There is no concept of town on banaya island. Although it is divided into several residential areas, these residential areas are not formal towns. There is no formal planning, but there is only a strong chassis. It doesn't matter who owns this house. As long as I value this house, if I want to take it for myself, I can drive out the residents with my fist, and then occupy the magpie's nest in a dignified manner.

On this island, almost everything can be grabbed with your fist. Weakness is the original sin, which must be eaten by the strong.

So when Lamia came to a gathering area, Ye Feng watched her casually walk to the door of a house. After kicking it open, there was a crackling fight. A few minutes later, several men with black nose and swollen face swearing out of the house. Lamia, who became the new homeowner, leaned out his head and waved Ye Feng into the house.

"I really like this crazy woman more and more." Ye Feng said with a smile.

The adobe house has two floors. The upper floor is for accommodation, while the first floor is for kitchen and living room.

Surrounded by a small wooden table, Ye Feng and the four were finally able to breathe and have a rest.

Cao Yan held his knee and kept dozing off, while the other three were still not sleepy.

"Lamia, what's the name of this place?"

"You mean this gathering area?" Lamia tidied up her messy hair. There were several more scars on her face. She was scratched in the fight for the house. "It's called Raphael."

"The name of the archangel?"

"This island is called banaya, also known as paradise island. Including the gathering area occupied by Mr. skeleton, there are seven large-scale gathering areas." Lamia explained, "yes, it is the name of seven archangels."

"OK." Ye Feng shrugged, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. Tell me about your plan."

"My plan is very simple. It's just some modifications to the brain disabled plan of the red house," Lamia said. "Undercover, sneak in and assassinate Mr. skeleton."

"We will never kill an innocent person in order to kill a bad person." Ye Fengyi said in a righteous way, "this is not in line with my personal design!"

"Really?" Huang Liang said contemptuously.

"Of course."

"Brother Feng, aren't your people capricious?" Cao Yan said.

"Go away, my personal setting is Gao Daquan," said Ye Feng.

"All right."

"It is because of you that the plan can be carried out." Lamia stared at Ye Feng and said, "you are very important and an important key point for the smooth implementation of the plan."

"I'm the key point." Ye Feng said triumphantly, "see?" he turned to Huang Liang and Cao Yan. "People with clear eyes know that I'm the core of the team." he turned to Lamia, "say, what kind of important role I want to play, I must be competent. After all, I'm an omnipotent 'God of death'!"

"I know who you are." Lamia rolled her eyes. "Well, since you have the ability to be almost immortal, why don't we take advantage of it."

"How do you want to use it?" Ye Feng watched her carefully. He had an ominous premonition.

"Since you are the God of death and you are not afraid of death, we can take advantage of it," Lamia said.

"Go ahead and get ready to ask me for advice," said Ye Feng, rolling his eyes.

"My plan is to let Huang Liang kill you as a name for joining Mr. skeleton's small team." Lamia said. "Once this plan is successfully implemented, Huang Liang can enter Mr. skeleton's team and find opportunities that he can take advantage of. I believe that if Huang Liang is close enough, he should be able to kill in one sentence."

"No problem." Huang Liang nodded.

"... can I raise an objection?" Ye Feng stared at Lamia helplessly.

"Of course, if you can come up with a better plan," Lamia shrugged.

"Where can I find a better plan for you?" Ye Feng said angrily. "I came because a bad woman named Lisa said she didn't have to have a head-on conflict with Mr. skeleton, so I joined the action. But from the actual situation, it's not what she said!"

"Yes, brother Liang, we were cheated by your ex girlfriend," Cao Yan said.

"Shut up and let you talk? Get up and go to bed," said Ye Feng.

Cao Yan obediently went upstairs to bed.

"The problem is that Mr. skeleton knows me and Huangliang," said Ye Feng. "There is something wrong with your plan."

"You can disguise," Lamia said. "I have discussed this matter with the red house. You don't have to worry about it at all. As long as you don't die, you won't be found. You are actually an old acquaintance of Mr. skeleton."


"Of course, I don't need to harm you," Lamia said.

"Who knows."

Staring at Ye Feng, Lamia said to him and Huang Liang, "you two go upstairs and have a rest. I'll watch the night."

"Can you be alone?" Huang Liang looked at her. "Let me accompany you."

"No, you go upstairs and get out."

