When she received Lisa's call, Ye Feng was taking a nap.

A call that couldn't display the number made Ye Feng suddenly alert. Few people can have his mobile phone number. Except for his real close friends, Ye Feng never easily tells others his contact information.

He knew he had too many enemies.

So when he answered the phone, Ye Feng was very cautious.

"Hello? Who?"

"It's me."

Ye Feng suddenly relaxed a lot. It was a woman's voice.

"Who am I?"

"Can't even hear my voice? Ye Feng."

"Sorry, I just woke up and my brain is a little short of oxygen."

"It's me, Lisa."

"Lisa? We haven't been in touch for a while."

In fact, Ye Feng and Lisa haven't been in touch for more than a year. They haven't even called. For Ye Feng, his life is too busy. There are always all kinds of things to distract him. And he and Lisa are only bed friends at most. They are about a period of passionate years. At that time, the relationship between the two people was very close. At that time, Ye Feng was still very young, and there were not so many people around him as now. At that time, Ye Feng had just known Edlin, and had not even met Jane and Kobi in their fate.

Even Ye Feng knew nothing about Dick's important role in his life.

At that time, he had already had a period of passionate years with Lisa, which meant a lot, a lot of memories and experiences for Ye Feng.

But that's all.

Lisa was a passer-by in his life. They got along for a short time, but they burst into fierce sparks.

But that's all.

Lisa is not Edlin, Audrey, Jane and cobby. She is Lisa, a woman that Ye Feng can't figure out.

In fact, everything related to Lisa may be a big trouble, so Ye Feng is alienating himself from Lisa intentionally or unintentionally.

In the adult world, there is no exchange of interests, so there is no need to maintain feelings. Unless it's true love.

Ye Feng can have a certain self-knowledge of herself. At least Lisa won't give up her career for herself, and Ye Feng won't give up her current life and fly with her. Therefore, it's very normal that their relationship ends without illness.

But Lisa suddenly took the initiative to contact herself, which made Ye Feng's originally relaxed heart mention it again.

Everything goes to the three treasures hall.

"Lisa, my dear, how are you doing recently?" Ye Feng changed into a warm tone.

"Not bad. I got a promotion."

"You're not in your previous department?"

"Well, I'm in the red house now."

"Red house..."

The word "red house" means danger and mystery to Ye Feng. This is a part of the title, red house. No one knows whether it is really in the red house. Except for the people in the red house, all the others who have seen the red house are basically dead.

This is a restricted area that all intelligence agents in Atlanta dream of joining. Lisa's access to the red house shows that she must have made some great achievements in the past period of time.

And the most terrible thing is that she told Ye Feng about the bar so easily, which filled Ye Feng with an ominous premonition.

"Gong, Congratulations, Lisa, you deserve it. I know you are the best. I'll invite you to dinner when I have a chance. Let's start. I remember something urgent. The faucet in my house hasn't been turned off. I'll hang up first -"

"Don't have a chance. I'm in the new metropolis now. Come out. I'm downstairs." Lisa hung up directly after saying that.

Ye Feng held the phone and was stunned on the sofa for a long time. Then he ran up to the second floor like waking up from a dream, rushed into his room and began to choose clothes.

Everything else can be put aside first. You must not shiver when you meet your ex girlfriend. Ye Feng must show his 100% good state, which is related to his male dignity. You can't be careless.

After a while of busy work, Ye Feng, dressed neatly, rushed down the stairs, opened the door and walked out of his comfortable and warm house. Now that Lisa has come to the door, it's better to meet her, so as not to leave anything behind, which will be even more difficult to do later.

Ye Feng was also curious. He had only heard the word "red house" from countless people before. He was the first person to contact the red house. Although he once slept in the same bed, after a long time, he wanted to see what had changed in Lisa.

First of all, there is no doubt that Lisa is more beautiful and moving.

Compared with the last time Ye Feng saw her, she stood across the road, dressed in a beige dress, elegant and decent. Although the pair of sunglasses covered most of her face, Ye Feng could make up for her beautiful face.

It's really a goblin. Ye Feng sighed. He trotted across the driveway and came across from Lisa. After more than a year's absence, Ye Feng suddenly didn't know what to say. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said to Lisa with a silent smile, "honey, I miss you so much."

"Go away, miss me, why don't you call me?" Lisa said. "I heard you had a good life as a child. There are many beautiful women living in the house. Can you still think of me? Hum."


