is this man? It's amazing!" Ye Feng was so excited that he kept waving his fist and saying dirty words in his mouth.


Said the two dick in unison.

Just a few minutes later, there were no zombies in the open streets. All of them became immovable bodies.

The strange man landed lightly next to Ye Feng and two Dick, took off the alloy helmet on his head, and revealed his true face.

He is a handsome man. Although in Ye Feng's opinion he is not as handsome as himself - just in his opinion - this uncle in his forties is really handsome, just like 007. Ye Feng is very envious of his proper moustache.

One of Ye Feng's big regrets is that he doesn't grow a beard very well. It will look very obscene. The strange man's beard, however, is natural and unrestrained to the extreme, highlighting his masculinity.

"Hello." although Ye Feng was a little upset that a man was so handsome, after all, someone saved his life, Ye Feng still showed a look of gratitude, "my name is Huang Liang. These two are not twins. Although they look the same, they --"

"I know, they are dick in the multiverse." the strange man turned a blind eye and said, "you are not a person in my universe, Ye Feng."

"Do you know me?" Ye Feng stared at the strange man in surprise. Although the lie was exposed, there was no embarrassment on his thick face.

"I happen to know Ye Feng in this world, and he is dead," said the strange man.

"Oh, OK." Ye Feng shrugged.

"Who on earth are you? Why do you know the existence of the multiverse?" Dick looked at the strange man carefully.

"Because I know Dick, Dick in the universe," said the strange man. "We used to be friends -"

"Don't blow it. Dick has never had friends." 961 Dick said angrily, "unless dick in the universe is crazy."

"Maybe in your Dick's eyes, my dick of the universe should be crazy." the strange man said bitterly, "he not only found love, but also friends."

"So he's dead and the planet is over," Dick said coldly. "You haven't identified yourself yet."

"I am Dick's friend in this parallel universe and the last hope on this planet. Usually others will call me the magnetic king." the strange man said in a vicissitudes tone.

"Magnetic king?" Ye Feng stared at him in confusion. "There is no one called magnetic king in my world."

"Really not." Dick looked up at the magneto king. "Is your ability related to controlling the magnetic field?"


"Very good ability," said Dick.

After listening to Dick's words, Ye Feng's eyes changed when he looked at the magnetic king. You know, Dick, who is extremely conceited, never praises a person. He even despises himself.

So when Dick praised a person's strength for the first time, there is no doubt that this person's ability must be strong enough to go against the sky.

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