When Ye Feng took off his uncomfortable diving suit and really stood on the beach, he really felt reborn. He never thought that his original down-to-earth feeling was so happy and full. This feeling of being able to feel the existence of gravity made maple leaf almost cry excitedly. Even the cold sorghum showed an expression of relief after coming ashore from the sea.

As for Cao Yan, if Lamia hadn't stopped him, he would definitely celebrate on the beach. This idiot had opened his mouth, but Lamia kicked him on the beach and ate a big mouthful of sand.

Well done. Ye Feng cheered for Lamia's foot in his heart.

If Lamia hadn't stopped him from using valkiri, the idiots who blew up the yacht would have died under his gun.

But Lamia stopped him.

The four men hid secretly in the wreckage of a sunken ship on the beach and watched the people go farther and farther.

"If you kill them, the whole island will know that someone has invaded in a few minutes," Lamia explained. "It's just a few minions. It's not worth it."


Cao Yan squatted to one side and kept vomiting. His body sent out a strong stench. Ye Feng directly asked him to roll back to the sea, wash it and come back.

Huang Liang closed his eyes and rested without saying a word, which is one of his good habits. In the process of action, he can not sleep for dozens of hours, but seize a few minutes of interval to rest. In fact, Ye Feng was able to do this before, but recently he found that his body seemed to be a little dull. He didn't have the ability to mobilize his whole body at any time and keep it in the best state.

Ye Feng's life has no sense of crisis. The sudden appearance of Mr. skeleton may polish his rusty body again.

"What should we do next?" Ye Feng looked at Lamia. The strong short haired woman had become the commander of the operation, although Ye Feng was very unhappy about it.

"Wait," she said.

"Wait for what?"

"It's dark."


In the wreckage of the stranded ship, Ye Feng ate a very bad food: compressed biscuits. Although it tastes much better than the compressed biscuits Ye Feng had eaten before, it is not delicious. After reluctantly eating a few pieces, Ye Feng can only use water to go down smoothly.

The four waited in silence for several hours. When the moon was high above her head, Lamia finally opened her eyes. She made a gesture and motioned Ye Feng to follow her.

"Damn it, I can move at last. My legs are numb." Ye Feng complained.

"Shut up!" roared Lamia.

"You hear me, shut your damn mouth!" Ye Feng roared at the innocent Cao Yan.


Because there were no clouds in the sky, the huge moon hung high in the sky and sowed bright moonlight, which made several people completely do not need other lighting means in the middle of the night. Everything in front of them was covered with a layer of silver moonlight, which was clearly visible. Similarly, others can see Ye Feng.

Just when Lamia was secretly complaining in his heart, the three person team patrolling at night suddenly came out of the woods in front of the beach. They aimed their weapons at Ye Feng and showed their fierce eyes.

"Oh, a group of little mice, stand still." a big bald head, the first of the three, said with a sneer. He was almost twice as big as Ye Feng. He looked very seeping. His big arms could almost catch up with the waist of normal people.

"Relax, we're just here for a walk," Lamia said calmly.

"Take a walk? Take a walk near the beach in the middle of the night? You are really elegant." the bald man looked at Ye Feng coldly. "Three men and one woman, sneaking for a walk on the beach in the middle of the night? Man, what do you think they are doing?"

"Who knows, maybe it's making a movie."

"Hahaha, yes, that's right."

The three heavily armed men laughed, but the muzzle of the weapon in their hands was always tightly aimed at Ye Feng.


When did Ye Feng receive such an insult - he seems to often receive it - he immediately got angry and was ready to send the three idiots to hell. But Lamia gently tugged his arm and stopped him from pulling the gun.

Ye Feng looked at her. The woman's eyes were full of tough requests. She slowly shook her head and motioned Huang Liang not to act rashly.

"Brothers, you know, how can you see a rainbow without making efforts," Lamia said with a smile, "We're actually here to take a chance. You know, in the afternoon, there was an explosion here. It must be the blind man who killed him. I studied with my family and came here to see if we could find anything valuable. You see, your adult doesn't care about villains," she went to the bald man and gave him a Rolex gold watch, "I found it in the sea. A good watch matches a hero. Take it."

"That's all?" the bald man weighed the gold watch in his hand.

"That's all."

"OK. Next time, don't come to this beach in the middle of the night. You meet our brothers and reasonable masters today. Otherwise, you'll have to catch you if you don't die. Get out!"

