"Ah..." Ye Feng suddenly stopped. He stood in a corner and stopped between several big stones. "Damn... It's impossible."

"What's the matter?" Huang Liang hurried to his side.

"Look what this is?" Ye Feng took out an iron plate from among the stones. "Do you remember seeing it above?"

"No impression." Huang Liang shook his head.

"Stupid, it's on the mad dog." Ye Feng said firmly, "he has been wearing this broken thing, such as goggles. I've seen this thing several times. You know him. He never wears a coat when he eats."

"Are you sure this thing belongs to a 'mad dog'?" Huang Liang hesitated. "It's not just something that looks similar. Or it was washed in by the sea. I heard that the version of 'mad dog' was thrown into the sea to feed sharks."

"It's impossible. Even sharks have to pursue a little. It's impossible to eat the fat of 'mad dogs'," Ye Feng said. "Moreover, the sea water can't bring this thing into this place from the outside. We've been walking in this cave for almost a quarter of an hour. It can't be what you said. And..."

"And what?"

"And this thing must belong to 'mad dog'." Ye Feng's face is a little pale. "See? These words. There are only four words. He made three mistakes."

"Pig brother iron?" Huang Liang took the beryllium copper rotten iron in Ye Feng's hand and could hardly recognize the crooked words on it. "What does this mean?"

"Your memory is really bad enough, Huang Liang. Have you forgotten your dear fiancee's name?" Ye Feng reminded, "his name is Zhuge iron and steel. I should have told you, 'mad dog' fell in love with her at first sight and never forgot it. Speaking of it, I won love with a horizontal knife." Ye Feng farted, "In fact, as long as it's a girl with open eyes, she won't choose the latter between me and 'mad dog', will she?"

"It's really a 'mad dog' thing." Huang Liang looked at the rag in his hand in surprise, "but why did he leave it here?"

"It seems that the rumor you heard is wrong. Huangliang, 'mad dog' was not thrown to feed sharks. He was thrown here." Ye Feng said, "like you, he was thrown into this dark cave. By the way, where's my idiot powder?"

"It has been searched," said Huang Liang.

"That means I can't get it back again?" Ye Feng howled angrily, "I haven't had time to use it for Cao Yan!!"

"Are you really going to turn him into an idiot?" Huang Liang looked at him. "I thought you were joking."

"No, I've never been so serious. I'm just waiting for a good time!" said Ye Feng. "A time when Cao Yan, that bastard, completely angered me!"

"Well..." Huang Liang shrugged, "you'd better pick when I'm not present, otherwise I'll stop you."

"You don't have to worry that your little follower will become more stupid." Ye Feng said, "I'm just a bottle of idiot powder. Damn it, only the idiot poisonous scorpion has enjoyed its magical effect!"

"Come on, come on, don't ink," said Huang Liang. "My curiosity is stronger. I can see what kind of things he is facing right away."

"I really wish I could see nothing." Ye Feng whispered, "don't you know why Curiosity Kills cats?"

"Don't ink, keep up."


"There's an idiot dozing off. I'll touch him and knock him unconscious," Lamia said. "Then you take the opportunity to enter the hangar and be careful not to let the people patrolling the runway see you."

"I see," said bettek, "but I'll beat that idiot."

"No, no, I'm a woman," Lamia said. "If I'm accidentally seen by others, they won't use weapons against me."

"But --"

"That's it. There's no time for dawdling. We must seize every second," Lamia said. "See if the lighter works. Don't drop the chain at the critical moment."

"Don't worry, it'll catch fire as soon as you hit it," said bettick. "Then I'll rush into the hangar according to your plan and light all the barrels of oil in it."

"Don't let yourself get involved in fire or explosion," Lamia warned. "Don't let yourself die in such a place." "of course," bettick said. "In fact, I haven't lived enough."

"OK, move."

The two men ran in two different directions.


"Damn it, how deep is this cave?" Ye Feng complained. "Sorghum, if these luminous plants hadn't given some light to this damn place, I TM thought I fell into hell!"

"Shut up, I heard some noise," said Huang Liang. "Did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear anything except the grunting sound from my shriveled stomach." Ye Feng said, "you heard it wrong. Damn it, have we been reduced to the point of hallucination? I think we'd better turn around and go back. At least we can spell it. Like now, we have only one way to die, and the worst way to die: starvation."

"Shut up, I heard you right. It's not far from us. Listen," Huang Liang said.

