"Are you really so magical?" Huang Liang looked at the 'valkiri' in Ye Feng's hand, which is exquisite and regarded as a work of art. In his heart, Huang Liang also wanted a magical weapon.

"Of course, it seems that this thing hasn't left me at all." Ye Feng said proudly, "it's strange that it's not the artifact that God has opened light himself, or it's extraordinary." Ye Feng caressed the gun body of 'valkiri'. He seemed to feel that the gun was communicating with him, and he seemed to complain that Ye Feng had forgotten it all the time.

"That thing, not this thing!"

Roared the monster, who seemed to have awakened.

"Huang Liang, stay away." Ye Feng said to Huang Liang, "would you like a barbecue?"

"Barbecue? Forget it. I want something light." Huang Liang shook his head. Are you kidding? Does that monster look like it can eat?

I'm thankful not to be eaten by it, Huang Liang thought depressed.

"What do you want?" he stood behind Ye Feng.

"Fix it," said Ye Feng confidently.

"Take care of it? Can you do it alone?"

"You can't add much combat power," said Ye Feng, "but don't forget that I have valkiri in my hand! It can hit enchanted bullets."

"Uh... True or false?"

"When did I lie to you?"

"About two thirty-five yesterday morning."

"... do you remember how I cheated you to eat mustard yesterday?" Ye Feng looked back at Huang Liang without saying a word, "you small bellied man."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up if you want to do anything." Huang Liang said. "I don't want to spend time with it here anymore."

"Hey, hey, no problem."

Ye Feng pointed valkiri at the big monster and pulled the trigger decisively.

There was a loud bang.

The big monster was inevitably hit by the bullet fired by valkiri. In a violent explosion, Huang Liang and Ye Feng flew out directly by the surging shock wave.

The two men first flew more than ten meters in the rock tunnel, and then a bloody storm stained both of them with dirt. A strong smell of barbecue filled the cave.

Inevitably, a position in the cave shook, Ye Feng barely got down, then pulled up the stunned sorghum and hobbled to the exit of the cave.

In the corner of his eye, Huang Liang saw the device on the big monster's head. Then he picked it up, buttoned off a large piece of broken meat stuck on it, and ran towards the small light spot with a strong urge to vomit.

"Do you know how powerful it is?" yelled Huang Liang.

"Of course I don't know. If I know, I can stand so close to the big meat ball?" Ye Feng also roared back. He felt that he had broken at least three ribs.

"That monster should not survive?" Huang Liang said. "This TM is more terrible than explosion. Your weapons TM are too scary?"

"Hahaha, just like me."

In fact, Ye Feng has been muttering in his heart. He realizes that he can't control the "valkiri" in his hand. Last time he used this gun, the bullets he fired were equipped with the ability of fire or frost, but there has never been such a big explosive force.

At the moment of shooting, he felt a strong anger, which was valkiri's anger. She seemed to be furious that she had been ignored.

This is a good girl with a good temper. Ye Feng said silently in his heart. He believed that valkiri heard his voice, and the gun in his hand was trembling slightly.

It seems to be expressing a very clear idea: you have vision.

Ye Feng is a little melancholy.

There seems to be another existence he can't provoke.

"Look, someone is blocking the entrance of the mountain!" yelling Huang Liang woke Ye Feng. He subconsciously raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

Huang Liang immediately crawled to the bottom, and Ye Feng, too, immediately lay on the ground. The three people blocking the entrance of the mountain were stunned by the actions of Ye Feng and Huang Liang, but the actions on their hands had been done, and the gunfire was loud for a moment.

But the bullet shot by Ye Feng should have unparalleled accuracy compared with the dozens of bullets shot by the three dog legs.

The bullet, like precise guidance, drew a strange route in the air. It entered from one person's temple, then came out of his armpit, then went into the next person's eye socket, then out of his ear, shot into the last person's mouth, and then fell directly to the ground with three bodies.

Huang Liang and Ye Feng didn't see the strange scene. They were lying on the ground waiting for the violent explosion. But after a series of gunshots, all around suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Ye Feng had the courage to open his eyes and looked around. When he saw the three bodies falling in the sea, he gave a sigh of relief and patted the Yellow sorghum still running in the sea.

"Man, don't pretend to be an ostrich. It's okay."

"What happened?" Huang Liang got up in embarrassment.

