"Well, it seems that we are completely on the thief ship." Ye Feng shook his head reluctantly. "In fact, when Lisa came to me, I knew things would come to this point."

"Then you pull me into the water?" Huang Liang glared at him.

"It's because I know that things must not be simple that I pulled you into the water." Ye Feng said, "my only regret now is that I pulled Cao Yan's bastard in."

"You feel a little embarrassed? It's incredible. Do you know shame?"

"That's not true. I just feel that he hasn't done anything after he came. It's a pity that he can die at least once." Ye Feng said. "The main problem is that I have to pay his salary."

"Also..." Huang Liang stared at him helplessly. "You'd better hope for him. After all, whether we can leave the island depends on whether he can help Lamia steal a plane."

"I see hanging..."

"Me too, but my heart gnaws Lamia to death."

"All right."

The two chatted for a while. There was really no information to exchange. They went back to bed. Make an appointment to meet at dinner the next day.

Early the next morning, Huang Liang rarely came to the canteen. Due to the existence of paiba, he had not come to the low-grade canteen for dinner for several days. However, in order to talk to Ye Feng, he had to endure the risk of vomiting and come to the canteen to taste the technology of Zhuge iron and steel.

As a handyman, Ye Feng's work includes all the things that others don't want to do, that is, he has to take out the garbage and serve dishes.

"Man, come and eat this. I made it myself." Ye Feng brought a plate of black things, which was more disgusting than those made by Zhuge iron and steel.

"I don't eat." Huang Liang pushed the plate away.

The people in the canteen are only in twos and threes. Those who have a little ability go out to eat. Only those who are really lazy or have to eat, sigh and stir the food on the plate in the canteen. No one noticed Huang Liang and Ye Feng sitting in the corner.

"Are there any of these people like us?" Ye Feng whispered.

"No," said Huang Liang, "at least I don't see anything unusual about them. Those people who I think have problems have been mixed up at the level of team leader."

"You are already a platoon bully, so you can't work harder?"

"I think so." Huang Liang rolled his eyes. "I can't find a chance to challenge the five war leaders."

"Really..." Ye Feng muttered, "could it be that Mr. skeleton's mysticism style attracted his subordinates to imitate?"

"I don't know. I think they may be busy with something," Huang Liang said. "As for the 'mad dog' --"

"Is that the psychopath who is especially fond of the food made by my daughter-in-law?" Ye Feng knew the bad name of the "mad dog" and heard it from his wife "ZHUGE iron and steel".

This is the only man Zhuge iron and steel has ever refused in her life. Even from her low eyes, the "mad dog" is still too unreliable. Not only is he ugly - Zhuge iron and steel think he is ugly, you can imagine how ugly he is - but also his spleen is not good. In short, he is not a person who is passing the day.

Her patience was not in vain. She waited for Ye Feng to live.

"I don't think I can beat that mad dog," Huang Liang said bluntly.

"It's normal to know someone who can't beat a dog." Ye Feng said, "but we can use a little trick, don't you think?"

"What trick?"

"That bastard happened to like my wife's cooking very much." Ye Feng said with a bad smile, "let him have a good meal, don't you think."

"... your boy is really hurt."

"This is wisdom. Do you understand -"


"I'm coming!" Ye Feng replied, "Damn it, I have to go back to work. You know, girls like men with a strong sense of career. To be honest, they are men who can concentrate on making money and give them flowers. They don't go out to attract bees and butterflies, drink and socialize, have no love, and only know to make money. In other words, they should marry robots. What do you say, man."

"Your wife called you."

"I know. It's a disappointment." Ye Feng muttered and walked slowly to the back kitchen, "daughter-in-law, what do you want me to do? Take out the garbage?"

"..." looking at Ye Feng's back, Huang Liang shook his head helplessly. He seemed to enjoy it.


Ye Feng's plan soon began to be implemented. After Zhuge iron and steel explicitly rejected her, the idiot "mad dog" still remained infatuated with her. Even though Zhuge iron and Steel said to everyone that he had finally found true love - Ye Feng, the "mad dog" was still wholehearted to her.

This may be love. Ye Feng thought.

At least the persistence of "mad dog" is a good thing for Ye Feng and Huang Liang.


"Have you got it?" in the middle of the night, Ye Feng and Huang Liang came together again.

"Got it." Huang Liang handed a small paper bag to Ye Feng, "the effect may not be particularly powerful. I grabbed it from a drug seller."

"Rat poison?"

"Cockroach medicine."

