In fact, Ye Feng is also in the "fortress" at this time, but he can't walk around like Huang Liang. He can only move in a very limited area.

He works as a handyman in the kitchen.

As for how Ye Feng mixed in to become a handyman, we should start with his fiancee.

Yes, Ye Feng found himself a young fiancee in just a few days. They fall in love freely and fall in love at first sight.

At least Ye Feng did the same.

With bettick's help, Ye Feng quickly locked in the most appropriate target in his eyes: a woman named Zhuge iron and steel. Because of her brother, this strange woman is a cook in the "fortress". Although she cooks food, no one will eat a bite except the lowest dog leg.

From a certain point of view, she is the core driving force of the whole "fortress". Countless people go all out to enhance their strength every day, climbing from the lowest dog leg to the captain or a higher level in order to avoid the food she made by herself.

Zhuge iron and steel is such a famous existence.

Even if she is as beautiful as heaven, no one will like her.

And she's very ugly.

How ugly is it? She scared dogs when she was a child.

Other people are women. The more they change, the better they look. But she is better. The more she changes, the worse she looks.

For Zhuge iron and steel, Ye Feng's emotional attack on her is a new version of the ship she has never experienced before. Almost without any hesitation, Zhuge iron and steel happily threw himself into love.

For maple leaf, this is also a new experience.

Although he had previously dedicated himself to the smooth progress of some tasks. But this experience is unprecedented and almost devastating.

If he hadn't repeatedly stressed that he wanted to save his beautiful first experience for his wedding night, Zhuge iron and steel would certainly devour him alive on the first night he met him.

For the task, in order to kill Mr. skeleton, Ye Feng gambled almost everything.

His last bottom line was broken by himself.

However, the huge efforts were rewarded. With the help of Zhuge iron and steel, including the great role played by her brother Zhuge hammer, Ye Feng successfully mixed into the "fortress", became a handyman and walked around behind Zhuge iron and steel. It was originally intended to carry out a series of activities after mixing into the "fortress". But because Zhuge iron and steel looked at him too closely, it was impossible for her to get out of the woman's sight.

And what makes Ye Feng most afraid is that he will be in the same bedroom with Zhuge iron and steel at night. This matter directly petrified Ye Feng's brain, and he simply couldn't think about looking for things and assassinating Mr. skeleton.

Ye Feng collapsed.

After returning to the residence with Zhuge iron and steel at night, Ye Feng knocked Zhuge iron and steel unconscious and threw the fat woman on the bed. Ye Feng quietly left the small room on the edge of the 'Fortress'.

It's hard to get into the core area of the fortress.

There were many patrolmen and all kinds of open and secret sentries. Ye Feng couldn't judge a route that could enter the "fortress" quietly.

As a last resort, he had to go back to the narrow room and watch Zhuge iron and steel sleeping in bed and snoring loudly, crying silently in his heart.

When Ye Feng was enjoying his marriage life, Huang Liang was not idle.

Because of his status as a platoon bully, he can walk in the fortress at night, which is called walking. In fact, Huang Liang was checking the arrangement of security forces in the "fortress". What made him very helpless was that after several days of observation, he found that the daily patrol route and the arrangement of secret outposts were different. There might be some rules, but Huang Liang could not find any rules for him to use in just a few days.

Moreover, the castle built on the edge of the cliff, which should have been Mr. skeleton's residence, had few lights and lights. It was dark and looked extraordinarily penetrating.

Huang Liang is not sure whether he is in the building, but there is no doubt that it is almost impossible to approach the building intact. Not only at night, but also in broad daylight, only five people at the commander level can enter and leave the castle freely. If Mr. skeleton doesn't see the others, no matter who they are or when they appear within the range of the guards, they will be killed immediately.

No matter what Mr. skeleton is doing, he doesn't want anyone to disturb him or even close to his place. Huang Liang is very concerned about this. It is reasonable to say that the people in the "fortress" are his most sincere men, but he has always been vigilant towards these people, which makes Huang Liang puzzled.

What on earth is he afraid of?


Huangliang suddenly felt a man's palm pressing on his shoulder. He subconsciously grasped the palm and broke it.

"Shit! You're so cruel!" yelled Huang Liang stunned.

"Maple Leaf?!"

"It's me, damn it, you hurry to release your hand."

Huang Liang loosened his hand and turned to see the man standing behind him. It was really Ye Feng.