Ye Feng calmed down to listen to the voice that Huangliang might not exist at all. He really heard something. A low chirping voice, like a bird with tonsil inflammation.

"I'll go. It seems that something is really waiting for us in front. You're right, Huangliang. Shit, there's a living creature ahead." Ye Feng said, "can it be a 'mad dog'? Damn, can that pig make such a sound?"

"Just look at it. Hurry up, you coward."

Ye Feng whispered a few times, dragged his reluctant steps and slowly followed behind Huang Liang. He had a feeling of falling into the net, as if he was actively approaching some evil existence.

At least an unknown danger.

It's dangerous.

Ye Feng's sixth sense and intuition are shouting desperately, warning him that he must not move on. But the strong curiosity in his heart drove Ye Feng to continue to step.

Ye Feng's curiosity is even more rampant than Huangliang. He wants to know what kind of things Mr. skeleton hides in such a cave and what kind of good things he would hide in this place.

Also, did he steal the things hidden here from the red house?

One by one, the problems that made Ye Feng scratch his ears and cheeks were constantly in his mind, so that he had to take steps towards the existence of that position step by step.

When he finally saw the true purpose of that thing, Ye Feng regretted it.

It was a huge piece of meat, and it was difficult to describe its appearance: the monster who kept muttering was a big meat ball that sang for several meters, several meters wide and several meters high. Because it fills the tunnel of the whole cave, it is difficult to determine how big it is.

In short, it was very big. Huang Liang and Ye Feng stared at him, opened their mouths and subconsciously stepped back.

They also saw a big dirty arm, which should be the arm of a 'mad dog'.

"You stink. You don't like it."

Big meat ball said such a vague word.


"Smelly, don't like to eat!"

Big meatball was angry and the whole rock tunnel began to shake. At this moment, Huang Liang and Ye Feng almost peed. A big monster who can't see a shape and can't distinguish five features - only a big crack can be vaguely seen, which seems to be a mouth - can't be described as terrible. What is TM.

At least it swallowed the shocked Huang Liang and Ye Feng without coming up, which was a great luck in misfortune. And from the monster's words, it seems that it doesn't intend to swallow leaf maple and sorghum, which is quite novel.

Because of their excitement and shock, Huang Liang and Ye Feng didn't even realize how terrible it was that a big meat ball could spit people out.

"Er, do you, do you have a name, man?" Ye Feng ventured, "Hey, man, we are friends with a friendly purpose. We --"

"Name, name, that thing."

"Ah?" Ye Feng was stunned, "what?"

"Name, that thing," growled the meatball.

"Your name is that thing, isn't it?" Huang Liang asked.

"That thing, that thing."

"Er... It's really a good name. You can remember it all at once. Ha ha ha." Ye Feng smiled awkwardly, "excuse me, man, we'll leave now. I'm deeply sorry to disturb your rest. Let's go now -"

"Stay, stay, food!"

"Er... Remember? We smell smelly. It's definitely not a good choice for food, man." Ye Feng waved his hand again and again.

Damn it, does this idiot know how to store food for the winter? Ye Feng hesitated. He couldn't see whether the big meat ball had a structure similar to hands and feet. Although he saw it, he still didn't dare to act rashly. He doesn't want to be swallowed and digested by such things.

I can't stand it when I think about it.

I might as well cut myself! Ye Feng thought.

He secretly looked at Ye Feng aside. The cold man's face was also a cautious look, full of cold sweat. Although he couldn't see how scared he was, it was not difficult to see from his clenched fist that his heart was in great panic.

Damn it, what should I do now?

Ye Feng was completely confused. He thought that there might be a big crocodile or even a giant hidden here, but he never thought that he would see a talking dumpling filling in the cave.

This is certainly not a natural creature. No, it is absolutely impossible. Maple leaf has never seen such a thing once. It is obviously an alien species or man-made. In other words, why does it speak human words? It seems to have a little intelligence, although it doesn't look very smart.

But it TM can speak human words!!

Ye Feng is almost scared to pee his pants. He may have peed, because he is covered with sticky sea water. He doesn't know whether he has peed his pants at all. Ye Feng glanced at Huang Liang's face beside him. Although he was still an expressionless poker face, his face was very pale and looked like a child who was too frightened to speak.

Damn it, what if this thing has a cramp and eats me and sorghum directly?

In other words, why doesn't this dumpling stuffing give us a tooth sacrifice? Did my despotic spirit frighten it?

How could

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