"Thank you, thank you."

Lamia pulled Ye Feng's arm and left with the three.

"OK, don't drag me." Ye Feng shook off Lamia's arm. "Those are also Mr. skeleton's dog legs."

"Well, it's easy to tell. Did you notice a human finger bone hanging around their neck?" Lamia asked.

"Yes, the big bald man has the most finger bones on his neck, and they are all dressed in strings," Cao Yan said. "There are few of the other two."

"That means that the bald man killed the most people," said Lamia expressionless. "A finger bone represents a human life."

"Isn't it... I heard that people in banaya have strong folk customs, but your customs are too strong." Ye Feng said.

"Before Mr. skeleton who killed thousands of knives came, there was no such rule here." Lamia said, "if you want to join his team, you must kill one person. This is a name. Then whenever you kill one person, you can add a finger bone to represent your working attitude." Lamia smiled coldly, "Those who join Mr. skeleton's team are the most bloodthirsty and crazy psychopaths."

"It seems that I should get along well with Mr. skeleton." Ye Feng said mockingly, "since so, why did they let us leave so easily just now?"

"Easy, do you know how much that watch is worth?" Huang Liang said coldly.

"How much is it? I haven't studied the watch." Ye Feng looked at him foolishly.

"At least 500000," said Huang Liang.

"Ah? Half a million? Just go out like that?" Cao Yan shouted, "it's too expensive."

"Our lives are not worth 500000?" Lamia looked helplessly at Cao Yan. "This is really your friend." she asked Huang Liang.

"I'm not familiar with this man." Huang Liang shook his head coolly.

"Brother Liang..."

"Where did you get this gold watch?" Ye Feng looked at Lamia in confusion. "If you really have so much money, you should immediately find a place on this island that can't be disturbed. Isn't it good for your life? Anyway, skeleton shelf, his good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and may not be long."

"I've seen too many examples of good people losing their lives and disasters leaving thousands of years. I must watch this bastard go to hell with my own eyes," Lamia said. "And who told you that this watch is mine?"

"Whose is that?"

"I found this watch on the ship that had been blown up," Lamia shrugged. "I didn't know it was so valuable. I would have changed it for the three idiots."

"Well, I've always wanted to ask, whose ship is that?" asked Ye Feng.

"You idiot, a little head under Mr. skeleton," Lamia said. "He is probably looking for his boat all over the world now. He should not think that his baby yacht has become a pile of scrap iron and lies in the sea."

"Well... Your move is enough. You can get all the equipment from the enemy." Ye Feng sighed, "Lamia, what are we going to do next?"

"When the red house found me, the original plan was to let you two go undercover to Mr. skeleton after you came to the island. But you also know their unique assessment method. I don't think you can become a member of their club."

"Certainly not." Cao Yan said anxiously, "I'm sure I won't kill. I'm an honest --"

"Waste," said Ye Feng, "yes, you are indeed honest, but you are really a waste. All right, shut up. No one is asking for your advice."


"We can't indiscriminately kill innocent people to get close to Mr. skeleton. If we can kill his men, it's another matter," Huang Liang said.

"No, it's an island resident who must be killed." Lamia's eyes were filled with hatred. "My son died in such a tragedy."

"Since it's the unreliable plan of red house, what's your plan?" Ye Feng looked at Lamia.

Lamia looked at Ye Feng: "after knowing your true identity --"

"My real identity? Shit, do the people in the red house know what privacy is?" Ye Feng shouted discontentedly.

"- I thought of a plan," Lamia said coldly, "a plan worth trying."

"Is there me in the plan?" Cao Yan asked.


"No? That's great." Cao Yan wiped the sweat on his head, "sister Lamia, I'll start for you. Anyway, my salary is small. It's reasonable to say that I shouldn't bear much responsibility."

"Do you have any promise?" Ye Feng stared at Cao Yan who was relieved. He really wanted to swell his face thicker than bark with a few big mouths.

"Those of you who can do more work," Cao Yan said indifferently. "Anyway, brother Feng, don't you always say that you are worth more than 100 me alone? Now is your chance to perform."

If Huang Liang and Lamia were not present, Ye Feng would seriously consider how to deal with the traces on the scene after killing Cao Yan. For him, this is the more than one million times that he regretted pulling Cao Yan, an asshole, into this task. He not only failed to play any positive role, but also pulled his hind legs from time to time. He is a full model of pig teammates.

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