Huang Liang touched his nose, but giggled and didn't say a word.

Lisa saw him pretend to be stupid, so she could only roll her eyes and stop talking.

"I'll treat you to dinner," said Ye Feng. "What would you like to eat?"


"OK, I can satisfy you." Ye Feng put up her arms. Lisa naturally put on the small arm of Huangliang, and the two walked side by side on the sidewalk.


"Is the red house fun?" Ye Feng asked curiously. He was really curious about the mysterious organization. It was not easy to meet an acquaintance who worked in the red house. When Ye Feng was sure, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart.

"It's not fun," Lisa said calmly. "It's just another more challenging job. It's not fun. It's all responsibility."

"You are still the same as before. There is no change." Ye Feng said helplessly, "you are really a workaholic. Your boss must appreciate you very much."

"Compared with my boss, I'm a lazy person without initiative," Lisa said.

"The red house really deserves its reputation..." Ye Feng said with emotion, "you must be on a mission when you come to Xindu this time?"

Ye Feng didn't believe Lisa's purpose. She just wanted to meet her old friends and came to the big city of Xindu for leisure. She must have some kind of secret. It must be so.

"Don't worry, the main course hasn't been served yet. Are you anxious to go home?" Lisa said calmly. She tasted the delicious dessert carefully and didn't look worried at all.

Ye Feng is dying of anxiety.

"Of course not," said Ye Feng. "I can go home whenever I want. Who can take care of me?"

"Ye Feng, why are you here?" Kate suddenly appeared on the table. She looked at Lisa carefully. "Is this?"

"Kate? You no longer work in the office of NCPD. What are you doing in the restaurant? You're here for a blind date?" Ye Feng looked around to find the man suspected of Kate's blind date.

Recently, it seems that Kate's family has begun to take action for her life. According to the current situation known to Ye Feng, Kate has gone on three blind dates in at least nearly a month.

"No..." Kate said awkwardly, "I have something else to do. I'll go first, Ye Feng. Pay attention to yourself." she gave Lisa a meaningful look, and the latter calmly looked at her and nodded.

After Kate left, Lisa asked Ye Feng, who was still angry, "your ex girlfriend?"


"Current girlfriend?"

"Not really..."

"What kind of vinegar do you have?" Lisa said calmly. "Does she live with you, too?"

"No, I've moved out."

Kate moved out of Ye Feng's big house some time ago. In fact, Ye Feng's house is like a safe house. Once something unusual happens, Kate and others will live in to prevent their own accidents.

But once life returns to calm, these temporary residents will move away. In fact, it is more comfortable for them to live in their own house. After all, whether Kate, Haley or Audrey, they are independent women and don't want to live by anyone. Their souls are completely free and want more private space.

For Chu Qian, jenma, Rihanna and other women, they like the feeling of living under the same eaves with Ye Feng, or any other women in this house, so they can live in peace with each other.

In fact, Ye Feng is still a little unhappy about Kate's departure, but he can only accept the current situation.

As for Edlin, she is between the two. Once she has time, she will go back to Ye Feng's house for the night, but for the general manager of the shield bearer alliance, she has little leisure time

"How many women have you lived with?" Lisa looked at Ye Feng reluctantly.

"Er... This problem is really too difficult," said Ye Feng. "You know, I didn't hire an agent because of the priority of seeing. In fact, I don't need it, so no one has counted how many girlfriends I have made for me. Well, forget it, it doesn't matter."


To Huang Liang's surprise, Lisa talked with him a lot during the next meal, but she didn't talk about the task or the cover. Ye Feng has been waiting anxiously for Lisa to throw him a big trouble, but this scene has not appeared yet, which makes Ye Feng's heart more uneasy.

He was about to take the initiative and beg Lisa to tell the story.

But in the end, Lisa didn't say her real intention until the end of the meal. Ye Feng reluctantly controlled his mouth and didn't push himself into the fire pit.

"Can we still meet? I'll be very sad if you leave the new metropolis directly," said Ye Feng, standing at the door of the restaurant and Lisa, who took the taxi most. "If you want to go to the airport, I can drive -"

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ye Feng." she gave Ye Feng a kiss. Lisa closed the door and asked the driver to start the car.

Watching the taxis gradually merging into the traffic flow, Ye Feng's mood is very complex.

"What could it be?" he said to himself.

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