"How did TM get in?" Huang Liang stared at him, "you TM -"

"I'm married."

"Ah?" Huang Liang was even more confused.

"My daughter-in-law is the cook of 'Fortress', Zhuge iron and steel -"

"You married that fat woman?" Huang Liang stared.

"Yes, let's talk in another place. It's still too conspicuous here."

Ye Feng and Huang Liang came to a quiet corner and continued their conversation. Although they haven't seen each other for only a few days, they both have the illusion that time has changed.

"How did you hook up with that woman?"

"In order to attend the party, I can only make such a bad decision." Ye Feng said. He was disgusted and wanted to vomit. "You are me. I don't know how much I paid for coming in to help you, man."

"Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it at all," said Huang Liang. He met Zhuge iron and steel several times. It was because he didn't want to eat the disgusting things made by this woman that Huang Liang hurried to challenge other people after joining the "fortress", because only at the level of team leader or above can he not bear the food that this woman makes decisions that even pigs can't eat.

It was terrible. Huang Liang still had a strong feeling of vomiting when he saw the bucket of paste in the canteen for the first time, which he still remembered.

"Tell me what you found, man. Have you found Mr. skeleton's activity pattern?"

"No, I can't see him at all," said Huang Liang. "I'm not sure if he's really in the fortress."

"In other words, it is impossible for him to come to the canteen to have dinner with everyone?" asked Ye Feng.

"Of course not." Huang Liang glanced at him. "Are you going to poison his food? Save your energy."

"Well, my perfect plan was denied by you in one sentence." Ye Feng said, "in that case, what time do we waste? Go straight home."

"Don't say such frustrating words that don't help."

"Brother, I married Mr. skeleton in order to get married!" said Ye Feng. "Can't you give me a little strength? I asked you to stab me, not to let you take a walk in the big night!"

"Do you think I'm walking?"

"What are you doing?" said Ye Feng. "You're betting that Mr. skeleton will eat on his chassis after dinner? Don't dream. Save your energy."

"... what do you say we should do now?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Ye Feng rolled his eyes. "Damn it, we should have made a detailed plan and come back to the muddy water."

"We're not the only ones," Huang Liang said. "I saw several suspicious people. I suspect it was other people recruited by the red house."

"Like us, it's to solve Mr. skeleton?"

"It should be that they are slightly different from others and look strange."

"Then they should not be far from death," said Ye Feng. "Others see the suspicious things in them. At first glance, they are a group of amateurs."

"I can't tell." Huang Liang frowned. "Because we see people from different angles, we can see that they also have secrets, but Mr. skeleton's dog legs may not be able to notice those details."

"Damn it, in the final analysis, there is no progress." Ye Feng suddenly changed into an obscene expression, "man, did you take down Lamia?"

Huang Liang rarely had a long face, and he hesitated to say a few words that he could not understand.

"Is it a man? Give me a happy word."


"Who pushed who?"

"She took the initiative."

"I knew you were a loser and didn't have the courage. At the critical moment, you still had to rely on other people's women!" Ye Feng clapped his hands excitedly. "Damn it, how much money should I pay for your wedding? You're all second marriages. Do you think 200 is suitable?"

"Add ten thousand words after it."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly: "I knew..."

"At present, we still have to focus on this task," Huang Liang said. "Otherwise, we all have to die here."

"If it's a big deal, just run away. We can leave Cao Yan here and take Lamia away from this damn place." Ye Feng said disapprovingly, "it's good. We can kill many birds with one stone."

"Impossible." Huang Liang shook his head very realistically. "After understanding for a few days, I can tell you very likely that no one can leave this island unharmed. You should see the weapons that Mr. skeleton, that bastard, has arranged on the coastline."

Although he didn't want to admit this, Huang Liang realized that it was likely that they killed Mr. skeleton. It would still be a thorny problem if they left the damn island of banaya. If Mr. skeleton's crazy men pursued them, it would be difficult for them to successfully retreat. And there is still a huge hidden danger in Lamia's evacuation plan: can she and Cao Yan really steal a plane.

It's not to steal a bottle of drink or something, but to steal a plane. It's a behemoth.

Moreover, a practical problem is whether Huang Liang will fly the stolen plane and whether he can successfully fly it. These are all important questions. However, there are too many variables in the situation in front of them. Even if there are problems of one kind or another, Huang Liang can only start with the thing in front of him first: how to approach Mr. skeleton and find the time to start.

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