The devouring emperor has eaten all three cities clean.

This is the result of his constant restraint of his hunger. It was the first time he had seen such a strange place as the blue planet, so curiosity did not let his hunger occupy reason to a certain extent, and directly swallowed up the whole planet. For him, time is a very simple thing. His natural ability gives him the power to devour almost everything. He has not met people or things he can't devour. He hasn't met before, and he won't meet again.

He should have done so.

When he felt that someone was trying to invade his ship, the devouring emperor smiled helplessly. He could only feel a little disappointed and funny about the aborigines on the planet.

No one can fight. They're all idiots.

The devouring emperor turned around and prepared to return to his spaceship to see if it was the blind idiot who dared to make his idea.

But he suddenly turned his head and looked in the other direction. The familiar breath was approaching him quickly.

Hum, what an idiot.

The devouring emperor floated in the direction of the breath.

N96 was very excited. It held the device originally belonging to 611 Dick alone and rushed to the direction of the devouring emperor. When it detected that the devouring emperor was approaching itself quickly, n96 landed on the ground, put the instrument disguised as a table on the ground, and sat in a folding chair with an uneasy mood, Waiting for the devouring emperor to appear.

In less than a minute, a small black spot almost invisible appeared in the sky. The small black spot quickly became larger and clearer. It was the devouring emperor. He stood in front of n96 in an instant, with only one table between them.

N96 has injected the star soul energy in its own body into the machine in advance. Although it has reached this point, n96 still has no bottom in its heart. It is not sure whether this powerful weapon can really kill God.

If it doesn't work, it can only wait to die.

Anyway, it's all dead. N96 is definitely better not to dream too much at night and do it directly.

Just do it.

At the same time, Ye Feng and Dick are standing outside the huge spaceship, trying to find a way into it.

"It's hard to do..." Dick frowned.

The high level of safety protection of the spacecraft was beyond his imagination. He has never encountered such a difficult hatch. No matter how many means he uses, he can't invade the internal system of the spacecraft. He and Ye Feng can only worry.

"You can't open it?" it was almost the only time that dick couldn't successfully hack into the system. Ye Feng looked at Dick, sweating with anxiety, and thought it was very funny.

"Shut up, you useless waste!" Dick vented his evil fire on Ye Feng. As Dick's most willing person to vent his anger, Ye Feng has long been used to being called Dick's trash can to vent his anger. In fact, he knows his position very well. For Dick, maybe this is the reason for his existence.

Ye Feng doesn't want to be abandoned by Dick, for example, to be turned into a toad or something.

"No. It can't be opened." Dick gave up completely after another five minutes. "The biometric device used in this ship. No one can open it unless the owner of the ship comes in person."

"Well, it seems that we can only give up trying." Ye Feng doesn't care. He shrugs and prepares to leave the big ship.

But Dick's stubborn temper came up. He was completely consumed with the ship. "I don't believe it," he said gnashing his teeth. "I haven't done anything with you?"

He stood in front of the closed cabin door of the spacecraft, kicked it hard, and then continued to work hard.

"It's really sick."

Watching Dick's stubborn back, Ye Feng sighed helplessly, so he had to find a cool place, take out food and drinks, cross his legs leisurely, and watch Dick sulk alone in vain.

"This is life, I can't tell clearly ~" he hummed a minor leisurely.

As far as Ye Feng is concerned, he is not worried about too much debt and too many lice. Anyway, the situation is like this - he and Dick are the only two left, but the enemy is more and more powerful - it's a big deal that when he kicks his legs, everyone burps farts together, looks down on life and death, and if he can't do it.

The broken pot is broken, which is Ye Feng's state of mind at the moment.

The death of the magnetic King witnessed by himself was a heavy blow to Ye Feng. He hasn't seen his friend die in a similar situation for some time. His state of mind is not as indifferent as before. For Ye Feng before, witnessing death was a common thing, and even he himself lived in a precarious life.

But now his heart has softened.

Countless people said similar things to him.

Ye Feng himself actually thinks so.

So that the death of the magnetic king made Ye Feng a little difficult to accept and could not be relieved from his decadent state for a long time. Sometimes he would suddenly envy Dick and the indifferent man who was willing to go out.

Sure enough, 611 Dick, who died in love, is the least Dick. Ye Feng thought.


