"It's a pity. From this distance, it looks like a beautiful planet." Dick was emotional once.

"Beautiful fart, originally it was just a blue planet full of angry people, but now it has become a death urging planet full of damned zombies. Hurry up, I'll cry in a hurry." Ye Feng, sitting in one seat, said angrily.

He and Dick were in the disembarkation module of the spaceship that swallowed the emperor, looking at the blue planet from a distance in space. Ye Feng has no objection to Dick's crazy plan. He knows that their current choice is correct and the only choice they can do nothing about. 611 the blue planet in the universe has no possibility of restoring its past prosperity, and all creatures have disappeared under the ravage of zombies. In order to prevent this tragedy from happening again and other parallel universes will come to the same end, Dick did what he had to do.

Zombies will be completely destroyed with the destruction of the planet, fundamentally eliminating the possibility of zombies invading other parallel universes. Dick can only do this for the stability of the multiverse and for more humans in the parallel universe.

And for him, he has almost no sense of guilt. This time he has a good reason.

According to Dick's plan, he has set the self explosion procedure for the transformed ship that devours the great emperor, and the self explosion system has started the countdown. In less than a minute, with the self explosion of the Hawking drive on which the ship is built, the whole planet will fall apart due to the huge explosion.

"Your boy can't be a little patient. What are you anxious to go home for? Anxious to attend the funeral?"

"I'm waiting for the day of your funeral, Dick. Don't worry, I won't give you any money." Ye Feng said contemptuously. "N96 can die with the destruction of the planet, but what do we do? Didn't you say before that we couldn't go back to our own universe without enough conveyor fluid?"

"It was before, but after 961 Dick became a toad, the problem was solved," Dick said easily. "The remaining transfer liquid is really not enough for two transfers, but one transfer is more than enough."

"Is this the real reason why you killed 961 Dick? That's why you trapped him into a toad?" Ye Feng stared at Dick speechless.

"Of course."

"Yes, well done," said Ye Feng.

Since you can only kill yourself, you have to die. You can't die.

And to tell the truth, Ye Feng hates 961 dick from the bottom of his heart. This old bastard is even more selfish and disgusting than Dick he has always been with. In Ye Feng's opinion, it will never happen.

But facts have proved that nothing will happen. If this happens, you can only say that you just didn't meet it. Everything is possible.

Dick began to count down: "ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three -"

It exploded.

The light blue planet suddenly broke into pieces. These were found in front of Ye Feng. Although there was no sound and quiet, the breakaway cabin he and Dick took was actually far away from two astronomical units, but this shock still moved Ye Feng and Dick.

Even the well-informed Dick seldom saw such a scene.

The blue planet, like an extremely fragile glass marble, fell apart in an instant, and all the creatures on it - almost only zombies, because after human beings were extinct, these monsters had to put their poisonous hands on the animals - could not survive the explosion.

Dick and Ye Feng sat in their seats and didn't speak for a long time. They watched the scene and were immersed in sudden sadness. After a long time, Dick untied his seat belt, took out two transfer guns - his own and those seized from 961 Dick - put the transfer fluid into a transfer gun, silently opened a time-space door, and he went straight in.

Ye Feng finally took a look at the fragmented planet, sighed, and turned into the door of time and space. Before he came to the 611 universe, he never thought that things would develop to this point, and the world, the planet, would come to such an end.

Dick and Ye Feng left the 611 universe. What they didn't notice was that a small silver figure floated in the universe. N96 survived the collapse of the planet with the protection of the power of the star soul in the body. Now it is the only survivor of the planet and the real cause of all this.

It is floating freely in the boundless space. It is thinking about what is happening now. It is not clear why the planet exploded without warning!

N96 is almost mad. It has nothing now. Although it can float in the universe unscathed by the power of the star soul, what should it do?

As long as the power of star soul absorbed from the devouring emperor is exhausted, it can only meet its own destiny of death. It can only protect itself with the power of star soul at a minimum.

But this is just a chronic death. In the whole solar system, it has no place to go. It knows that the power of the star soul in its body can never support it to leave the solar system and find a suitable place in the vast Milky way.

