Shit, did Ye Feng's bastard go wrong again?

Watching the 'mad dog' chasing after him, Huang Liang kept complaining in his heart.

He doesn't want to be a pastime object after breakfast, but judging from the current situation, the "mad dog" seems to have nothing to do. Huang Liang seriously suspects that Ye Feng didn't put cockroach medicine into the "mad dog" breakfast as planned.

In fact, Ye Feng in the crowd also wondered. He clearly remembered that he put a large bag of cockroach medicine into the pot of pig food. Even the "mad dog" said that the taste of breakfast today was somewhat different from that before. It seemed to be more delicious.

But why didn't he react at all?

The first thought in Ye Feng's mind was that the bastard selling medicine deceived him.

In fact, it's not anyone's fault. The medicine seller gave Ye Feng special cockroach medicine, and Ye Feng really put in a large bag of cockroach medicine in the breakfast of "mad dog".

It's just that 'mad dogs' are not ordinary people.

Maybe another person, he had already vomited and diarrhea because of cockroach medicine, and even didn't wake up.

But the problem is that in the process of long-term consumption of pig food cooked by Zhuge iron and steel, the "mad dog" has exercised his already good stomach even more horribly.

Even for cockroach medicine, his stomach is doing its best to decompose and digest. Although the impact on the "mad dog" photography is not as great as expected, in fact, the "mad dog" has been affected by cockroach drugs in the body and can't keep up with it.

But even a "mad dog" that can only give full play to 70% of its strength can not be easily dealt with by Huangliang.

And because he was convinced that Ye Feng's poisoning plan would succeed, in order to maximize the impact, Huang Liang didn't bring any weapons, so he went to the "mad dog" to fight alone.

He didn't even have an ear scoop on him, which made him angry and just wanted to curse his mother.

Damn it, I can't just run away. It's meaningless to turn around with him like this. Huang Liang's brain is thinking quickly. While turning around in the field, Huangliang kept observing the weapons that could be used by himself.

But there was nothing for him to use except the sand on the ground. The people in the whole venue were far away from him and the "mad dog". They were afraid that they would be affected by the "mad dog" if they were too close. This monster seemed to be a humanoid tank car. His big fist could bring a burst of wind. It was like a big iron ball.

"Mad dog" never needs weapons. Only with his own iron fist, he can smash all the enemies in front into meat and mud.

Huang Liang kept complaining.

Ye Feng, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, saw Huangliang's dilemma. He had never imagined that the "mad dog" had such a powerful combat effectiveness. He was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, trying to help Huangliang solve the dead situation he was facing at the moment.

Ye Feng knows very well that if he doesn't want to collect the body of Huangliang and make Lamia a a widow for the second time, he must come up with a way to help Huangliang break the game as soon as possible.

Damn it, I should now - while Ye Feng was looking around, he suddenly saw a man who looked like a wolf dog playing with a strange weapon. He immediately recognized what this weapon was.

Electric shock gun.

This can be used!

Ye Feng immediately came up to the man's back and touched him on his shoulder. The man immediately turned his head and looked behind him, and Ye Feng had walked away with the electric shock gun in his hand in the collision with him.

"Are you blind? Don't you have eyes?" the man shouted at Huang Liang.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't sleep well last night." Ye Feng nodded and bowed, with an extremely flattering attitude.

"OK, let's make a note."

Ye Feng immediately turned and walked away. When he had mixed in with more and more people, the idiot noticed that the stun gun in his hand was gone. He immediately shouted and tried to check the pockets of several people next to him. These eldest brothers are not good at stubble. They are very hot tempered. If they don't deal with them in a few words, they fight together and become a mess.

Ye Feng hid the electric shock gun under his clothes and walked quickly to another place where the crowd gathered. The sorghum in the field has been forced into a corner. In the face of the crazy attack of the 'mad dog', he seems to have no power to parry. In the exclamation of Ye Feng and other onlookers, he was punched by the "mad dog" and flew into the air. He flew a long way before falling to the ground.

Right in front of the maple leaf.

"Hey, idiot, here you are." Ye Feng threw the electric shock gun within reach of Huangliang. The latter was stunned and immediately hid the electric shock gun in his hand. The short stun gun was just right for him to hold with one hand.

Although he got the necessary weapons, Huang Liang was still angry. In his heart, he kept cursing Ye Feng and the weapons he threw. The electric shock gun can only be fired twice. Huang Liang doesn't know whether the only two shooting opportunities are gone, and whether the weapon in his hand is a plastic toy.

Damn it, what should I do?

"Idiot, that 'mad dog' didn't wear crotch protection!"

Ye Feng's cry came into Huang Liang's ear, and he immediately woke up.

Yes, that bastard certainly won't wear crotch protection, that is to say

Thinking turned to the idea, Huang Liang's body immediately took action. He turned and looked at the mad dog rushing towards him. He didn't choose to stand up, so he lay on the sand and looked coldly at the behemoth rushing towards him.

