"Hey, look." Ye Feng poked Huang Liang's arm. "There's something on the dumpling filling. It doesn't seem to be a meat pimple."


Following Ye Feng's eyes, Huang Liang looked up. There is something that looks different on the head of the big monster. From the material, it seems that it is not meat, but something with metallic luster


Huang Liang had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

"Ye Feng, is that what the Red House asked us to look for?" Huang Liang said, "I think it's not far from ten."

"Well, we'll finish the task right away," said Ye Feng with a bitter smile. "The problem is, we directly want the dumpling filling. Can he give it? I think it's a little hanging."

"We have to try. We can't turn around and run," said Huang Liang. "Who knows how long the tongue of this thing is. If it sticks out its tongue like a toad, it will roll us into our mouth. We don't care if we run."

"Heroes think alike," said Ye Feng. "I've been worried about it, otherwise I would have run away."

"... you are really Frank." Huang Liang rolled his eyes. "You can't inform me before you plan to escape."

"I've thought about it. I'll pull your hand at that time. Whether you can understand it or not is your business," Ye Feng said, "Brother, I've done my utmost. But the problem is, if I knew in advance that I would encounter such a monster after I came in, I wouldn't come in. Man, although there are some that, I dare say that if it were you, you wouldn't come in."

"That's true..." Huang Liang nodded.

"You, smelly, you, smelly!"

"Well, I know we stink. Believe me, I lived under the same roof with a woman of 300 Jin for several days. I can't take a bath at all, because she is still peeping at you all the time." Ye Feng turned his eyes. Because the monster didn't show the slightest intention to hurt them for so long, Ye Feng was no longer afraid as before. He even had leisure to joke.

"Shut up and don't annoy it."

"Don't worry, I'm free and measured." said Ye Feng, who didn't have any discretion at all. "This thing seems a little stupid and cute, don't you think?"


"OK." Ye Feng shrugged, "that thing, this is your name, isn't it?"

"That thing doesn't like eating. It stinks."

"Well, you must keep that, man. What kind of delicious food do you like?" Ye Feng asked. "I bet this thing is completely different from us, at least in the view of delicious food."

"... shut up."

"Fragrant, like to eat!"

"For you, what is fragrant?" Ye Feng took out the scrap iron of the original 'mad dog', "is this thing fragrant?"

"Fragrant, fragrant!"

The monster was immediately excited.

"Ye Feng!" Huang Liang was also excited. "What are you doing? Don't die!"

"Er... Sorry, I didn't expect it to be so excited." Ye Feng hurriedly threw the rag in his hand at the big monster, who swallowed it directly. A sound of chewing metal rang out in the tunnel and echoed for a long time.

"Er... Your teeth are really good. Can you tell me your dentist's phone number?" Ye Feng said in a low voice, "Damn, Huangliang, do you see? It's like chewing gum. I have no doubt that 'mad dog' has long become feces and excreted by this thing."

"That thing! That thing!"

"Sorry, I know your name is that thing. There's no need to remind me." Ye Feng said hurriedly, "Huangliang, let's fight and run back!"

"Don't you think it's a little late to say that now?"


When the hangar was completely engulfed by the flame generated by the violent explosion, beitik almost couldn't run to a safe place. While he was attacked by the shock wave, Lamia was running outside the airport with all his strength.

The explosion was surprisingly good and completely exceeded Lamia's expectations. Everyone in the airport was attracted by the sudden explosion. No one noticed that there were two uninvited guests trying to leave in the noisy airport.

When the two men met in the woods, beitik looked miserable. His whole body was smoked black. Except for his bright eyes, he almost became the bottom of the pot.

"Are you hurt?" asked Lamia.

"It's OK. It's all skin trauma. There may be burns in several places, but it's not serious." beitik reluctantly smiled. "Damn, don't call me next time for such a thing. I'm no better now than I was in the past. I'm not in good health."

"Well, I swear this is the last time," Lamia said apologetically. "Let's go. Let's find a place and deal with your wound first."

"It's enough for them this time." bietik looked at the smoke billowing airport. "Damn, my leg..."


It's tangled.

Ye Feng and Huang Liang are tangled now.

They are obsessed with how to deal with the current situation.

Turn around and run away?

