Facts have proved that when you have an advantage, you really can't wave.

Even the big advantage.

Devouring the great emperor was killed by his own waves, and a group of zombies who were mole ants for him killed him. It's ironic to think that the devouring emperor, who has traversed the universe for thousands of years, died in such a ridiculous and pathetic way on a shapeless planet poisoned by zombies. Moreover, he died with such no dignity. The body didn't stay at all. He was devoured by n96. This is the biggest irony of the title of "devouring the emperor".

His character determined his failure, and the title he gave himself became his prediction of his death. Yes, he was really swallowed

After realizing the huge power gap between itself and the devouring emperor, n96 panicked for a while, and then calmed down. Since the strength is not enough, we can only think about it.

Fortunately, not all capable subordinates died in the battle to devour the emperor.

Many zombies, who are not combatants, are still hiding in safe places.

These zombies are the hope of turning the n96.

N96 is a very visionary zombie. Some people, it specially selected these people and personally transmitted the zombie virus to them.

People bitten by n96 are still very different from ordinary zombies. Compared with those low-level zombies that were not bitten by it, xinyuner, who was personally fortunate by n96, has stimulated greater potential in the body. They become extremely strong and maintain intelligence, and this intelligence has been developed.

In short, they are stronger and smarter.

N96 deeply understands that science and technology is a hard fist, so it bit a large number of Ken's top scientists who were once well-known on the planet.

Moreover, n96 also issued an order to let its zombie capable people do their best to send the top scientists who can be protected to it for centralized treatment when the zombie virus sweeps the world.

The consequence of this is that there are thousands of top scientists in various disciplines in a nest of n96.

These zombies are the capital for n96 to defeat and devour the emperor.

We haven't met any difficult enemies before, so these zombies have never been in use. Now we need them to contribute some strength. N96 flies towards their secret base. For it, it is carefully hiding its whereabouts along the way, which is a very unfamiliar experience for n96, who has been used to domineering on the planet.

It's also very unhappy, but now it can only be a zombie with its tail.

"Father, you're back. What's the matter with you?" when a group of scientific zombies wearing blood stained white coats saw n96 enter a laboratory where 611 Dick left behind 50 meters underground, they immediately put down their work and greeted them one by one for fear of falling behind other zombies.

"Nothing. I need you to make a weapon." n96 murmured. It randomly chose a chair to sit down. The expression on its face was very dignified, which made the zombies around look at each other and no one dared to breathe.

"What kind of weapon? Father," said the zombie of a female scientist.

"The weapon of death."

N96's words caused whispers among a group of zombie scientists. N96 just calmly closed his eyes and rested, ignoring the slight hum in his ears.

After a few minutes, the voice of discussion gradually disappeared. It was still the corpse of the brave woman. She dared to ask, "father, the weapon to kill the God of death?"

"Yes, it must be a weapon that can create a great threat," n96 mused. "At least it's a weapon I can't resist."

"Father, you --"

"I don't want to hear any excuses. Can I make them?"

"..." a group of zombies were embarrassed. They didn't dare to look into n96's eyes one by one. Only the female zombie firmly looked into n96's eyes. She whispered, "yes, father, we won't let you down."

"The sooner the better."

After saying this, n96 got up from his chair and went straight into a room. The zombie scientists who stayed in place looked at each other and dared not speak for a long time.

"Well, let's do it. My father has asked for it," said the female zombie.

"But how can we meet the requirements of our father?"

"Yes, does the weapon that can kill death really exist?"

"The concept of God is a little too vague."

Perhaps because n96 was not present, the zombie scientists who had been silent before began to talk about it one by one. In short, it is basically one argument: we don't understand and we can't do it.

"Father's requirements must be met, which is the meaning of our existence!" the female zombie said involuntarily. "This used to be Dick's laboratory. There are too many things we haven't figured out yet. I firmly believe that among those things, there are the weapons we need."

"A weapon that can kill death?"

"A weapon that can kill death," said the female zombie firmly.

Facts have proved that Dick's invention is an endless treasure house. Every dick, even an idiot Dick, is a natural inventor of black technology.