It will certainly usher in the end of destruction, just the difference between early and late


Ye Feng and Dick don't know what happened to n96. They don't care what kind of dilemma this monster will face. It will eventually die in the universe. This is the only result worthy of their concern.

As Ye Feng expected, Dick didn't send him home directly, but returned to the orc planet.

"Yo, you're back?" Shin Heng Chi Tzu, who was dozing in his chair, looked excitedly at Ye Feng and Dick, who suddenly appeared in the laboratory. "What have you been doing? It's been more than a week and there's no news at all."

"There's no signal coverage where we're going," Dick said casually.

"More than a week?" Ye Feng looked at xinhengzhizi in confusion. "The flow rate is too bad." although there is no accurate calculation, in Ye Feng's concept, he and Dick have been on the planet that is no longer there for at least a month, but in the eyes of xinhengzhizi, it has only been more than a week?

Is there such a big difference in the time velocity before the two parallel universes? I'll go. It's really beyond NIMA's expectation.

"I told you, it won't take you long," Dick said casually. "Where's the kid?" he looked at Shin Heng Ji Ko.

"You're talking about my brother. He's playing with your Orc men." Shin Heng Zhizi said excitedly, "Dick, thank you so much. My brother's illness has completely recovered. I've never seen him so healthy."

"You can play with those stupid beasts. It seems that your brother is recovering well." Ye Feng barely squeezed out a smile. He looked at Dick, "can you take me home?"

"Yes, go away." Dick opened a space-time door.

"You're not going back with me?" Ye Feng looked at Xin Heng Zhizi.

"Well, I'm going to live here with my brother for a while. He and I think it's the best choice at present," said Shin Heng zhiko. "Fortunately, Dick agreed to this request."

"I'm tired of facing a group of orcs all day," said Dick impatiently. "You and your brother had better not get me any moths, or I'll --"

"Yes, you can live a happy and harmonious life. I'm going home." Ye Feng waved and went straight to the door of time and space.

"Ask Chu Qian about them for me." Xinheng Zhizi shouted at his back.

"I see."

After passing through the space-time door, with a familiar itching feeling, Ye Feng returned to his living room. The night outside the window shows that the time of the earth is late at night. Ye Feng sighed helplessly and walked upstairs to his bedroom. It seems that no one can welcome him and listen to him about all the bad things he has experienced.

After returning to the bedroom, Ye Feng fell directly on the big bed in the bedroom and went to sleep.

He slept in the bedroom for two days and two nights. When he finally woke up, he walked out of the bedroom. Chu Qian and zhenma noticed that he had come back.

Another riot, of course.

"---- in other words, Dick finally solved the problem of n96 by smashing and blowing up a planet?" jenma said with emotion. "This old bastard is really black."

"Who said no."

"Ye Feng, you'd better stay away from him. I'm afraid he'll kill you." Adelin said anxiously.

"I know that if it wasn't for xinhengzhizi and her brother xinhengzhiyan, I wouldn't take the initiative to contact him." Ye Feng said helplessly, "I haven't had time to hide from him."

"He has no memory," Audrey said coldly. "As soon as Dick appeared, he followed others, whether he could come back alive or not."

"Yes, he's a dog. He can't change to eat shit." Rihanna echoed. "If Ye Feng knows how to reflect, all sows can learn to fly."

"Can you not slander me like this?" said Ye Feng discontentedly. "Do I suffer less injustice outside?"

"You asked for it," Chu Qian said.

"... honey, can you not say such words in such a gentle tone?" Ye Feng looked helplessly at Chu Qian, "choking me."

"It's all for your own good," said jenma, giving Ye Feng a big white eye. "If you don't die, how much trouble can you save?"

"You can't destroy my nature," said Ye Feng wrongly.

"Fuck off."


Watching the beautiful women who started to share a common hatred again, Ye Feng can only bear all the bitterness with pain and happiness, and feel the taste of happiness in their complacent laughter.

Ye Feng has to thank Dick, who always gives him a headache, for all this. Without him, Ye Feng's life at the moment may be like the living and confused Ye Feng in the 611 universe, sneaking into an organization, eating and waiting to die, no one knows.

So although he said no, Ye Feng's body is still very honest. Once Dick comes to him again, he will not hesitate to embark on the journey of death again

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