"I don't know." Ye Feng scratched his head. "Those guys are dead." he went forward and checked the three bodies poured into the sea. "They are all dead."

"Valkiri is really powerful enough," said Huang Liang excitedly. "With it, we can wipe out this' Fortress'!"

"Er... It doesn't seem to work." Ye Feng's face is very ugly. "Valkiri just said to me --"

"To you? That gun to you? Well, it's really extraordinary..."

"- it can only shoot three bullets a day." Ye Feng scratched his head. "She has shot two bullets today, and she can only use them again. Then she has to wait for tomorrow."

"Can't it add a shift today?"

"No, she said to get enough sleep."

"..." Huang Liang looked at Ye Feng with an expressionless face, "you're kidding me, aren't you?"

"I hope so," said Ye Feng bitterly. "She is a girl with a lot of personality. You can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. I can only let her temper."

"By the nature of a gun, for heaven's sake, Ye Feng, listen to what you say!" Huang Liang helplessly raised his hands. "Is there nothing reasonable?"

"Man, I'm sorry, it doesn't seem to be true," said Ye Feng.

"Red house, Mr. skeleton, and the big monster called that thing hidden in the cave, damn it, when did I fall into the fantasy world?" Huang Liang collapsed and said, "you TM have a blessed gun that can only shoot three times a day?! damn, for the sake of the plague, who can wake me up from my dream."

"Relax, this little thing is nothing. Have you ever been swallowed into your stomach by a monster and pulled out by it after a day and a night? You have no, I have. Have you ever been firmly bound by a group of big headed aliens and transferred by them in turn? You have no, I have. Have you ever held a big turtle that seems to be nothing special at all, but it is Did you go through the past door handle? You didn't, I did. Man, relax, the world is not what you think. You're just an ignorant child, and each of us is. So you don't have to be so unacceptable, man, relax and let it go. If I've learned anything around that old Dick bastard, it's better It's one thing: something worse has never happened. "

Ye Feng's words played a role. Huang Liang, who fell into emotional collapse, finally calmed down. He covered his forehead and said to Ye Feng, "sorry, man, I'm out of control."

"Nothing, normal. I often experience similar things. Believe me, you will have resistance when you experience more." Ye Feng patted Huang Liang's arm.

"But --"

"Not so much, but we can only accept it in many cases." Ye Feng said, "what's in your hand?" Ye Feng curiously took the blood stained thing in Huangliang's hand, "eh? Isn't this the thing on the dumpling filling head?"

"That lump of dumpling stuffing has now become a real dumpling stuffing." Huang liangsuo said, "I picked it up."

"What on earth is this thing for?" Ye Feng looked at the metal device in his hand curiously. "It looks like an iron bottle. What I don't understand is why the dumpling stuffing doesn't eat us. Is it really because we smell very smelly? We can't smell more smelly than the mad dog who doesn't know what" bathing "means?"

"Who knows."

In fact, it doesn't eat sorghum and leaf maple for a small reason, but even Mr. skeleton, who hid it in the cave, doesn't know.

Mr. skeleton just thinks that it eats people, and he likes eating people very much. But what he doesn't know is that the taste of that thing is very tricky. It really likes to eat people, but it only eats people who have lived on banaya island for a long time. Those who have only lived for a few years don't want to eat.

At least the food was grudging.

This big monster was not so picky at the beginning. Even if it was given shit, it would taste it. But it grew bigger and bigger bit by bit - it didn't have such a big body shape at the beginning and was fed big - it began to pick and choose food. It couldn't move chicken, duck, fish and meat. It didn't eat any pigs, cattle and sheep it liked before. It became extremely picky and single-minded, which gave Mr. skeleton a headache.

Very, very headache. After all, there are still a few people on the island of banaya

Huang Liang and Ye Feng, who have only been on the island for a short time, have no interest in them at all. It is too smelly to describe them in its words.

Why does that thing only eat people on the island of banaya?

The reason is very complex. A simple explanation is that people living on this island all year round have been unconsciously changed by the environment on the island. Although they have no obvious characteristics, they are indeed different from humans in other places, with only slight differences, but they are also different.

And few people realize this. They realize that the residents living on the island of banaya are actually very special.

This small island is a very magical island. Foreign civilizations have made the third kind of contact with the residents of the island here. Although decades have passed, few people know what happened.

But it was a very scary story.

So that almost all the people involved in this story have died, and the way of death is extremely scary and painful

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