"Will you poison the 'mad dog' all at once?" Ye Feng was a little uncertain. "If he died, we would be in trouble."

"I don't think so," said Huang Liang. "I tried, but it didn't help much at all. Holding on to death is just letting the 'mad dog' pull his belly. That bastard's stomach can resist the dishes made by your daughter-in-law, and cockroach medicine should be nothing."

"I hope so."

Early the next morning, the "mad dog" appeared.

He comes to this small canteen on time every day before others arrive. For him, this is the happiest time of the day. He can say a few words to his goddess Zhuge gang before others get up, although he is usually talking to himself.

The "mad dog" can't tell why he fell in love with Zhuge iron and steel. In his confused consciousness, perhaps this is the legendary love.

But Zhuge iron and steel recently had a boyfriend.

Mad dog thought he would be furious because of this. In fact, he did. When he heard the news for the first time, he immediately pushed down a wall in front of him. He angrily came to the canteen and wanted to kill Zhuge iron's new boyfriend.

But when he really saw Ye Feng, he was relieved to see Zhuge iron and steel and the way he looked at you and me‘ Mad dog 'understood the true meaning of love for the first time in his life.

Love is not that I have to be with you, but that I can see with my own eyes that the person I like can be happy. Love you is my business, has nothing to do with you.

"Mad dog" felt his soul sublimated. He became a poet that others could not understand. He observed Zhuge iron and Steel's happiness every day. Her happiness became his happiness.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, has become a special person for mad dogs.

"Hey, man, good morning. How did you sleep yesterday?" Ye Feng said hello to the mad dog standing at the door.

"OK." "mad dog" muttered, "where's Zhuge steel?"

"Making your breakfast. Hungry?"


"Right away, I'll bring it out for you."

Watching Ye Feng's figure disappear into the kitchen, "mad dog" feels that a new day has come. For him, eating his favorite breakfast every morning and chatting with Zhuge iron and steel and her little boyfriend are the most relaxing pastime.

It's just a little different today.

Before the "mad dog" finished eating the food like pig food, a stranger walked into the canteen and stood beside him. The little man - for the "mad dog", everyone is a little man - directly knocked the plate off his table, which made the "mad dog" extremely angry.

"You want to die?" he shouted at the dead bastard. "Do you know who I am?"

"The 'mad dog', the man is just like his name." Huang Liang looked at him calmly, "you are a war leader."

"Since you know who I am -"

"Go out and fight with me. If you lose, give up your position." Huang Liang said, "if you win, you can twist my head and kick the ball."

"You TM are sick." "mad dog" stared at Huang Liang for a long time. "OK! If you want to die, I will meet your wish! Let's go out and practice!"

"Mad dog" and Huang Liang came to the drill field. Some people who were training in the field were roughly kicked away by the "mad dog". Everyone focused on the "mad dog" and Huang Liang behind him. Some people had begun to point out to Huang Liang and seemed to be saying some sarcastic words.

Not many people know Huang Liang. Although he has become a platoon bully, there are more than a dozen platoon bullys in the "fortress". For most members of the "skeleton Pro corps", he is just a hairy boy who doesn't know.

It should be said that it is uncle Mao.

Without any opening remarks, standing on the field, the fight between Huangliang and the "mad dog" began.

Ye Feng sneaked out and mingled with the crowd. He was worried about the "mad dog".

Although the "mad dog" has an absolute advantage in shape and strength, even if it is simply scratched by his washbasin sized fist, it may be disabled, but Huang Liang's strategy is to swim away. He didn't have any direct contact with the "mad dog" at all, and kept circling around him.

Although the "mad dog" with long arms and legs has a wide range of attacks, the problem is that Huang Liang's speed and agility are not furnishings. On the premise of completely giving up the attack, Huang Liang makes the "mad dog" extremely depressed.

He is like a slippery loach, leaving the 'mad dog' helpless.

After trying to fight back several times, Huang Liang found that his attack was not painful for the "mad dog". He simply gave up the idea of attack and tried his best to escape. This makes the scene look one-sided and tends to be a "mad dog".

The sound of cheering Huang Liang gradually merged into a huge wave. Some people who don't mind the excitement even grabbed handfuls of sand and went up to the "mad dog" and Huang Liang. However, after the "mad dog" punched an idiot who was fishing in the water and vomited blood and was unconscious, the crowd gathered a little bit and stopped killing to annoy Huang Liang and the "mad dog".

Although some idiots outside the field distracted the attention of the "mad dog" and gave Huang Liang a chance to breathe, he fell into a hard struggle and couldn't find any hope of breaking the game.

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