When the "mad dog" almost rushed in front of Huang Liang, Huang Liang's posture on the ground changed. He was on all fours, lying on the ground in a very unsightly position.

When the "mad dog" had stood in front of him and swung his huge fist, Huang Liang learned from the ancient Han Xin and humiliated his crotch. He turned directly under the leg of the mad dog.

The crowd around the war erupted into fierce sarcastic laughter, and some people laughed recklessly, as if they had found money.

this is it! Ye Feng secretly cheers for Huangliang in his heart. This is almost the only chance for Huangliang. If he doesn't succeed, he will become benevolent!

The problem is, he handed Huang Liang's electric shock gun. Something went wrong.

It doesn't work at all.

Huang Liang put the electric shock gun against a large shadow above his head. He did hear the cry of "mad dog" eating pain, but this cry was not a painful roar of strong current, but a roar of anger.

Shit! Ye Feng, you pit me!

Before Huang Liang could react, the "mad dog" who was completely angered bent down and grabbed Huang Liang's ankle with one hand. With a wave of his strength, Huang Liang immediately flew out and directly hit a group of good doers watching the excitement, falling seven meat and eight vegetables.

The "mad dog" rubbed his body, which was hard butted by Huang Liang with an electric shock gun, and staggered towards the scattered crowd. Huang Liang struggled to stand up, but this time he fell miserably. He couldn't grasp the balance at all.

Ye Feng appeared at the right time.

He grabbed the front of the "mad dog" and rushed to Huang Liang's side. He punched and kicked him. He kept swearing and swearing, as if he was the person who PK Huang Liang.

"Man, I'll teach you a lesson for this stupid bastard!" Ye Feng kicked Huang Liang aside step by step with a little thunder and rain. He stood between Huang Liang and the "mad dog" to fight for Huang Liang's breathing time, "I don't want to inquire. Whose fist is the hardest in the 'Fortress'! Don't stop me,' mad dog '. I have to teach him a lesson today. M, dare to find something in my canteen!"

"Mad dog" stared at Ye Feng in the "Rage" in confusion. He didn't remember when he had such a close friend. Ye Feng seemed to have a deep blood feud with Huang Liang.

"Mad dog" was a little moved.

But this was his fight after all. He gently patted Ye Feng on the shoulder - almost let him kneel directly - and motioned him to let go.

"I'll do it myself."

"You take a break and give me the waste!" Ye Feng turned a deaf ear and continued to let Huangliang get rid of the chase of "mad dog".

"I'll do it myself." "mad dog" grabbed Ye Feng, put him aside like carrying a garbage bag, and then strode to Huangliang.

Although Ye Feng finally failed to hold Huang Liang for too long, he had a short breathing time of dozens of seconds, which had awakened Huang Liang from his confused state. Without hesitation, he ran away, carrying the slow-moving "mad dog" around the field again.

Huang Liang is making sure that the weapon he just took out from an unknown person he hit is a knife. It's only the size of a palm, but it's very sharp.

It seems to be a shaving knife. Damn it, it can only be used.

Because of the scene that just happened, no good doer dared to get too close to the "mad dog" and Huangliang. Once the "mad dog" and Huangliang rushed to their position, everyone would immediately run a long distance to avoid being affected by the battle between them.

This made Huang Liang extremely helpless. His idea of looking for some unlucky people to make trouble for the 'mad dog' could not be realized.

What should we do? Huang Liang's brain is running at full speed.

"What happened? Darling?" a huge body stood behind Ye Feng, blocking all the light and shrouding him in a huge black shadow.

Ye Feng didn't have to look back to know that it was his "daughter-in-law" who came to see the excitement.

"The 'mad dog' is fighting with an idiot." Ye Feng turned to his huge daughter-in-law and said. Looking at the woman who weighs at least 300 kilograms, Ye Feng was not sure who was more terrible between her and the 'mad dog'.

It should be Zhuge iron and steel. After all, she inspires the terror of almost everyone in the "fortress". In order not to eat her dishes, everyone is trying to improve their strength. It is said that she took the initiative to pursue several unlucky men. Finally, Zhuge iron and steel gave up when those men forced them to die.

For Zhuge iron and steel, she can fall in love at first sight more than ten or even dozens of times a day. She won't take it to heart about being rejected. She has always believed in the idea that since her mother can find a husband willing to marry her, so can she. At least compared with her mother, she is still very feminine.

It was in order to increase her femininity that she learned to cook. Even pigs dislike what she makes. It was because she heard that there were many men in the fortress that she entered the fortress and became a cook.

But the problem is that this can't solve the problem at all. She still has to face the pain of being rejected for expressing herself to others countless times. Although she will forget when she turns around, she still has a very depressed life every day.

The appearance of Ye Feng, for her, was a surprise, the person she had been waiting for all her life.

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