Ye Feng and Huang Liang walked upstairs. Cao Yan has fallen asleep and snores everywhere. Lying on a broken blanket, Ye Feng said to Huang Liang, "do you have a crush on her?"

"Yes." Huang Liang nodded very simply and admitted.

"What? What's your aesthetic?" Ye Feng was caught off guard by him. "I admit that Lamia has good facial features and wild beauty. But she's not a big beauty."

"I don't like the type of big beauty either."

"You are really independent." Ye Feng muttered, "do you really like her?"

"That's right."

"What are you going to do?" said Ye Feng. "We can't protect ourselves."

"I'll give you my share of the reward," Huang Liang said. "There's only one request. You must help me take Lamia away from banaya island."

"... are you sick?" Ye Feng stared at Huang Liang. This was the first time he saw Huang Liang with this expression: pleading.

"Maybe, who knows."

"The heart that has been dead for many years has finally revived?" asked Ye Feng.

"I don't know..."

"Well, to be honest, I don't know how much money I have now. Take your money as my part of the money." Ye Feng said, "I'll help you. Anyway, I'll help you save Lamia from this hell as long as it's interesting. Anyway, it doesn't conflict with our goal. Kill Mr. skeleton, find what he stole from the red house, and then leave this place where he should die."

"Is what your ex girlfriend said credible?" Huang Liang frowned. "She said that Mr. skeleton stole important things from the red house, a handful of objects from an alien that no one knows their real purpose. She just told us the general shape and let us look for it. I always think there's something wrong with it."

"Relax, Lisa will never harm me. Although we are separated, I believe she will always remember the passionate years in the past."

"Will you remember?"

"Of course not. The past is like smoke. Let it pass if it is in the past." Ye Feng said naturally.

"... you don't intend to remember yourself. Lisa, who is going to get married, is even more impossible to remember, you idiot." Huang Liang stared at him helplessly.

"What you said has a little truth." Ye Feng said later, "but don't worry, Lisa's character is still good. Although we can't be together, we are at least good friends."

"Will you let your friends live and die? And you still pay." Huang Liang asked.

"I don't think so."


He was speechless all night. Although he was extremely upset by Cao Yan's snoring, Ye Feng even stuffed his socks into Cao Yan's mouth, his snoring was still deafening. Fortunately, he finally fell asleep. When the first ray of sunlight shone on his face and woke him up from his sleep, Cao Yan's snoring remained.

Ye Feng stood up vaguely and kicked Cao Yan severely. But what made him collapse was that this bastard used the ability of "assimilation" in his sleep, and his body became a hard rock, which made Ye Feng directly break his ankle. Simply under the function of self-healing ability, he only needed quiet rest for about half an hour, and he could recover At first, but the pain in this process made Ye Feng think of killing Cao Yan several times.

Huang Liang was not on the second floor. Due to the ankle problem, Ye Feng had to bear the pain and sit on the ground on the second floor.

Don't think about it. Ye Feng knows what Huangliang is going to do. He must have come to Lamia and contacted her.

Ye Feng didn't expect Huang Liang to be attracted to a woman again. In fact, Huang Liang has many female fans, and too many people are immersed in Huang Liang's cold and handsome appearance. An uncle with deep hatred and gloomy eyes, even without the famous name of "executioner", Huang Liang often meets women who take the initiative to chat up.

In Ye Feng's eyes, some of them are really pretty and can be regarded as beautiful women. But without exception, Huangliang is indifferent to these women and has never given a good face.

Ye Feng doesn't know whether Huang Liang has secretly given benefits to female fans, but according to Ye Feng's understanding of him, Cao Yan may do such things - but he can't find female fans who like him, and Huang Liang can't do similar things.

In the final analysis, compared with the sullen Cao Yan, Huang Liang is still a person with a bottom line, and he adheres to the bottom line set by himself.

It's hard to say that Huangliang is the kind of person who tortures himself. For what invisible and untouchable bottom line, he would rather risk his life than defend the people or things he identified. Once such a person has made up his mind, he will be extremely stubborn and can't pull back eight cows. But making friends with such people is really worth it. As long as Huang Liang identifies a person, he can give everything for him.

Although he is sometimes a little stingy and pays too much attention to money, there is no perfect person in the world. If there is, it is just a lie to be pierced.

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