Ye Feng has a profound experience of this. You can never underestimate a dying heart.

A group of zombie scientists rummaged through 611 Dick's laboratory looking for available instruments like picking up rags in the ruins.

They really found it.

"Is this thing reliable?"

When this strange instrument was placed in front of all zombie scientists, there was a wave of doubt among the zombies. After all, the introduction of this instrument is only one line: dangerous, extremely dangerous, be sure to handle it with care.

"Since Dick said this is very dangerous, it must be very dangerous, maybe it can meet his father's request," said the female corpse named AI Yi, woodlouse.

"But what on earth is this for?"

"Try it, you know, you come over." ah Yi woodlouse has a value in one direction. A zombie who is unlucky has been pushed out by other zombies behind him, and it walks to the woodlouse in front of AI.

"Stand in front of the instrument." ah Yi ordered woodlouse.

"But --"

"No nonsense!"

Ah Yi went up with woodlouse, and kicked the fat zombie to the opposite side of the suspected barrel.

"Three, two, one, start!"

AI Yi directly pulled down the joystick on the device. After a tremendous noise, the fat zombie beside the figure standing in front of the instrument was gone.

A group of zombies searched for a long time before they found a zombied toad under an experimental platform.

After a long discussion, finally, this group of unreliable zombie scientists reached a consensus: this instrument is very unreliable. It seems that the unlucky zombie was transformed into a toad.

It can only be said that dick, no matter in the parallel universe, is not very reliable and has some unique aesthetics.

Such things happened several times. Finally, with unremitting efforts, this group of zombie scientists found a reliable device: energy focusing device.

In short, this is a black technology instrument that can be amplified several times, injected energy and launched. It is very in line with Dick's character: spend the least money and do the biggest thing.

"Is this machine stable?" n96 frowned slightly as he looked at the instrument that looked like a microwave oven in front of him. After several days of observation, it has regretted that it took so much effort to turn these scientists into zombies one by one. It seems that there is no need at all

"Father, it's very reliable. I can use everything I have to guarantee -"

N96 looked indifferently at woodlouse, "everything you gave me was yours."

"Of course, father, of course, everything is yours. So I will not deceive you. Absolutely not. This instrument is your request, but the weapon of killing God." Ai said woodlouse excitedly.

"... is it really OK?" n96 is still a little worried.

"No problem. We can test it," said woodlouse confidently. "Father, we can deliver this instrument to -"

"No, just experiment here."

"Uh... Here?"

"Use me to experiment," n96 said calmly.

"You? This is not very good..." Ai woodlouse is very entangled, "father, I think it is still."

"Use me to experiment," n96 insisted.

"Well... OK." Ai woodlouse clenched his teeth and reluctantly pointed his head. It stood beside the instrument and said to a zombie capable person, "Hey, big man, inject your energy into the instrument. Yes, it is to inject into this small hole. All right, stop fooling around. My father is waiting for you!"

After a series of busy preparations, AI woodlouse finally injected energy into the instrument. Then he shouted at N96, "are you ready, father?"


"Three, two, one, launch!"

A dazzling white light filled the space under the laboratory, and a series of explosions sounded. The shaking of the earth and the mountains made all the zombies tremble with fear.

When the dust finally dissipated, the surviving zombies found that n96 had long disappeared. On the wall, there was a bottomless human cavity, which seemed to be the shape of n96.

"Father, Lord?" the gray faced woodlouse cried out in a panic to the sudden emptiness.

"I'm fine."

N96 slowly floated out of the cavity. It was covered with dust, but its face was really excited.

Seeing the joy of N96's face, the heart of AI's woodlouse hung down at last. At least, his father didn't fly into a rage. It was enough to make him feel lucky.

"This is very good. Let's do some research and see if we can further improve it." N96 said to the zombies such as woodlouse, "I am very satisfied with this weapon."

After saying this, the n96 floated away and returned to its room. It needs rest now. It is far from as safe as it looks. In fact, it has been shocked. If it hadn't been for its consistent high and cold setting, it would have jumped up and scolded.

Damn it... These idiots really did a great job. It's amazing, damn it

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