The devouring emperor looked at the n96 sinking like water sitting on the chair. There was a curious expression on his face. He didn't understand what the monster meant. Isn't he going to play hide and seek anymore?

"You want to die?" he asked.


"What are you going to do?"

"Kill you."

"Kill me?" the devouring emperor smiled contemptuously. "I can't remember how many times I heard this sentence."

"I'm not kidding," n96 said boldly.

"Those people were not before," phagocytosis said calmly. "I'll send you to meet them right away." phagocytosis raised his palm and aimed it at n96.

This is the time!

N96 pressed the switch of the instrument disguised as a table, and a beam of turbid energy light directly hit the short body that swallowed the emperor, and directly blew him out.

Swallowing the great emperor looked surprised. It was the first time for him to encounter an attack of this degree. It was the first time for him to see a weapon that could hit him seriously.

The devouring emperor was completely angered.

This is like you are wandering on the road, and a little ant that can hardly see stands in front of you and blocks your way. When you are ready to trample it to death, you are surprised to find that you have been hurt by the small stone thrown by this little thing.

If you encounter this situation, will you be furious?

The devouring emperor has been blown up anyway.

"How dare you hurt a cosmic God -"

"Don't put gold on your face." with a successful blow, n96 immediately had confidence. It returned all the contempt and white eyes it had received to the devouring emperor ten times, which made the latter more crazy. The devouring emperor was almost mad.

"You dare to obstruct a great God, and you will regret it!" the devouring Emperor didn't have much ink in his stomach, and said a few words back and forth.

"I will take this sentence as your epitaph and engrave it on your tombstone!" n96 shouted. The zombies hiding around poured out and rushed towards the devouring emperor.

Although the momentum of swallowing the great emperor is good, in fact, he is at the end of a powerful crossbow. Under the siege of a large group of zombies, the arrogant devour the great emperor gradually died, and finally drowned in the tide of corpses.

His thin body was submerged by countless zombies, but all the zombies were extremely restrained and did not devour his body. Instead, after the devouring emperor died completely, they made way for n96 to come to the body of the devouring emperor.

N96 began its gluttonous journey


"Is it?!" Dick suddenly yelled with excitement, waking Ye Feng from his sleep.

"What's the matter? Is that the monster n96 coming? Damn it, I want to talk to you - eh?" Ye Feng talked nonsense for a while, turned his head and looked at Dick standing at the door of the open hatch, "have you hacked in?"

"Sort of..." dikemo said ambitiously. In fact, he didn't know why the door that had been stubbornly resisting before suddenly disarmed and surrendered?

He didn't know that the devouring emperor had been swallowed by n96. After detecting that the owner was dead, the ship had started the self destruction program and maliciously opened the cabin door to kill Dick, who had been trying to invade the ship system.

But Dick is dick after all. After entering the ship, he found a data interface and hacked into the ship's system. And easily obtained all the permissions and closed the self destruction program.

As long as Dick is given a small flaw, he can achieve his goal, and the intelligent action of the ship's artificial intelligence undoubtedly gives Dick the best loophole.

In retaliation, he formatted the artificial intelligence of the ship, uploaded the artificial intelligence he developed, and took full control of the actual control of the huge ship.

Without any hesitation, Dick ordered the artificial intelligence to start the secret mode of the spacecraft. The optical closed field covers the whole spacecraft, invisible and invisible. If you don't walk in, you won't see the huge spacecraft staying in the wilderness.

As for why the devouring emperor left the ship, why not start secret mode? Because he's too conceited, because he's playing with fire.

And in fact, the spaceship is only a means of transportation to devour the emperor, without any weapons. For him, he believes more in his strength. Moreover, the ship is a giant in Dick's and Ye Feng's eyes, but for devouring the great emperor, his mother ship is a huge ship comparable to an asteroid, which is not of the same order of magnitude as this ship. He doesn't care about this ship at all.

So he left it here at will and gave it to homeless Dick and Ye Feng in disguise.

Of course, none of this was in his plan. The devouring emperor never thought that he would stumble one day. He never thought of this possibility. For a devouring emperor who has been invincible for too long, everything on this planet is just his dessert. When he absorbs the power of the star soul of this planet, this planet will become the dust in the universe like countless stars before

But he was wrong.

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