There are several fully armed skeleton's dog legs at the entrance of the cave. They don't have a weapon that can be used for self-defense. In particular, Huangliang was hungry for a day, and he didn't sleep all night last night. He was in a period of fatigue and physical discomfort, so he had trouble standing.

What should I do?

Ye Feng couldn't pay attention, especially maybe it was the goal of the task: the device on the head of that thing was obviously an artificial object, maybe it was the thing that red house sent them to look for. Seeing that it was close at hand, but it was like far away, which made Ye Feng uncomfortable.

He is a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"We are likely to starve to death here," said Huang Liang. He and Ye Feng have sat down against the rock wall. The thing makes a deafening snore. The big monster has fallen asleep, but Huang Liang and Ye Feng still dare not act rashly.

"Maybe this thing will be eaten as dessert after waking up." Ye Feng eagerly stared at the thing on the head, "Huang Liang, what do you say that thing is used for?"

"I don't know. It may be a decoration."

"Fart, it's not easy to put that device on the monster's head. Maybe several unlucky people died because of this," Ye Feng said, "I think it must be a very important existence. And I wonder why the bone shelf sent you here since the big meat ball is not interested in us? Did he ask you to be a psychologist? Talk with the monster? No, although the mind of the bone shelf has been clamped by the door frame, it hasn't been normal."



"Mr. skeleton's head was pinched by the door frame?" Huang Liang asked, "it shouldn't be your fabrication."

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes." Ye Feng vowed, "I kicked the door."

"... no wonder he never forgets you." Huang Liang said.

"It's really distressing to be missed by a man, especially a disgusting idiot like Mr. skeleton." Ye Feng said, "Damn, I really don't want to spit out the rest of the food in my stomach..."


"We really should have a try," said Ye Feng. "What if we succeed? We'll die anyway. We'll die sooner or later. We might as well fight."

"I advise you to give up this unrealistic idea," Huang Liang said. "Don't you see? Even if the monster fell asleep, its huge eyes still didn't close. I doubt that it doesn't have the physical structure of eyes at all."

"You mean, if we get close to it, it's likely to come out of sleep --"

"It's right to wake up directly," said Huang Liang. "Nine times out of ten this is the case. I must remind you that I can't handle the 'mad dog' alone. Even with you, I think it's enough. Of course, I'm talking about empty handed --"

"Shit!" Ye Feng shouted.

"What's the matter? I was surprised." Huang Liang looked at him with disgust. "Do you want to wake up the monster who finally fell asleep?"

"Huangliang!" Ye Feng looked at Huangliang excitedly, "we are not unarmed."

"What? You have diapers?" Huang Liang looked at him contemptuously, as if he were looking at a psychopath. "Are you crazy? Ah? We have turned our pockets over and over countless times, no, nothing!"

"No, I have. Look at this." Ye Feng put his palm up in front of Huang Liang. He whispered a name, as if calling his lover, "valkiri..."

A silver gun with exquisite runes carved on it appeared in Huang Liang's hand. Huang Liang was stunned by this scene.

"Isn't this the gun that claims to have been blessed by God?" Huang Liang stared at the 'valkiri' in Huang Liang's hand in surprise. "Damn, where did you hide it before? When did you learn this hand?"

"In fact, I have forgotten him. In fact, I still remember that on the way to banaya Island, we were forced to drift in the sea for a period of time. Remember? It was definitely the most painful thing I had experienced in my life. In that process, I lost this' valkiri ', and I thought she would never be found. Remember? I'm here I had a bad temper at that time. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have twisted the bastard Cao Yan's head off and made a pot at night. "

"There seems to be such a thing, but your mood is out of control." Huang Liang said, "why don't you say it?"

"Why say it so that everyone's mood will be cast a shadow before they officially start to take action?"

In fact, these are Ye Feng's excuses. He simply forgot valkiri. For him, this weapon has too much uncertainty and too many random factors, so to some extent, Ye Feng doesn't particularly like this weapon, at least he doesn't want to use it. He himself is a person with great randomness. With a weapon with greater randomness, Ye Feng always feels a little out of place.

And Ye Feng is an optimist. Although he always says some sad words, he is very able to adjust himself. After finding that valkiri was gone, Ye Feng really didn't take it to heart, but what to do.

For his heartless character, it can only be said that he is a double-edged sword. Sometimes he will live happily, but sometimes he will bring some trouble to himself because he is too heartless and does not care about the feelings of others.

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